
#18 Deciphering China’s Mainstream Advertising Technologies

In the digital era, Advertising Technology (AdTech) has become the core driving force of the advertising industry, reshaping the advertising market landscape at an unprecedented rate. It greatly enhances the efficiency and precision of advertising delivery and promotes the digital transformation of the advertising industry. This article will delve into the principles of AdTech, provide a detailed analysis of China’s mainstream advertising technologies and their corresponding tools, and offer strategic advice for advertisers on selecting the right advertising technology tools.

Principles of Implementation

The implementation of AdTech is rooted in the deep integration of big data, artificial intelligence, and automation technologies. Its essence lies in collecting and analyzing multi-dimensional, real-time user data to construct precise user profiles, thereby achieving personalized advertising delivery and performance optimization. This process can be roughly divided into the following key steps:

●Data Collection:User behavior data on the Internet is collected using various methods, including cookie tracking, device ID recognition, social media login information, etc., covering browsing history, search records, purchase behavior, and more.

●Data Processing and Analysis:Raw data is transformed into valuable insights through data cleaning, integration, and modeling, involving advanced analytical techniques such as data anonymization, user segmentation, and interest prediction.

●TargetAudience Positioning:Based on user profiles, algorithmic models identify potential audience groups that meet the needs of advertisers, achieving precise advertising delivery.

●Real-Time Bidding (RTB):On the advertising trading platform (AdExchange), DSPs and SSPs compete for advertising display opportunities through a real-time bidding mechanism. DSPs automatically bid for suitable ad spaces based on the budget and target audience set by the advertiser.

●AdDisplay and Performance Tracking:After the ad content is accurately delivered to the target audience, the system continuously tracks key indicators such as ad display frequency, click-through rate, conversion rate, etc., to evaluate the ad performance and adjust the delivery strategy accordingly.

Overview of Mainstream Advertising Technologies and Corresponding Tools in China

With the vigorous development of the digital economy in China, advertising technology has shown a trend of diversification. Here is an overview of China’s mainstream advertising technologies and their corresponding tools:

●ProgrammaticBuying Platformsprovide comprehensive solutions for programmatic buying, supporting advertisers to deliver ads through RTB or Private Marketplace (PMP),andoptimizing the allocation of advertising resources. Representative platforms include Tencent Advertising, Alimama, Baidu Marketing, andYOYITECH.

●DataManagement Platform (DMP)tools focus on data collection, integration, and management, offering advertisers a wealth of data tags and in-depth analytical capabilities to aid in precise marketing. Representative service providers include Sensors Data, Umeng+, Getui, andYOYITECH.

●Demand-side Platform (DSP)tools allow advertisers to manage their advertising budgets autonomously, set delivery strategies, and adjust the delivery effects in real-time to enhance the ROI of advertising. Representative service providers includeYOYI TECH.

●Supply-sidePlatform (SSP)tools represent the media side, integrating and optimizing their own and third-party advertising resources, offering advertisers a variety of ad space choices, and improving ad fill rates and revenue. Representative service providers include Mango TV Advertising Platform, Youku Advertising Platform, and Toutiao Advertising Platform.

●AdvertisingTrading Platform (AdExchange)tools act as the hub of the advertising market, connecting advertisers, DSPs, SSPs, and other participants, achieving real-time transactions and dynamic pricing of ad spaces. Representative service providers include Tencent Advertising Trading Platform, Baidu Phoenix Nest, and Alimama Taobao Alliance.

●CustomerRelationship Management (CRM)tools not only help businesses manage customer information but also enhance customer experience and promote sales conversion and loyalty through data analysis. Representative service providers include Salesforce,Facishare, and Kingdee Cloud.

●MarketingAutomation (MA)tools can automate tasks such as email marketing, social media posting, and customer journey management, significantly improving marketing efficiency and outcomes. Representative MA tools for the consumer goods market in China include LinkFlow and Convertlab.

●Content and Creative Generation Technologyuses natural language processing, image recognition, and other technologies to automatically generate advertising copy and design materials, improving creative output efficiency. Youyi Technology’s Compass has AI creative production and copywriting capabilities, helping advertisers reduce manpower and enhance creative efficiency.

How Advertisers Choose the Right Advertising Technology Tools

When selecting AdTech or MarTech tools, advertisers should think carefully to ensure that the chosen tools can maximize the realization of their marketing goals. Here are detailed expansions on the five considerations mentioned above to enhance their persuasiveness and practicality:

●Precise Target Audience Positioning:Understand the audience thoroughly by defining their characteristics such as age, gender, geographic location, interests, and purchase behavior. Obtain detailed audience information through market research and user profile construction.

●Tool Matching Degree:Based on the characteristics of the target audience, advertisers should choose AdTech or MarTech tools that can accurately identify and reach these audiences. For example, if the target audience is mainly active on social media, choosing a tool with strong social media advertising capabilities would be more appropriate.

●Comprehensive Assessment of Data Capabilities:Evaluate the tool’s data collection channels, data storage and cleaning, integration capabilities, and advanced data analysis techniques and algorithms to ensure data quality and security.

●Smoothness of Technology Integration:Understand the tool’s compatibility with existing systems, the richness of API interfaces, and the support and training provided by the supplier.

●In-depth Analysis of Cost-effectiveness:Clarify the initial investment, long-term costs, and ROI assessment of the tool to choose a cost-effective solution.

As technology continues to advance, China’s AdTech will continue to evolve, providing brands with more intelligent and personalized marketing solutions. Enterprises should seize the opportunities of digital transformation and use these technologies to optimize marketing strategies, enhance brand influence, and improve market competitiveness.


#20 2024 China Advertiser Marketing Trends: Adaptive Development and Self-Driven Evolution

With the recovery of China’s economy and the ever-changing market environment in 2024, advertisers are facing new challenges and opportunities. According to the “2024 China Advertiser Marketing Trends Survey Report” released by CTR Market Research and the Advertiser Research Institute of the Communication University of China, we can see that advertisers are accelerating their own “self-driven evolution” to adapt to the development and changes of the market.

The Advertising Market Shows Strong Adaptability

In the first quarter of 2024, the growth rate of China’s GDP and the total retail sales of consumer goods showed a clear positive correlation with the growth rate of the advertising market. The advertising market has shown a resilient development trend based on changes in the macro environment. According to the report data, the growth rate of the advertising market is consistent with the growth rates of GDP and the total retail sales of consumer goods, indicating that the advertising market has strong adaptability and resilience.

Advertisers Focus on Internal Energy Storage

Against the backdrop of increasing external environmental uncertainty, advertisers pay more attention to optimizing their internal operations. The report points out that advertisers’ scoring of their business conditions (on a scale of 1-10) is above 7.0, showing a high regard for internal factors.Advertisers have achieved resilient development through proactive internal measures, such as senior decision-making behavior, brand development needs, and business management measures.

Innovation Driven by Limited Budget Growth

Despite limited budget growth, advertisersseekto achieve more goals and better results through innovation. In terms of new product promotion, the report mentions that 92% of advertisers have new product development needs, and the marketing expenses for new product promotion in 2024 are expected to increase by 3 percentage points. This indicates that advertisers stimulate brand vitality through new products and take on more innovative responsibilities in the marketing department.

Application of New Technology

Advertisers are very interested in the development of AIGC (Artificial Intelligence Generated Content). The report shows that nearly 80% of advertisers are expected to apply AIGC in 2024, an increase of 9 percentage points from last year. Creative content generation is the main field where advertisers use AIGC, reflecting the active exploration of advertisers in the application of new technologies.

User Expansion and Market Extension

Advertisers precipitate “new retention” of brands through cross-border breakthroughs, and at the same time, they expect to increase investment in regional marketing in prefecture-level cities, county-level cities, rural areas, and international markets. The report points out that the proportion of advertisers of different scales in 2024 that are expected to increase investment in regional markets is compared with the overall level, showing that large enterprises attach great importance to increasing investment in international markets, while small and medium-sized enterprises focus on increasing investment in the sinking market.

Mental Accumulation and Content Empowerment

Advertisers build a content middle platform to unify the main tone and build a multi-element content ecosystem. The report emphasizes that 84% of advertisers agree that “content marketing is the best way to achieve brand differentiation and deepen consumer relationships.” Content marketing has become a way that advertisers value, especially on their own apps, official websites, and other channels.

Confidence Transmission and Industry Progress

Advertisers take the initiative to boost the confidence of related parties in the industry chain, such as increasing investment in media public relations propaganda and maintaining middlemen/agents. Television media, especially CCTV, hasastrong influence value and has become an important channel for advertisers to carry out strategic exposure.


In 2024, the marketing trends of Chinese advertisers show the characteristics of adaptive development and self-driven evolution. With limited budgets, advertisers are striving to achieve continuous growth and enhance brand value in the ever-changing market environment through strategies such as internal optimization, innovation drive, user expansion, market extension, mental accumulation, and confidence transmission. With the continuous emergence and application of new technologies, advertisers are actively exploring more efficient and accurate marketing methods to adapt to and lead the development trend of the market.

For the complete report,please send email


#21 China Skincare and Makeup Industry Advertising Qualification Details

As consumers increasingly demand quality, safety, and brand reputation, compliance with advertising qualifications has become an indispensable part for overseas brands to successfully enter the international market. Different countries and regions have strict laws, regulations, and industry standards for the advertising of skincare and makeup products. This requires brands to understand and comply with local advertising qualification details to ensure the positive shaping of the brand image and the smooth expansion of the market. This article aims to provide overseas brands with an overview of the advertising qualification details in the skincare and makeup industry, helping you to cross regional boundaries and accurately grasp the advertising standards and requirements of the Chinese market.

General Cosmetics – Facial Cleansing and Care

Industry Description

Manufacturing and distribution of daily chemical products used for facial skin cleansing and care.

Industry Qualifications


Business Scope Qualifications

If it is domestically produced non-special (general) cosmetics, a “Domestic Non-Special Purpose Cosmetics Filing Certificate” or a screenshot of the public announcement page on the official website of the National Medical Products Administration or a general cosmetic filing certificate is required.

If it is imported non-special (general) cosmetics, the following are required:

2.1 “Imported Non-Special Purpose Cosmetics Filing Certificate” or a screenshot of the public announcement page on the official website of the National Medical Products Administration or an imported general cosmetic filing certificate.

2.2 “Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Certificate for Imported Goods.”

If it is a cosmetic manufacturing enterprise, a “Cosmetics Production License” is required.

If it is a registrant or filer who is not a cosmetic manufacturing enterprise, the following are required:

4.1 The entrusted manufacturing enterprise’s “Cosmetics Production License.”

4.2 “Contract Manufacturing Agreement” or distribution authorization.

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-holding company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening

Yes, a “Individual Business License” or “Business License” (E-commerce license for individual industrial and commercial households) is required.

General Cosmetics – Makeup and Perfume

Industry Description

Business entities manufacturing and distributing makeup (cosmetics used for beautifying and embellishing appearance with color) and perfume.

Industry Qualifications


Business Scope Qualifications

The same as for General Cosmetics – Facial Cleansing and Care.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

The same as for General Cosmetics – Facial Cleansing and Care.

Personal Account Opening

The same as for General Cosmetics – Facial Cleansing and Care.

Special Purpose Cosmetics – Skin Care

Industry Description

Business entities manufacturing and distributing special purpose cosmetics used for whitening, freckle removal, and sun protection.

Industry Qualifications

“Domestic Special Purpose Cosmetics Administrative License Approval Document.”

Business Scope Qualifications

For imported special cosmetics, a “Imported Special Purpose Cosmetics Administrative License Approval Document” or “Imported Special Purpose Cosmetics Health Permit Approval Document” is required.

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-holding company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

The same as for General Cosmetics – Facial Cleansing and Care.

Personal Account Opening

The same as for General Cosmetics – Facial Cleansing and Care.

Special Purpose Cosmetics – Hair Care

Industry Description

Business entities manufacturing and distributing special purpose cosmetics used for hair care, perming, dyeing, and anti-hair loss.

Industry Qualifications

“Domestic Special Purpose Cosmetics Administrative License Approval Document.”

Business Scope Qualifications

The same as for Special Purpose Cosmetics – Skin Care.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

The same as for General Cosmetics – Facial Cleansing and Care.

Personal Account Opening

The same as for General Cosmetics – Facial Cleansing and Care.

Special Purpose Cosmetics – Body Care

Industry Description

Business entities manufacturing and distributing special purpose cosmetics used for hair growth, hair removal, breast enhancement, fitness, deodorization (5-year transition period).

Industry Qualifications

“Domestic Special Purpose Cosmetics Administrative License Approval Document.”

Business Scope Qualifications

The same as for Special Purpose Cosmetics – Skin Care.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

The same as for General Cosmetics – Facial Cleansing and Care.

Personal Account Opening

The same as for General Cosmetics – Facial Cleansing and Care.

Beauty Tools

Industry Description

Business entities manufacturing and distributing tools used in daily makeup and beauty applications (excluding electronic products).

Industry Qualifications


Business Scope Qualifications

If involving specific trademarks, a “Trademark Registration Certificate” is required.

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-holding company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

The same as for General Cosmetics – Facial Cleansing and Care.

Personal Account Opening

The same as for General Cosmetics – Facial Cleansing and Care.


#22 China Tourism and Travel Industry Advertising Qualification Details

In today’s booming global tourism and travel industry, for overseas brands, entering the Chinese market, which is full of opportunities and challenges, means not only bringing unique travel experiences and high-quality services but also following and deeply understanding the industry’s advertising and marketing standards. This guide aims to provide a detailed set of advertising qualification details for overseas brands looking to expand into the Chinese tourism market.

Tourism Bureau – Overseas

Industry Description

Tourism administrative units or tourism management departments outside mainland China.

Industry Qualifications


Business Scope Qualifications

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Tourism Bureau – Domestic

Industry Description

Administrative units of tourism in various provinces, cities, and autonomous regions within mainland China.

Industry Qualifications

“Unified Social Credit Code Certificate”

Business Scope Qualifications

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Hotels – Domestic

Industry Description

Commercial places within mainland China that provide accommodation and meals for travelers.

Industry Qualifications

“Special Industry License”

Business Scope Qualifications

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening

Yes, a “Individual Business License” is required.

Hotels – Overseas

Industry Description

Commercial places outside mainland China that provide accommodation and meals for travelers.

Industry Qualifications


Business Scope Qualifications

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Car Rental Services – Overseas

Industry Description

Business entities providing vehicle rental services (without drivers) at locations outside mainland China.

Industry Qualifications


Business Scope Qualifications

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Car Rental Services – Domestic

Industry Description

Business entities providing vehicle rental services (without drivers) at locations within mainland China.

Industry Qualifications


Business Scope Qualifications

For car rental services in Shanxi Province, Jiangsu Province, Fujian Province, and Shijiazhuang City, a “Car Rental Business License” is required.

For car rental services in Beijing City, Zhejiang Province, and Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, a “Car Rental Business Record Certificate” is required.

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Passenger Railway Transport

Industry Description

Business entities providing inter-city railway passenger transport services, including high-speed rail transport, inter-city rail transport, urban underground rail transport, and regular railway passenger transport, including their own ticket sales.

Industry Qualifications

“Railway Transport License”

Business Scope Qualifications

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Passenger Road Transport

Industry Description

Business entities providing passenger transport services on all roads, including their own ticketing services.

Industry Qualifications

“Road Transport Operating License”

Business Scope Qualifications

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Passenger Water Transport

Industry Description

Business entities providing various water transport services primarily for passenger transport, which can be divided into maritime passenger transport, inland river passenger transport, and passenger ferry transport, including their own ticket sales.

Industry Qualifications

“Domestic Waterway Transport Business License” or a license certificate stamped by the relevant local transportation department.

Business Scope Qualifications

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Passenger Air Transport

Industry Description

Business entities providing air transport services primarily for passenger transport, covering their own ticketing activities.

Industry Qualifications

“Public Air Transport Enterprise Business License”

Business Scope Qualifications

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Travel Service Platforms

Industry Description

Online platforms providing various urban car travel services (such as quick rides, exclusive rides, carpooling, and driving services) and shared bicycle travel services (excluding car manufacturer-operated travel platforms, such as T3 Travel).

Industry Qualifications

“Network Car Booking Business License”

Record certificate of internet information services from the provincial communication authority.

Business Scope Qualifications

For taxi services, a “Road Transport Business License” or “Taxi Business Qualification Certificate” is required.

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Travel Information and Ticket Reservation Platforms

Industry Description

Online comprehensive platforms providing various railway, road, ferry, and air travel-related services, including metro ticketing and ride code tools.

Industry Qualifications

“Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B25 Internet Information Service Business)

Business Scope Qualifications

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Mainly includes Tencent News, Tencent Video, Q-series traffic, WeChat traffic, Youliang Hui, etc., with specific traffic available subject to actual advertising placement.

Personal Account Opening


OTA Platforms

Industry Description

Business entities operating online comprehensive travel reservation platforms and travel information, strategy content platforms.

Industry Qualifications

“Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B25 Internet Information Service Business)

Business Scope Qualifications

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Camping Services

Industry Description

Business entities providing camping facilities (such as tents and other equipment) and camping site services.

Industry Qualifications


Business Scope Qualifications

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Scenic Spots

Industry Description

Operators of scenic spots and related ticket service providers, such as natural and cultural scenic areas, cultural heritage sites, etc.

Industry Qualifications


Business Scope Qualifications

For domestic scenic spots, scenic area level certification is required.

For domestic entertainment venues, an “Entertainment Business License” is required.

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Travel Information and Ticket Reservation Platforms

Industry Description

Online comprehensive platforms providing various railway, road, ferry, and air travel-related services, including metro ticketing and ride code tools.

Industry Qualifications

“Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B25 Internet Information Service Business)

Business Scope Qualifications

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Mainly includes Tencent News, Tencent Video, Q-series traffic, WeChat traffic, Youliang Hui, etc., with specific traffic available subject to actual advertising placement.

Personal Account Opening


OTA Platforms

Industry Description

Business entities operating online comprehensive travel reservation platforms and travel information, strategy content platforms.

Industry Qualifications

“Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B25 Internet Information Service Business)

Business Scope Qualifications

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Camping Services

Industry Description

Business entities providing camping facilities (such as tents and other equipment) and camping site services.

Industry Qualifications


Business Scope Qualifications

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Scenic Spots

Industry Description

Operators of scenic spots and related ticket service providers, such as natural and cultural scenic areas, cultural heritage sites, etc.

Industry Qualifications


Business Scope Qualifications

For domestic scenic spots, scenic area level certification is required.

For domestic entertainment venues, an “Entertainment Business License” is required.

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Countryside Tours and Cultural Towns

Industry Description

Business entities that develop tourism services around the geographical culture and industrial resources of rural areas or characteristic towns.

Industry Qualifications


Business Scope Qualifications

For domestic scenic spots, scenic area level certification is required.

For domestic entertainment venues, an “Entertainment Business License” is required.

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Resort Areas

Industry Description

Operators of comprehensive tourist areas that integrate rest, play, and entertainment, as well as related ticket service providers.

Industry Qualifications


Business Scope Qualifications

For domestic scenic spots, scenic area level certification is required.

For domestic entertainment venues, an “Entertainment Business License” is required.

For hotel accommodations, a “Special Industry License” is required.

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Theme Parks

Industry Description

Providers of tourism services and related ticket services that offer a tourism experience dominated by a theme, along with different landscapes and facilities.

Industry Qualifications


Business Scope Qualifications

For domestic entertainment venues, an “Entertainment Business License” is required.

For hotel accommodations, a “Special Industry License” is required.

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Zoos and Botanical Gardens

Industry Description

Operators of places that are open to the public for the exhibition of wild animals and plants, as well as providers of ticketing services.

Industry Qualifications


Business Scope Qualifications

For domestic scenic spots, scenic area level certification is required.

For domestic entertainment venues, an “Entertainment Business License” is required.

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Overseas Scenic Spots

Industry Description

Operators of scenic spots and related ticket service providers outside mainland China, such as natural and cultural scenic areas, cultural heritage sites, etc.

Industry Qualifications


Business Scope Qualifications

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Study Tours and Sightseeing Activities

Industry Description

Business entities that provide sightseeing activities that combine play and learning mainly for school students.

Industry Qualifications

“Travel Agency Business License”

Business Scope Qualifications

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Cruise Ships

Industry Description

Business entities that provide cruise ships for entertainment sailing, which generally combine transportation, accommodation, restaurants, and entertainment.

Industry Qualifications

“Waterway Transport License”

Business Scope Qualifications

For international shipping services, an “International Shipping Business License” or “International Liner Transport Qualification Registration Certificate” is required.

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Travel Agencies

Industry Description

Business entities that provide services such as handling entry and exit and visa procedures for tourists, soliciting and receiving tourists, and arranging accommodation and meals for tourists.

Industry Qualifications

“Travel Agency Business License”

Business Scope Qualifications

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening



#26 China Internet-Related Services Advertising Qualification Details

In today’s globalized digital era, overseas brands are increasingly looking towards the Chinese market for broader development opportunities. However, when advertising in China, especially in the fields of internet e-commerce services and content information services, understanding and complying with the relevant advertising qualification details is crucial. This article aims to provide overseas brands with a comprehensive guide to advertising qualifications in the software tools industry, focusing on China’s internet e-commerce services, content information services, and other related service areas, helping brands to smoothly enter and effectively operate in the Chinese market.

01 Internet E-commerce Services

General E-commerce

Industry Description

Comprehensive third-party e-commerce platforms that conduct cross-industry and category sales through various content forms, including but not limited to text, images, videos, and live broadcasts.

Industry Qualifications


Business Scope Qualifications

If involving third-party merchants, a “Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B21 E-commerce Services) is required.

If it’s self-operated sales of goods/services without third-party merchants, a “Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B21 E-commerce Services) or app screenshots from App Store/Apple Store is required.

For third-party cooperation or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Open Traffic

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Vertical E-commerce Platforms

Industry Description

Third-party e-commerce platforms that specialize in sales of a single industry and category through various content forms, including but not limited to text, images, videos, and live broadcasts.

Industry Qualifications


Business Scope Qualifications

If involving third-party merchants, a “Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B21 E-commerce Services) is required.

If it’s self-operated sales of goods/services without third-party merchants, a “Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B21 E-commerce Services) or app screenshots from App Store/Apple Store is required.

For liquor vertical e-commerce platforms with self-operated sales without third-party merchants, a “Food Production License” (including alcohol) or “Alcohol Production License” or “National Industrial Product Production License” (including alcohol) or “Food Business License” (including alcohol) or “Food Business License” (pre-packaged food sales) or “Alcohol Wholesale License” or “Alcohol Retail License” is required. If it’s a cross-border e-commerce platform, also required is the “People’s Republic of China Customs Declaration Unit Registration Certificate” or “Customs Import and Export Cargo Consignor and Consignee Record Receipt”.

Open Traffic

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Cross-border E-commerce Platforms

Industry Description

Third-party e-commerce platforms that provide services such as transaction facilitation and payment settlement for traders belonging to different customs territories.

Industry Qualifications


Business Scope Qualifications

If involving third-party merchants, a “Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B21 E-commerce Services) is required.

If it’s self-operated sales of goods/services without third-party merchants, a “Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B21 E-commerce Services) or app screenshots from App Store/Apple Store is required.

For third-party cooperation or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Open Traffic

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Used Goods E-commerce Platforms

Industry Description

Third-party e-commerce platforms that provide transactions for second-hand goods (excluding second-hand car and property transactions).

Industry Qualifications


Business Scope Qualifications

If involving third-party merchants, a “Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B21 E-commerce Services) is required.

If it’s self-operated sales of goods/services without third-party merchants, a “Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B21 E-commerce Services) or app screenshots from App Store/Apple Store is required.

For third-party cooperation or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Open Traffic

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


KOL Marketing Agencies

Industry Description

Live commerce activities carried out by MCN agencies, contracted anchors, and internet celebrities.

Industry Qualifications


Business Scope Qualifications

For third-party cooperation or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Open Traffic

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening

Yes, a “Individual Business License” or “Business License” (E-commerce license for individual industrial and commercial households) is required.

Social E-commerce

Industry Description

Merchants or platforms that use social means to achieve the purchase and sale of goods, applying social elements such as attention and sharing to the transaction process in third-party e-commerce scenarios, often incentivizing users to share and fission through commission benefits.

Industry Qualifications


Business Scope Qualifications

If involving third-party merchants, a “Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B21 E-commerce Services) is required.

If it’s self-operated sales of goods/services without third-party merchants, a “Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B21 E-commerce Services) or app screenshots from App Store/Apple Store is required.

If involving an app, a “Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B21 E-commerce Services) is required.

For profit-oriented provision of internet information services, a “Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B25 Internet Information Service Business) is required.

For profit-oriented operation of internet cultural activities, a “Online Culture Operation License” is required.

For third-party cooperation or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Open Traffic

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music. For other ad spaces, please consult customer service.

Personal Account Opening


Cashback Platforms

Industry Description

Third-party platforms that provide cashback or rebates after consumers make purchases, not directly carrying out transaction activities.

Industry Qualifications

“Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B21 E-commerce Services)

Business Scope Qualifications

For third-party cooperation or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Open Traffic

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music. For other ad spaces, please consult customer service.

Personal Account Opening


E-commerce Navigation Platforms

Industry Description

Information platforms that categorize and integrate product information on e-commerce platforms based on consumer purchasing habits, not directly carrying out transaction activities.

Industry Qualifications

“Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B21 E-commerce Services)

Business Scope Qualifications

For third-party cooperation or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Open Traffic

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


02 Internet Content and Information Services

Online News and Information

Industry Description

Comprehensive thematic websites or apps that primarily focus on the dissemination of real-time information, including local stations (excluding vertical field information platforms).

Industry Qualifications

“Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B25 Internet Information Services) or app screenshots from App Store/Apple Store.

Business Scope Qualifications

For disseminating news information, an “Internet News Information Service License” is required.

For profit-oriented operation of internet cultural activities, an “Online Culture Operation License” is required.

For including audio-visual program services, an “Audio-Visual Program Service License” is required.

For online publishing, a “Network Publishing Service License” or the original “Internet Publishing License” is required.

For third-party cooperation or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Open Traffic

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Online Video Platforms

Industry Description

Online platforms that support the release and viewing of long, medium, and short videos.

Industry Qualifications

“Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B25 Internet Information Services) or app screenshots from App Store/Apple Store.

Business Scope Qualifications

For broadcasting self-produced radio and television programs, a “Radio and Television Program Production and Operation License” is required.

For profit-oriented operation of internet cultural activities, an “Online Culture Operation License” is required.

For including audio-visual program services, an “Audio-Visual Program Service License” is required.

For online publishing, a “Network Publishing Service License” or the original “Internet Publishing License” is required.

For third-party cooperation or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Open Traffic

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Online Live Streaming Platforms

Industry Description

Online platforms that provide public broadcasting of live images via the internet.

Industry Qualifications

“Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B25 Internet Information Services) or app screenshots from App Store/Apple Store.

Business Scope Qualifications

For broadcasting self-produced radio and television programs, a “Radio and Television Program Production and Operation License” is required.

For profit-oriented operation of internet cultural activities, an “Online Culture Operation License” is required.

For including audio-visual program services, an “Audio-Visual Program Service License” is required.

For online publishing, a “Network Publishing Service License” or the original “Internet Publishing License” is required.

For third-party cooperation or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Open Traffic

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Music Streaming Platforms

Industry Description

Online platforms that support music publishing, playback, and related services.

Industry Qualifications

“Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B25 Internet Information Services) or app screenshots from App Store/Apple Store.

Business Scope Qualifications

For profit-oriented operation of internet cultural activities, an “Online Culture Operation License” is required.

For including audio-visual program services, an “Audio-Visual Program Service License” is required.

For online publishing, a “Network Publishing Service License” or the original “Internet Publishing License” is required.

For third-party cooperation or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Open Traffic

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Reading and Online FM Listening

Industry Description

Business entities that provide online services for network literature reading, podcast audio listening, and publishing.

Industry Qualifications

“Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B25 Internet Information Services) or app screenshots from App Store/Apple Store.

Business Scope Qualifications

For profit-oriented operation of internet cultural activities, an “Online Culture Operation License” is required.

For including audio-visual program services, an “Audio-Visual Program Service License” is required.

For online publishing, a “Network Publishing Service License” or the original “Internet Publishing License” is required.

For third-party cooperation or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Open Traffic

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music. For other ad spaces, please consult customer service.

Personal Account Opening


Digital Animation Platforms

Industry Description

Online platforms specifically dedicated to providing animation and comic viewing, reading, and related services.

Industry Qualifications

“Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B25 Internet Information Services) or app screenshots from App Store/Apple Store.

Business Scope Qualifications

For profit-oriented operation of internet cultural activities, an “Online Culture Operation License” is required.

For including audio-visual program services, an “Audio-Visual Program Service License” is required.

For online publishing, a “Network Publishing Service License” or the original “Internet Publishing License” is required.

For third-party cooperation or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Open Traffic

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


03 Other Internet Services

Internet Search

Industry Description

Platforms/websites that provide services for collecting information on the Internet based on strategies and the use of programs.

Industry Qualifications

“Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B25 Internet Information Services).

Business Scope Qualifications

For third-party cooperation or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Open Traffic

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Integrated Online Communities

Industry Description

Online communication spaces that include BBS, forums, bulletin boards, personal knowledge posts (including paid), group discussions, personal spaces, etc., covering various theme-based vertical communities.

Industry Qualifications

“Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B25 Internet Information Services).

Business Scope Qualifications

For disseminating news information, an “Internet News Information Service License” is required.

For profit-oriented operation of internet cultural activities, an “Online Culture Operation License” is required.

For including audio-visual program services, an “Audio-Visual Program Service License” is required.

For online publishing, a “Network Publishing Service License” or the original “Internet Publishing License” is required.

For third-party cooperation or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Open Traffic

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Internet Public Service Platforms

Industry Description

Internet platforms that specifically provide third-party service platforms for public service providers (such as governments).

Industry Qualifications

“Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B25 Internet Information Services).

Business Scope Qualifications

For third-party cooperation or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Open Traffic

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


When overseas brands advertise in the Chinese market, they must deeply understand and strictly comply with the advertising qualification details related to Internet services in China. This is not only a respect for laws and regulations but also the cornerstone of the brand’s stable development in the Chinese market. Through this guide, Moonshot AI hopes to help overseas brands better grasp the opportunities in the Chinese market and achieve a win-win situation for both the brand and the market.


# 24 China Software Tools Industry Advertising Qualification Details

Driven by the global wave of digitalization, the software tools industry is flourishing at an unprecedented rate, offering extensive market opportunities for overseas brands. However, as the industry matures and regulation intensifies, ensuring the legality and compliance of software tool applications has become an essential step for brands entering the Chinese market.

To assist overseas brands in smoothly entering the Chinese market and efficiently utilizing various advertising resources, this article will elaborate on the details of advertising qualifications in the software tools industry, covering multiple segments such as reading and audiobook tools, video playback and editing, music playback and editing, internet tools, social and communication tools, photography and videography, graphic and image beautification, office tools, security and cleanup, weather and calendar, system beautification, sports and health, map navigation, system tools and efficiency tools, operating systems, and development tools. By clarifying qualification requirements, business scope restrictions, third-party cooperation standards, and advertising channels, this guide provides an exhaustive manual for overseas brands entering China.

Reading and Audiobook Tools

Industry Description

Tool software applications for reading and playing electronic books or document content.

Industry Qualifications

“Computer Software Copyright Registration Certificate” or app screenshots from App Store/Apple Store.

Business Scope Qualifications

For profit-oriented provision of internet information services, a “Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B25 Internet Information Service Business) is required.

For third-party cooperation or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Video Playback and Editing Tools

Industry Description

Software applications for video playback and editing.

Industry Qualifications

“Computer Software Copyright Registration Certificate” or app screenshots from App Store/Apple Store.

Business Scope Qualifications

For profit-oriented provision of internet information services, a “Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B25 Internet Information Service Business) is required.

For third-party cooperation or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Music Playback and Editing Tools

Industry Description

Software applications for audio playback, recording, and editing.

Industry Qualifications

“Computer Software Copyright Registration Certificate” or app screenshots from App Store/Apple Store.

Business Scope Qualifications

For profit-oriented provision of internet information services, a “Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B25 Internet Information Service Business) is required.

For third-party cooperation or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Internet Tools

Industry Description

Software applications for connecting to the internet, supporting online browsing, uploading, and downloading functionalities.

Industry Qualifications

“Computer Software Copyright Registration Certificate” or app screenshots from App Store/Apple Store.

Business Scope Qualifications

For computer system information security products, a “Computer Information System Security Special Purpose Product Sales License” is required.

For third-party cooperation or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Social Tools

Industry Description

Software applications specifically for making friends, stranger socializing, and specific scenario social interactions (including companion play software applications).

Industry Qualifications

“Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B25 Internet Information Service Business).

“Computer Software Copyright Registration Certificate” or app screenshots from App Store/Apple Store.

Business Scope Qualifications

For third-party cooperation or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Youliang Hui; for other ad spaces, please consult customer service.

Personal Account Opening


Communication Tools

Industry Description

Software applications that enable online chatting and communication through instant messaging technology.

Industry Qualifications

“Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B25 Internet Information Service Business).

“Computer Software Copyright Registration Certificate” or app screenshots from App Store/Apple Store.

Business Scope Qualifications

For third-party cooperation or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Youliang Hui; for other ad spaces, please consult customer service.

Personal Account Opening


Photography and Video Tools

Industry Description

Software applications providing photo shooting and video recording functionalities.

Industry Qualifications

“Computer Software Copyright Registration Certificate” or app screenshots from App Store/Apple Store.

Business Scope Qualifications

For profit-oriented provision of internet information services, a “Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B25 Internet Information Service Business) is required.

For third-party cooperation or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening

Yes, only individual business household type/natural person type individual account opening is supported.

Continuing with the translation of the document:

Sports and Health Tools

Industry Description

Software applications that provide auxiliary functions for sports activities and health monitoring.

Industry Qualifications

“Computer Software Copyright Registration Certificate” or app screenshots from App Store/Apple Store.

Business Scope Qualifications

For profit-oriented provision of internet information services, a “Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B25 Internet Information Service Business) is required.

For third-party cooperation or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Map Navigation

Industry Description

Software applications that provide driving directions and road navigation.

Industry Qualifications

“Computer Software Copyright Registration Certificate” or app screenshots from App Store/Apple Store.

Business Scope Qualifications

For profit-oriented provision of internet information services, a “Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B25 Internet Information Service Business) is required.

For maps/navigation, a “Surveying and Mapping Qualification Certificate” (compliant with “Class A/Class B + Internet Map Service”) is required.

For traffic violation checking, a cooperation agreement for the traffic violation checking interface is required.

For third-party cooperation or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


System Tools and Efficiency Tools

Industry Description

Applications used to enhance system or device performance and usability, and to optimize daily user experience and work efficiency.

Industry Qualifications

“Computer Software Copyright Registration Certificate” or app screenshots from App Store/Apple Store.

Business Scope Qualifications

For third-party cooperation or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Operating Systems

Industry Description

Computer or smartphone operating systems, system programs used to manage computer hardware and software resources.

Industry Qualifications

“Computer Software Copyright Registration Certificate” or app screenshots from App Store/Apple Store.

Business Scope Qualifications

For third-party cooperation or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Development Tools

Industry Description

Tools and integrated environments, testing tool software applications that schedule and manage hardware resources during software development, provide running support for application software, and support software development.

Industry Qualifications

“Computer Software Copyright Registration Certificate” or app screenshots from App Store/Apple Store.

Business Scope Qualifications

For third-party cooperation or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening



#23 TikTok Advertising Practical Guide 101 (Part 2)

In today’s digital marketing era, TikTok, as a leader in the short video domain, has become a crucial platform for brand promotion due to its massive user base and high user engagement. This article will continue to share insights on DOU+ and Enterprise Accounts, two methods of TikTok advertising, detailing their respective scenarios, benefits, advantages, and successful case studies, providing advertisers with a practical guide.

01 TikTok DOU+

On the short video platform with a huge daily active user base, DOU+, as a powerful content marketing and advertising promotion tool, is gradually becoming a valuable assistant for many creators and brand merchants. This article will combine the promotion scenarios, benefits, advantages, and successful cases of DOU+ to deeply analyze its unique charm.

Marketing Scenarios

DOU+ is mainly dedicated to increasing the playback and interaction volume of TikTok videos and the popularity of live broadcast rooms. Through precise targeting, DOU+ can recommend videos to more potential interested users, helping creators quickly increase exposure while enhancing video interaction, including likes, comments, and shares. For live broadcast rooms, DOU+ can attract more viewers, increasing the activity and conversion rate of the room. It is suitable for various promotion scenarios, including but not limited to:

● Content Heating: Increase exposure for newly released videos and quickly raise their popularity.

● Fan Growth: Attract target user groups, increase the number of followers, and strengthen interaction with fans.

● Event Promotion: Use DOU+ to expand the awareness and participation of online events or promotions.

● Brand Promotion: Increase the number of views of brand videos and deepen brand impressions.

Advertising Types

DOU+ offers a variety of advertising types to meet the needs of different advertisers:

● Video Heating: Help increase video playback and popularity, attracting more interested users to interact and follow; supports various goals such as follower count, likes and comments, and homepage views.

● Live Broadcast Heating: Help increase the popularity and exposure of live broadcast rooms, bringing more interested users; supports various goals such as live room popularity, follower growth, audience interaction, and rewards.

● Advertising Promotion: Supports users’ marketing promotion needs, supporting various goals such as store traffic, product traffic, private message inquiries, and likes and comments.

Promotion Advantages

● Easy Operation: Users can place orders directly within the TikTok APP, without scheduling, on-demand use, greatly improving the efficiency of advertising placement.

● Real-time Monitoring: The effectiveness of the placement is visible in real-time, helping creators adjust strategies in a timely manner to avoid resource waste.

● Audience Analysis: Post-promotion disclosure of audience characteristic data helps creators better understand their target users, providing data support for subsequent content creation.

● Flexible Budget: Advertisers can set promotion costs flexibly according to their budget, maximizing advertising effects.

Implementation Guides

1.Define Objectives:Determine the purpose of using DOU+ based on promotion needs, such as increasing followers, enhancing interaction, or promoting videos.

2.Select Content:Choose videos or live broadcast content suitable for promotion, ensuring content quality to attract more users.

3.Set Budget:Set a reasonable promotion cost based on expected results and budget.

4.Targeted Placement:Use DOU+’s targeting features to precisely select the target audience, including gender, age, region, etc.

5.Monitor Results:Closely monitor data changes during the promotion process to evaluate the effectiveness.

6.Optimize Strategy:Adjust the promotion strategy in a timely manner according to the results, optimizing advertising placement.

As a built-in advertising tool on the TikTok platform, DOU+ offers advertisers an efficient marketing channel with its easy operation and significant effects. By making reasonable use of DOU+’s promotional features, advertisers can achieve dual goals of brand promotion and sales growth on this active social platform.

02 TikTok Enterprise Account

TikTok Enterprise Accounts are suitable for various promotion scenarios, including but not limited to new product launches, brand storytelling, user interaction activities, and live commerce. Through Enterprise Accounts, brands can build a comprehensive marketing ecosystem, integrating short videos, live broadcasts, user interactions, and other elements to achieve multi-dimensional dissemination of brand information. For example, when launching new products, companies can use Enterprise Accounts to release creative short videos, leveraging TikTok’s algorithmic recommendation mechanism to accurately reach target user groups and quickly increase product exposure.

Marketing Scenarios

TikTok Enterprise Accounts have an official certification mark, enhancing user trust. In addition, Enterprise Accounts can customize homepage headers, profiles, and other information to showcase brand characteristics. Here are some main promotion scenarios for Enterprise Accounts:

● Brand Building: Enhance brand authority and establish user trust through the Enterprise Blue V logo.

● User Attraction: Present the company’s products and services to the vast user base of TikTok.

● Interactive Marketing: Collaborate with TikTok influencers, obtaining free promotional videos through resource exchanges to expand brand influence.

● Sales Conversion: Utilize the live broadcast privileges and coupon distribution of Enterprise Accounts to promote online transactions.

Enterprise Account Value

By opening a TikTok Enterprise Account, businesses can enjoy the following benefits:

● Unique Identifier: The Blue V logo enhances brand authority and establishes user trust.

● Full User Reach: Over 600 million daily active users on TikTok provide a broad market space for businesses.

● Industry Coverage: Covers 29 primary industries and 295 secondary industries, achieving precise marketing.

● Exclusive Features: Nearly 30 exclusive feature benefits, including fan demographic analysis, official website links, and phone number display.


The promotional advantages of TikTok Enterprise Accounts are reflected in the following aspects:

● Official Certification: The Blue V certification increases the brand’s credibility, which is beneficial for brand image building.

● Precise User Reach: Based on TikTok’s algorithmic recommendations, enterprise content can be accurately pushed to the target user group.

● Diversified Marketing Methods: Supports various marketing forms such as live broadcasts, short videos, and graphic texts, meeting different marketing needs.

● Data Insights: Provides detailed data analysis tools to help businesses understand user behavior and optimize marketing strategies.

Implementation Guides

1.Enterprise Account Certification:Submit corporate information and complete official certification to obtain the Blue V logo.

2.Content Planning:Develop a content strategy to ensure that published videos, graphics, and other content align with the brand image.

3.User Interaction:Actively interact with users, reply to comments, and increase user retention.

4.Live Broadcast Marketing:Use the live broadcast function to showcase products, interact with users in real-time, and promote sales.

5. Coupon Distribution:Attract user attention and purchases by distributing coupons.

6.Data Analysis:Regularly analyze account data and adjust marketing strategies.

TikTok Enterprise Accounts provide businesses with a marketing platform that integrates brand building, customer attraction, and online sales. By making reasonable use of the various features and benefits of Enterprise Accounts, businesses can build a strong brand influence on TikTok and achieve growth in sales performance. This practical guide aims to help businesses better understand and utilize TikTok Enterprise Accounts, seizing new opportunities in digital marketing.


#22 A Practical Guide to Douyin Advertising

In today’s digital marketing era, Douyin, as a leader in the field of short video, has become an important position for brand promotion, with its huge user base and high user stickiness. This article will start from five advertising dissemination methods of Douyin: opening screen advertising, search advertising,in-feedadvertising, DOU+, and enterprise number, and elaborate on their respective scenarios, rights and interests, advantages, and successful cases, providing a practical guide for advertisers.

Douyin Opening Screen Advertising

On the short video platform of Douyin with a daily active user base of hundreds of millions, the opening screen advertisement, with its unique display form and strong visual impact, has become the best choice for brand exposure. The opening screen advertisement of Douyin is an advertising form that is immediately displayed when the user opens the Douyin APP, which not only occupies the commanding height of vision but also provides an unprecedented brand exposure opportunity for advertisers with its full-screen immersive experience.

Promotion Scenarios

Douyin’s opening screen advertisements are displayed at the moment when the user opens the Douyin APP, capturing the visual focus and serving as the golden spot for brands to carry out high-intensity dissemination and extensive reach. It is suitable for various scenarios such as new product launches, brand communication, and event promotion. When launching new products, the opening screen advertisement can quickly attract user attention through high-intensity dissemination; during brand communication, it can achieve a strong screen presence in conjunction with high-quality content; and during event promotion, it can capture the visual focus and guide traffic to the event page.

Advertisement Types

● Images, GIFs, and Videos: When the user opens the Douyin App, the advertisement is displayed at the opening screen position for 3 seconds as a static image, 4 seconds as a GIF, or 5 seconds as a video, allowing for pure display and landing page redirection.

● Topview: When the user opens the Douyin App, a full-screen display of 3 seconds static image is provided, supporting pure display and landing page redirection to achieve efficient drainage.

● Toplive: Combined with the live broadcast form, it provides a real-time interactive experience for brand events or product launches.

Promotion Advantages

The advantages of Douyin’s opening screen advertisements lie in their strong exposure capabilities and high user stickiness. As the first visual entry point when users open the APP, the opening screen advertisement can strongly attract attention, ensuring a high exposure rate of the advertisement content. At the same time, the huge user base and active user group of the Douyin platform also provide a broad audience foundation for the opening screen advertisement. The opening screen advertisement is deeply integrated with thein-feedadvertisement, reaching users a second time and enhancing brand memory. In addition, the opening screen advertisement can create a three-dimensional visual experience, enhancing the attractiveness and click-through rate of the advertisement, thereby improving brand reputation and user conversion rate.

Successful Case

Taking Pepsi as an example, the brand created the topic #LoveScreenDominance# and used Douyin’s opening screen advertisements and TOPVIEW resources to widely expose event information, successfully attracting a large number of user attention and participation. According to statistics, the event topic has achieved a total of 2.72 billion exposures and attracted 425,000 users to create related videos, achieving significant brand promotion effects. This successful case fully proves the strong strength of Douyin’s opening screen advertisements in brand exposure and user interaction.

Douyin Search Advertising

In today’s era of information overload, the way users obtain information is quietly changing, with search emerging as a key means of actively acquiring information, its importance increasingly highlighted. Douyin, as the leader in the short video field, has a search function that is also becoming more sophisticated, providing advertisers with a new marketing stage—Douyin search advertising.

Promotion Scenarios

Douyin search advertisements cover multiple scenarios of users’ active searches, including but not limited to product inquiries, service consultations, and content exploration. When users enter keywords in the search box with clear needs, relevant advertisements can be accurately displayed in front of them. This active search behavior makes the advertisement exposure more targeted, and the conversion rate is significantly improved.

Advertisement Types

● Brand Zone: When users search on Douyin and hit the advertiser’s brand word, the brand zone information is displayed at the top, and the brand video plays automatically.

● Search Easter Egg: The search results pop up a full-screen Lottie animation, which is highly entertaining and attracts user attention. Clicking on the Easter egg leads to a conversion landing page.

● Douyin Hot List: The brand hot word is displayed in the sixth position of the search page hot list. Clicking on it leads to a results page that showcases the “Douyin Hotspot Brand Zone.”

● Bidding Advertisements: In the search results page of Douyin, one bidding advertisement is displayed among positions 2-10, mixed with user content.

● Precision Advertisements: When users search for an app name, a download card style can be triggered; when users search for specific brand words, a precision card is displayed at the top.

Promotion Advantages

Advertisers can rely on multi-dimensional data such as users’ search keywords, interest preferences, and geographical locations to achieve precise targeted advertising, ensuring that advertising information is directly delivered to potential target users, demonstrating strong precise targeting capabilities. At the same time, with the continuous growth of the scale and share of the Ocean Engine search, Douyin search advertisements have a huge traffic blue ocean, providing advertisers with a broad development space. What’s more, this advertising form has achieved the integration of brand effect and sales, supporting brand display and content linkage through the entire link of the scene, and effectively promoting effect transformation, meeting a variety of marketing needs. In particular, “search after watching” has become the mainstream trend of search under the content ecosystem, and search behavior profoundly reflects the user’s active intention, making Douyin search advertisements particularly outstanding in efficient transformation, bringing higher investment returns to advertisers.

Successful Case

Watermelon Creator (a children’s programming brand) achieved significant results when advertising their search products by carefully optimizing the advertising area and search words. They expanded the coverage of keywords to more than 700, which not only improved the accuracy of the advertisement but also led to a substantial increase of 112% in the number of customers acquired, while attracting up to 450,000 participation videos, fully demonstrating the powerful driving force of optimizing advertising strategies on brand exposure and user growth.


With a platform boasting a daily active user base of 600 million,in-feedadvertising on Douyin has become an essential channel for brand promotion and product marketing, offering a native and immersive experience.

Promotion Scenarios

Douyinin-feedadvertisements support a variety of promotion scenarios, including lead collection, traffic exposure, and store promotion. Through landing page forms and smart phone conversions, advertisers can efficiently collect potential leads, managing and following up with customer information. Additionally,in-feedads support app downloads and application promotion, helping advertisers quickly acquire new and active users. For physical stores, these ads can accurately target users around the store, combining POI (Points of Interest) and coupon features to effectively increase store exposure and customer traffic.

Advertisement Types

● Recommended: Ads are displayed in the Douyinin-feedcontent, with a vertical screen display style that is native and strongly associated with the account, supporting various ad styles such as native and single-page.

● Feedslive: Users see real-time live broadcast images and cards in the Douyin recommendation stream, and can enter the Douyin native live broadcast room with one click on the live broadcast image in the recommendation stream.

● Local Reach: When browsing the recommendation stream videos in the Douyin app, users have the opportunity to view Local Reach ads, meeting the local marketing needs of advertisers such as offline store promotion.

Promotion Advantages

Douyinin-feedadvertising offers advertisers a wealth of benefits. Firstly, advertisers can choose suitable ad types and styles according to their needs, such as native or single-page, to meet different marketing needs. Secondly, the Douyin platform provides refined audience targeting features, allowing advertisers to display to specific types of users, improving the accuracy and conversion rate of the advertisement. Moreover, Douyinin-feedads also have the advantage of deep penetration, being displayed on multiple pages of the Douyin APP, deepening user impressions, and increasing ad click-through rates.

The core advantage of Douyinin-feedadvertising lies in its efficient reach and precise marketing. With the vast user base of the Douyin platform, advertisers can easily reach a large number of potential customers, achieving brand exposure and product promotion. At the same time, combined with the intelligent recommendation algorithm of the Douyin platform, advertisers can make precise advertisements based on user interests and behavioral habits, improving the pertinence and conversion rate of the advertisement. In addition, Douyinin-feedads also support a variety of display forms, such as small images, large images, group images, etc., meeting the creative needs of different advertisers.

Successful Case

Liby Group is a typical case of the successful application of Douyinin-feedadvertising. Liby Group, through the president’s live broadcast debut, combined with the efficient reach and precise marketing advantages of Douyinin-feedadvertising, successfully started a long-term live broadcast cooperation with Douyin and built a small shop ecosystem. According to statistics, the total number of live broadcast views exceeded 3 million, with 103,000 new fans added, and the highest number of people online at the same time reached 99,000. This successful case fully demonstrates the huge potential of Douyinin-feedadvertising in brand promotion and user growth.


Why International Advertising Strategies Cannot Be Directly Applied to the Chinese Market


As global businesses expand their reach into new territories, many international companies are turning their attention to China, the world’s second-largest economy and a market with immense growth potential. However, despite their success in global markets, these companies often struggle when trying to replicate their advertising strategies in China. The Chinese advertising landscape is vastly different from that of the West, and strategies that work well in the United States, Europe, or other international markets often fail to achieve the same results in China.

This article explores why international advertising strategies cannot be directly applied to the Chinese market. It highlights the key differences between Western and Chinese advertising platforms, consumer behaviors, and regulatory environments. Additionally, the article provides actionable strategies that international companies should adopt to succeed in China. Through this analysis, decision-makers and marketing leaders will gain a deeper understanding of how to adapt their global advertising strategies to fit the unique characteristics of the Chinese market.

The Fundamental Differences Between International and Chinese Advertising Markets

1. Platform Dominance: Google, Facebook vs. Baidu, WeChat

In Western markets, platforms like Google, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube dominate the digital advertising landscape. These platforms offer sophisticated targeting options, data analytics, and global reach. In contrast, the Chinese digital ecosystem is dominated by a different set of platforms—Baidu, WeChat, Alibaba, Douyin, and others. Each of these platforms has its own unique advertising formats, targeting mechanisms, and user bases.

  • Baidu is often compared to Google as China’s leading search engine, but its advertising model is deeply integrated with China’s e-commerce ecosystem and operates under strict government regulations.

  • WeChat is a super-app that combines messaging, social networking, payment services, and more. Advertising on WeChat requires a deep understanding of its multifaceted ecosystem and how users interact with brands within it.

  • Douyin (the Chinese counterpart of TikTok) emphasizes short video content and influencer marketing, which differs significantly from the content strategies used on platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

2. Consumer Behavior: Different Expectations and Engagement

Chinese consumers have different expectations and behaviors compared to their Western counterparts. They are more accustomed to mobile-first experiences, integrating e-commerce with social interactions, and consuming content through short videos and live streams. Additionally, the concept of “social commerce” is far more advanced in China, where consumers expect seamless integration between social media, entertainment, and online shopping.

For example, live-streaming e-commerce has become a massive trend in China, with platforms like Taobao Live and Kuaishou allowing brands to showcase products in real-time, interact with viewers, and drive immediate sales. This behavior is less prevalent in Western markets, where consumers typically separate social media usage from shopping activities.

3. Regulatory Environment: Navigating Chinese Censorship and Data Laws

China’s regulatory environment presents another significant challenge for international companies. Unlike in the West, where freedom of speech and data privacy are strongly protected, China has stringent regulations on content, advertising, and data usage. The Chinese government closely monitors and controls the internet, and advertisers must navigate complex censorship laws and ensure that their content aligns with government guidelines.

Moreover, China’s data protection laws, including the Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL) and the Data Security Law, impose strict requirements on how companies collect, store, and use consumer data. These regulations necessitate a different approach to data-driven advertising compared to the relatively lax data privacy standards in many Western countries.

4. Advertising Formats and Strategies: A Different Creative Approach

In Western markets, display ads, search ads, and social media ads are the most common formats. However, in China, the creative approach to advertising is different. Brands often use native ads, in-feed ads, and interactive ads that blend seamlessly with the content users consume. Moreover, the use of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) in advertising is more advanced in China, particularly in industries like beauty, fashion, and gaming.

Chinese consumers also respond differently to advertising content. They tend to prefer ads that are informative, entertaining, and socially relevant. Therefore, brands need to focus on storytelling, leveraging local culture and trends to resonate with Chinese audiences. For instance, during major shopping festivals like Singles’ Day (11.11) or the Lunar New Year, successful campaigns often incorporate traditional Chinese elements and align with the festive spirit.

Adapting Advertising Strategies for the Chinese Market

Given the fundamental differences between international and Chinese advertising markets, it is clear that a one-size-fits-all approach will not work. Instead, international companies must adapt their strategies to fit the unique characteristics of the Chinese market. Here are some key strategies to consider:

1. Localize Your Advertising Content

Localization is not just about translating your ads into Chinese; it involves tailoring your content to align with local culture, values, and consumer preferences. This means understanding the nuances of Chinese holidays, traditions, and social trends, and incorporating them into your campaigns.

For example, McDonald’s successfully localized its advertising in China by offering menu items that cater to local tastes, such as the Spicy Chicken McNuggets during the Lunar New Year. The campaign was accompanied by a series of advertisements that highlighted family reunions and the joy of sharing meals, resonating deeply with Chinese cultural values.

2. Leverage China’s Unique Advertising Platforms

As mentioned earlier, China’s digital ecosystem is dominated by platforms like WeChat, Douyin, and Baidu. To succeed in China, international companies must build a strong presence on these platforms and leverage their unique advertising capabilities.

  • WeChat: Utilize WeChat’s Official Accounts, Mini Programs, and WeChat Moments ads to engage users within the app. WeChat also offers advanced targeting options based on user behavior, allowing for highly personalized campaigns.

  • Douyin: Invest in short video content and influencer collaborations on Douyin. This platform is ideal for brands looking to reach younger audiences with creative, engaging content.

  • Baidu: Optimize your search engine marketing (SEM) strategies for Baidu, taking into account the platform’s unique ranking algorithms and the importance of localized content.

3. Embrace Social Commerce and Live-Streaming

Social commerce, the integration of social media and e-commerce, is a dominant trend in China. International companies should embrace this trend by creating seamless shopping experiences within social media platforms. This can be achieved through WeChat Mini Programs, live-streaming e-commerce, and in-feed shopping ads on platforms like Xiaohongshu.

Live-streaming, in particular, has become a powerful tool for driving sales in China. Brands can collaborate with key opinion leaders (KOLs) or key opinion consumers (KOCs) to host live-streaming events that showcase products, answer questions in real-time, and offer exclusive discounts to viewers.

4. Adapt to China’s Mobile-First Landscape

China is a mobile-first market, with the majority of internet users accessing content through their smartphones. As such, international companies must prioritize mobile advertising and ensure that their campaigns are optimized for mobile devices. This includes creating mobile-friendly landing pages, using vertical video formats, and leveraging mobile payment options like WeChat Pay and Alipay.

5. Align with Chinese Regulations and Cultural Norms

To avoid potential pitfalls, it is crucial to align your advertising strategies with Chinese regulations and cultural norms. This includes adhering to censorship laws, respecting intellectual property rights, and ensuring that your ads do not contain content that could be considered politically sensitive or offensive.

Working with local legal experts and advertising agencies can help international companies navigate these complexities and ensure compliance with Chinese laws.

6. Use Data to Drive Personalization

Data-driven personalization is essential for success in the Chinese market. However, given the strict data protection laws in China, international companies must be careful in how they collect and use consumer data. Focus on gathering first-party data through channels like WeChat and Mini Programs, and use this data to create personalized advertising experiences.

For instance, L’Oréal has successfully used data-driven personalization in its advertising campaigns in China. By analyzing user data, L’Oréal tailors its content, offers, and communication to match the preferences and behaviors of different consumer segments. This personalized approach has led to higher engagement and conversion rates.

7. Blend Global Best Practices with Local Insights

While it is important to adapt to the unique characteristics of the Chinese market, international companies should also leverage their global best practices. By blending global strategies with local insights, brands can create a comprehensive approach that resonates with Chinese consumers while maintaining a consistent brand identity.

For example, Nike has successfully combined its global branding with localized content in China. The company’s “Just Do It” campaign has been adapted to reflect Chinese cultural values, with advertisements featuring local athletes and sports figures who inspire Chinese audiences.

Real-World Examples of Successful Adaptation

To further illustrate how international companies have successfully adapted their advertising strategies for the Chinese market, let’s look at a few real-world examples:

1. Coca-Cola’s “Share a Coke” Campaign in China

Coca-Cola’s “Share a Coke” campaign, which involved printing people’s names on Coke bottles, was a huge success in many Western markets. When the campaign was launched in China, Coca-Cola adapted it by incorporating popular Chinese nicknames and phrases on the bottles. This localization effort resonated with Chinese consumers, leading to a significant increase in sales and brand engagement.

2. Airbnb’s “Belong Anywhere” Campaign

Airbnb’s global “Belong Anywhere” campaign was adapted for the Chinese market by emphasizing the importance of family and community, which are central to Chinese culture. The company’s advertisements in China featured stories of local hosts and guests, highlighting the sense of belonging and cultural exchange that Airbnb offers. This localized approach helped Airbnb establish a strong brand presence in China and appeal to Chinese travelers.

3. Burberry’s Lunar New Year Campaign

Burberry has consistently adapted its global advertising campaigns to align

3. Burberry’s Lunar New Year Campaign

Burberry has consistently adapted its global advertising campaigns to align with local cultural contexts. For the Lunar New Year, a significant cultural event in China, Burberry launched a campaign that incorporated traditional Chinese elements such as red envelopes and festive designs. The campaign featured limited-edition products and special offers available through WeChat Mini Programs, reflecting the festive spirit and cultural significance of the Lunar New Year. This approach not only resonated with Chinese consumers but also boosted Burberry’s brand visibility and sales during this peak shopping period.

4. Starbucks’ Integration of WeChat Pay

Starbucks, an international coffee chain, effectively adapted its payment methods to fit the Chinese market by integrating WeChat Pay and Alipay into its in-store payment systems. This move addressed the preferences of Chinese consumers, who favor mobile payment options over traditional credit card payments. Additionally, Starbucks utilized WeChat’s Official Accounts to engage with customers, share promotions, and enhance loyalty programs. This seamless integration of local payment methods and digital engagement strategies helped Starbucks build a strong presence in China and cater to the local consumer preferences.


In summary, international companies looking to enter the Chinese market must understand and adapt to the unique characteristics of China’s advertising landscape. The fundamental differences between Western and Chinese advertising platforms, consumer behaviors, and regulatory environments necessitate a tailored approach. By localizing content, leveraging China’s unique advertising platforms, embracing social commerce and live-streaming, adapting to the mobile-first landscape, aligning with local regulations and cultural norms, and blending global best practices with local insights, international brands can effectively navigate the complexities of the Chinese market.

Successful examples from companies like McDonald’s, L’Oréal, and Starbucks demonstrate how adapting global strategies to fit local contexts can lead to significant business growth and brand success in China. By understanding and implementing these strategies, international decision-makers and marketing leaders can achieve better results, build stronger connections with Chinese consumers, and ultimately drive greater market share and profitability in this dynamic and rapidly evolving market.


How to Adapt Global Social Media Marketing Strategies from Facebook, X, Instagram, and Others for Success in the Chinese Market


As international companies venture into the Chinese market, one of the most significant challenges they face is navigating the stark differences between Western and Chinese social media landscapes. Global giants like Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), and Instagram are pillars of social media marketing strategies worldwide, yet they are inaccessible in China due to the country’s strict internet regulations. Instead, the Chinese digital ecosystem is dominated by platforms such as WeChat, Weibo, Douyin (TikTok’s Chinese counterpart), and Little Red Book (Xiaohongshu). These platforms operate within a vastly different cultural, social, and technological environment, necessitating a tailored approach for companies seeking to establish a strong presence in China.

In this article, we will explore the fundamental differences between international and Chinese social media platforms, examine the unique characteristics of Chinese social media marketing, and provide actionable strategies for adapting successful Western social media marketing practices to the Chinese market. Additionally, we will discuss how companies can blend these global experiences with the specific behaviors and preferences of Chinese consumers to create highly effective, locally optimized social media marketing strategies.

The Fundamental Differences Between Western and Chinese Social Media

Understanding the core differences between Western social media platforms and their Chinese counterparts is crucial for developing a successful marketing strategy in China. While platforms like Facebook, X, and Instagram emphasize global connectivity, self-expression, and user-generated content, Chinese platforms focus on community-building, e-commerce integration, and seamless user experiences within a closed ecosystem.

  1. Platform Ecosystem and Integration:

  • Western Platforms: Social media in the West is typically more fragmented, with different platforms serving distinct purposes—Facebook for social networking, X for microblogging, Instagram for visual content, etc. Users often switch between these platforms depending on their needs.

  • Chinese Platforms: Chinese social media platforms are designed to be all-encompassing ecosystems. For example, WeChat is not just a messaging app; it also functions as a payment platform, news portal, mini-program host, and social networking site all rolled into one. This integration offers a more holistic user experience, reducing the need for users to switch between apps.

  • Content Consumption and Creation:

    • Western Platforms: Users on platforms like Instagram and X are primarily content consumers. They browse through feeds, engage with posts, and occasionally create content. The focus is often on individual self-expression and global trends.

    • Chinese Platforms: In contrast, Chinese platforms place a strong emphasis on content creation and community engagement. Douyin, for example, encourages users to participate in trends through short video challenges, fostering a highly interactive environment. The content is more localized, with a focus on trends that resonate specifically with Chinese culture and values.

  • E-commerce Integration:

    • Western Platforms: While e-commerce features are present on platforms like Instagram (e.g., shoppable posts), they are not the primary focus. The social media experience is still largely about social interaction, with e-commerce as an additional feature.

    • Chinese Platforms: E-commerce is deeply integrated into the social media experience. Platforms like WeChat and Xiaohongshu seamlessly blend social interaction with shopping, allowing users to make purchases directly within the app. This integration is a key driver of consumer behavior in China, making social commerce a critical aspect of any marketing strategy.

  • Government Regulation and Censorship:

    • Western Platforms: While content moderation exists, it is generally less stringent, and platforms operate with a higher degree of freedom. However, recent years have seen increased scrutiny and regulation, particularly around issues of misinformation and data privacy.

    • Chinese Platforms: In China, government regulations play a significant role in shaping social media platforms. Content is heavily monitored, and censorship is common. Brands need to be acutely aware of the regulations and cultural sensitivities when crafting their social media strategies to avoid potential pitfalls.

    Adapting Global Social Media Strategies for the Chinese Market

    Given the differences outlined above, it is clear that international companies cannot simply transplant their Western social media strategies into the Chinese market. Instead, they must develop a localized approach that accounts for the unique characteristics of Chinese platforms and the behaviors of Chinese consumers.

    1. Leveraging All-in-One Platforms like WeChat:

    • Strategy: WeChat’s versatility makes it an indispensable tool for marketing in China. Brands should create official WeChat accounts to engage with users through content, customer service, and direct sales. Utilizing WeChat mini-programs can enhance the user experience by offering interactive features, loyalty programs, and exclusive content, all within the app.

    • Example: Nike leveraged WeChat mini-programs to launch a personalized experience where users could customize their shoes, share designs with friends, and purchase directly within the app. This approach not only drove sales but also strengthened brand loyalty by creating a unique and engaging user experience.

  • Creating Culturally Relevant Content on Douyin and Xiaohongshu:

    • Strategy: Content on Chinese platforms must resonate with local culture and trends. On Douyin, brands should focus on short, creative videos that tap into trending challenges or themes. Xiaohongshu, known for its user-generated content and community-driven recommendations, is ideal for product reviews, tutorials, and lifestyle content.

    • Example: Starbucks successfully utilized Douyin by creating a series of short videos that featured their seasonal drinks in a fun and playful manner, aligning with local trends. On Xiaohongshu, they encouraged users to share their coffee experiences, leading to organic growth in brand mentions and user engagement.

  • Integrating E-commerce with Social Media:

    • Strategy: Given the deep integration of e-commerce in Chinese social media, brands should prioritize social commerce. This involves setting up storefronts on platforms like WeChat and Xiaohongshu, using live-streaming for product launches, and encouraging user-generated content that drives purchase intent.

    • Example: Estee Lauder used Xiaohongshu to launch a new product, combining influencer reviews with a direct purchase link. They also ran a WeChat campaign where users could unlock exclusive discounts by sharing the product with friends, effectively turning customers into brand advocates.

  • Navigating Regulations and Cultural Sensitivities:

    • Strategy: Understanding and complying with local regulations is critical. Brands must ensure that their content aligns with Chinese laws and cultural norms. This includes avoiding politically sensitive topics and being mindful of the cultural context in which their content is consumed.

    • Example: Apple’s “Shot on iPhone” campaign in China featured visually stunning photos and videos shot by Chinese users. The content celebrated local culture and was carefully curated to resonate with Chinese audiences while adhering to regulatory requirements.

  • Building and Engaging Communities:

    • Strategy: Community-building is a powerful tool in the Chinese market. Brands should focus on creating communities around their products or services on platforms like WeChat and Xiaohongshu. These communities can be nurtured through exclusive content, events, and personalized interactions.

    • Example: Lululemon successfully built a community of fitness enthusiasts on WeChat by offering exclusive content, organizing offline events, and creating mini-programs that allowed users to track their workouts. This community-driven approach helped Lululemon establish a strong brand presence in China.

  • Utilizing Influencer Marketing (KOLs and KOCs):

    • Strategy: Influencer marketing, or Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) and Key Opinion Consumers (KOCs), plays a crucial role in Chinese social media marketing. Brands should collaborate with influencers who align with their brand values and have a strong connection with their target audience.

    • Example: Luxury brand Gucci partnered with popular Chinese fashion influencers on Weibo and Xiaohongshu to showcase their latest collection. These influencers created authentic content that resonated with their followers, driving significant engagement and sales.

    Blending Global Experiences with Local Insights

    While adapting to the Chinese social media landscape is essential, international companies can also draw from their global experiences to enhance their strategies in China. The key lies in finding common ground between global best practices and local consumer behaviors.

    1. Storytelling with a Local Twist:

    • Strategy: Storytelling is a powerful marketing tool globally, but in China, it must be done with a local twist. Brands should craft narratives that incorporate Chinese cultural elements, values, and current events, making their stories more relatable to Chinese consumers.

    • Example: Coca-Cola’s “Share a Coke” campaign was adapted for the Chinese market by featuring popular Chinese names and phrases on their bottles. This personalization resonated with Chinese consumers, leading to a surge in sales and brand engagement.

  • Data-Driven Personalization:

    • Strategy: Personalization is crucial in both Western and Chinese markets. However, in China, the approach to data-driven personalization should account for the vast amount of data generated by all-in-one platforms like WeChat. Brands should use this data to deliver highly targeted and relevant content to different consumer segments.

    • Example: Adidas used data from WeChat to personalize content and offers for different customer segments based on their purchase history and engagement levels. This approach increased customer retention and drove higher conversion rates.

  • Agility and Adaptability:

    • Strategy: The fast-paced nature of Chinese social media requires brands to be agile and adaptable. Marketing strategies should be continuously monitored and adjusted based on real-time data and feedback.

    • Example: During the 11.11 Shopping Festival, many international brands quickly adapted their strategies based on live data. For instance, they adjusted pricing, launched flash sales, and increased ad spend on platforms like Tmall and JD.com to maximize their visibility and sales during the event.


    Successfully entering the Chinese market requiresa deep understanding of the local social media landscape and a willingness to adapt global strategies to meet the unique demands of Chinese consumers. While the platforms and user behaviors in China differ significantly from those in the West, the core principles of social media marketing—engagement, storytelling, community-building, and data-driven decision-making—remain relevant.

    By leveraging the all-in-one capabilities of platforms like WeChat, creating culturally resonant content on Douyin and Xiaohongshu, integrating e-commerce with social interactions, and navigating regulatory landscapes carefully, international companies can build a robust social media presence in China. Additionally, blending these localized strategies with global best practices, such as storytelling, personalization, and agility, can lead to a more comprehensive and effective marketing approach.

    To summarize, the key strategies for adapting Western social media marketing experiences to the Chinese market are:

    1. Leverage All-in-One Platforms: Utilize WeChat’s diverse functionalities to create a seamless user experience that integrates content, customer service, and e-commerce.

    2. Create Culturally Relevant Content: Tailor content to resonate with Chinese cultural values and trends, particularly on platforms like Douyin and Xiaohongshu.

    3. Integrate E-commerce and Social Media: Take advantage of the deep integration of e-commerce within Chinese social media platforms to drive sales directly from social interactions.

    4. Navigate Regulations with Care: Ensure compliance with Chinese regulations and cultural norms to avoid pitfalls and build trust with Chinese consumers.

    5. Build Engaged Communities: Foster communities around your brand on platforms like WeChat and Xiaohongshu through exclusive content, events, and personalized interactions.

    6. Utilize Influencer Marketing: Partner with KOLs and KOCs who have a strong connection with your target audience to drive engagement and credibility.

    7. Blend Global Best Practices with Local Insights: Adapt global strategies like storytelling and personalization to the Chinese context, while maintaining agility to respond to the fast-paced nature of the Chinese market.

    Real-World Success Stories

    To further illustrate these strategies, let’s look at some real-world examples of international companies that have successfully adapted their social media marketing strategies for the Chinese market:

    1. Nike’s WeChat Strategy:

      Nike has effectively leveraged WeChat’s mini-programs to create personalized experiences for Chinese consumers. Through these mini-programs, users can design their custom sneakers, share their creations with friends, and even purchase them directly within the app. Nike also uses WeChat to send personalized workout tips, event invitations, and product recommendations based on user data, creating a highly tailored and engaging customer journey.

    2. Starbucks on Xiaohongshu:

      Starbucks has used Xiaohongshu to tap into the platform’s community-driven content creation. By encouraging users to share their coffee experiences, recipes, and store visits, Starbucks has built a strong brand presence on the platform. The company also collaborates with influencers to create content that resonates with local trends, such as showcasing limited-edition drinks that cater to Chinese tastes.

    3. Apple’s Localized Campaigns:

      Apple’s “Shot on iPhone” campaign was adapted for the Chinese market by featuring photos and videos taken by Chinese users in locations across China. This localized content celebrated Chinese culture and landscapes, creating a strong emotional connection with local consumers. Apple also navigated Chinese regulations by ensuring that the content was culturally appropriate and aligned with local norms.

    4. Adidas and Data-Driven Personalization:

      Adidas has successfully used data-driven personalization on WeChat to engage different customer segments. By analyzing user data, Adidas tailors its content, offers, and communication to match the preferences and behaviors of various consumer groups. This personalized approach has led to higher engagement and conversion rates, demonstrating the power of data in driving social media success in China.

    5. Gucci’s KOL Strategy:

      Gucci has embraced influencer marketing in China by partnering with popular fashion influencers on platforms like Weibo and Xiaohongshu. These influencers create authentic content that showcases Gucci’s products in a way that resonates with their followers. By aligning with influencers who embody the brand’s values and aesthetics, Gucci has been able to drive significant engagement and sales among Chinese consumers.

    Final Thoughts

    The Chinese social media landscape presents both challenges and opportunities for international companies. While the platforms and consumer behaviors may differ from those in the West, the underlying principles of effective social media marketing remain consistent. By understanding the unique characteristics of Chinese social media, adapting global strategies to fit the local context, and leveraging the strengths of platforms like WeChat, Douyin, and Xiaohongshu, companies can build a strong social media presence in China.

    Moreover, blending these localized strategies with global best practices allows companies to create a comprehensive and adaptable approach that not only meets the needs of Chinese consumers but also enhances their overall brand strength and market presence. As the Chinese digital ecosystem continues to evolve, staying agile, informed, and culturally attuned will be key to long-term success.

    For decision-makers and marketing leaders of international companies, this means investing in local expertise, continuously monitoring the shifting social media landscape, and being open to experimenting with new strategies that blend global experiences with local insights. With the right approach, the Chinese market offers immense potential for growth and success in the digital age.


    How to Adapt International Email Marketing Experience to the Chinese Market


    Email marketing is a cornerstone of digital marketing strategies worldwide, known for its ability to drive engagement, nurture leads, and generate significant returns on investment. However, when entering the Chinese market, international companies often encounter a distinct challenge: the cultural and technological landscape in China does not prioritize email usage in the same way as Western markets. With China’s unique digital ecosystem dominated by super apps like WeChat, Weibo, and the burgeoning influence of e-commerce giants like Alibaba and JD.com, traditional email marketing strategies must be rethought and adapted to resonate with Chinese consumers.

    This article aims to bridge the gap between international email marketing practices and the unique requirements of the Chinese market. It will guide decision-makers and marketing professionals through the process of adapting their tried-and-tested email marketing techniques to China’s digital environment, drawing parallels between the core principles of email marketing and similar strategies that can be effectively employed in China.

    Understanding the Chinese Digital Ecosystem

    1. The Lack of Email Culture in China

    Unlike in Western markets, where email is a primary mode of communication for both personal and professional interactions, email usage in China is relatively limited. Chinese consumers generally prefer instant messaging apps like WeChat for personal communication, and social media platforms such as Weibo for information and updates. This preference is deeply ingrained in the culture, where the rapid pace of communication offered by these platforms aligns more closely with the expectations of Chinese users.

    Moreover, China’s digital landscape is shaped by a high degree of mobile internet penetration. With over 1 billion internet users, most of whom access the internet primarily through mobile devices, the emphasis is on apps that offer integrated services, including messaging, payments, social networking, and e-commerce. In this environment, traditional email marketing struggles to find its place, making it crucial for foreign companies to adapt their strategies to local preferences.

    2. The Role of Super Apps and Social Media

    Super apps like WeChat and Alipay are at the heart of China’s digital ecosystem. These platforms allow users to perform a wide range of activities—from chatting with friends and family, making payments, booking services, to even managing investments—all within a single app. WeChat, in particular, has become a dominant force in the Chinese market, with its ecosystem encompassing not just messaging, but also WeChat Official Accounts (akin to newsletters or blogs), WeChat Mini Programs (which function like apps within the app), and WeChat Pay.

    Social media platforms like Weibo and Xiaohongshu (Little Red Book) also play a critical role in consumer engagement, serving as hubs for brand interaction, content consumption, and e-commerce. For marketers, these platforms offer rich opportunities to engage with consumers through content marketing, influencer partnerships, and social commerce.

    Adapting Email Marketing Principles to China

    Given the different landscape, how can international companies effectively apply the principles of email marketing within the Chinese market? The answer lies in understanding the core objectives of email marketing—engagement, nurturing leads, and conversion—and finding parallel strategies within China’s digital platforms that serve the same purpose.

    1. Engagement: From Newsletters to WeChat Official Accounts

    In Western markets, newsletters are a common tool for engaging with consumers. They offer a direct line to the consumer’s inbox, allowing brands to share updates, promotions, and personalized content. In China, WeChat Official Accounts serve a similar function. These accounts allow brands to push content directly to followers, much like a newsletter, but within the WeChat ecosystem where users are already highly active.

    WeChat Official Accounts can be categorized into Subscription Accounts and Service Accounts. Subscription Accounts are akin to newsletters, where content is pushed daily to followers. Service Accounts, on the other hand, offer more functionality, including customer service, e-commerce integration, and more personalized communication, though they are limited to four messages per month.

    Case Study: A global luxury brand looking to engage with Chinese consumers might leverage a WeChat Service Account to provide personalized content, updates on new collections, and exclusive offers. The account could also offer a seamless shopping experience by integrating with WeChat Pay and Mini Programs, allowing users to purchase directly from within WeChat.

    2. Nurturing Leads: From Drip Campaigns to Mini Programs

    Drip email campaigns are a staple in Western digital marketing, designed to nurture leads through a series of automated emails that deliver targeted content based on user behavior and preferences. In China, similar nurturing can be achieved through WeChat Mini Programs and interactive content on platforms like Weibo and Douyin (TikTok’s counterpart in China).

    WeChat Mini Programs offer a lightweight, app-like experience within WeChat, where brands can engage users with interactive content, loyalty programs, and personalized experiences. These programs can be tailored to guide users through a customer journey, from awareness to conversion, much like a drip campaign.

    Case Study: A global travel company could create a WeChat Mini Program that offers personalized travel itineraries based on user preferences. As users interact with the program, they receive tailored recommendations and special offers, nurturing them towards booking a trip through the platform.

    3. Conversion: From Email Offers to Flash Sales on Social Commerce Platforms

    In email marketing, conversion often involves sending targeted offers, discounts, or product recommendations that encourage the recipient to make a purchase. In China, conversion tactics are often centered around social commerce platforms like Xiaohongshu, Pinduoduo, and Taobao Live. These platforms combine social interaction with e-commerce, allowing users to discover products through influencers, live streaming, and user-generated content.

    Flash sales, group buying deals, and limited-time offers are common tactics used on these platforms to drive conversions. By creating a sense of urgency and leveraging social proof, brands can encourage users to make purchases directly on the platform.

    Case Study: An international beauty brand might collaborate with influencers on Xiaohongshu to promote a flash sale of a new product line. The sale could be supported by user reviews, tutorials, and live streaming events, all aimed at driving immediate conversions.

    Lessons from Successful Adaptations

    1. Spotify’s Integration with WeChat

    When Spotify entered the Chinese market, it faced the challenge of adapting its email-based engagement strategy to a market where email is not the primary communication tool. To overcome this, Spotify integrated its user engagement efforts with WeChat. By creating a WeChat Official Account, Spotify was able to send personalized music recommendations, updates, and promotional offers directly to users within the app, effectively replacing traditional email newsletters.

    Spotify also leveraged WeChat’s social sharing features, allowing users to share their favorite songs and playlists with friends, thereby enhancing brand visibility and engagement through word-of-mouth.

    2. Airbnb’s Use of WeChat Mini Programs

    Airbnb’s success in China can be attributed to its ability to localize its marketing strategies. Recognizing that traditional email marketing would not be as effective, Airbnb developed a WeChat Mini Program that offered a localized and user-friendly experience. The Mini Program allowed users to browse listings, book accommodations, and even access customer support, all within the WeChat ecosystem.

    Airbnb also used WeChat to run targeted campaigns, offering exclusive discounts and promotions to users who engaged with the Mini Program, driving both engagement and conversions.

    Strategic Recommendations for Adapting Email Marketing to China

    1. Leverage Data and Personalization

    Just as email marketing relies on data to segment audiences and deliver personalized content, so too should your Chinese marketing efforts. Leverage the vast amounts of data available through platforms like WeChat, Alibaba, and JD.com to understand your audience’s preferences, behaviors, and purchasing patterns. Use this data to deliver highly personalized content, whether through WeChat Official Accounts, Mini Programs, or social commerce platforms.

    2. Embrace Social Commerce

    Social commerce is a dominant force in China’s digital landscape, and integrating your marketing efforts with these platforms is crucial for success. Consider how you can replicate the personalized, targeted nature of email offers through social commerce. This could involve partnering with influencers, creating shoppable content, or running time-sensitive promotions that encourage immediate action.

    3. Focus on Mobile-First Strategies

    With the majority of Chinese consumers accessing the internet through mobile devices, your marketing strategies should be mobile-first. Ensure that all content, from WeChat messages to Mini Programs, is optimized for mobile. This not only enhances the user experience but also aligns with the way Chinese consumers interact with digital content.

    4. Build a Strong Omnichannel Presence

    While email may not be the primary channel in China, building an omnichannel presence is essential. Integrate your efforts across WeChat, social media, e-commerce platforms, and offline touchpoints to create a cohesive and seamless customer experience. This approach ensures that you can reach your audience wherever they are, with consistent messaging and branding.

    Conclusion: Adapting Core Principles to New Contexts

    While the tools and platforms may differ, the core principles of email marketing—engagement, nurturing leads, and driving conversions—remain relevant in the Chinese market. By understanding the unique digital landscape in China and strategically adapting your approach, you can effectively translate the success of your international email marketing efforts to this new context.

    China’s digital ecosystem offers a wealth of opportunities for brands willing to embrace its nuances and innovate. By leveraging platforms like WeChat, integrating social commerce, and focusing on mobile-first strategies, international companies can create impactful and effective marketing campaigns that resonate with Chinese consumers.

    As you navigate the complexities of the Chinese market, remember that localization is key. Success in China requires more than just translation—it demands a deep understanding of the cultural, technological, and consumer behavior differences that define this dynamic market. By building on the lessons of email marketing and adapting them to the unique context of China, your brand can achieve significant growth and success in this vibrant market.


    The Ultimate Guide to Effective Content Marketing on Xiaohongshu for Foreign Companies in China


    Xiaohongshu (Little Red Book), one of China’s most influential social commerce platforms, has become a powerful tool for brands looking to penetrate the Chinese market. With over 300 million users, the platform seamlessly integrates social networking with e-commerce, allowing users to discover, review, and purchase products directly within the app. For foreign companies aiming to establish or expand their presence in China, Xiaohongshu offers a unique opportunity to engage with Chinese consumers, particularly the younger, more affluent demographic.

    This guide aims to provide international companies with a comprehensive understanding of how to leverage Xiaohongshu’s platform and ecosystem to develop effective content marketing strategies. By exploring best practices, real-world examples, and actionable insights, this guide will help you achieve sustained growth, market share, and brand impact in China.

    1. Understanding Xiaohongshu’s Unique Ecosystem

    1.1 The Social Commerce Model

    Xiaohongshu’s core value proposition lies in its ability to combine social interaction with e-commerce. Users on Xiaohongshu are not just browsing products; they are actively engaging in a community where they can share their experiences, seek advice, and make informed purchasing decisions based on peer recommendations. This blend of content-driven discovery and instant purchasing capability sets Xiaohongshu apart from other platforms and makes it a vital tool for brands looking to connect with consumers in an authentic, community-driven environment.

    1.2 The Demographics of Xiaohongshu Users

    The platform’s user base primarily consists of women aged 18-35, a group that is highly active, fashion-forward, and increasingly influential in China’s consumer market. These users are typically well-educated, middle to upper class, and highly responsive to trends and new products. Understanding this demographic is crucial for crafting content that resonates and drives engagement.

    1.3 The Role of KOLs and Micro-Influencers

    Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) and micro-influencers play a pivotal role on Xiaohongshu. Their content is often seen as more relatable and trustworthy compared to traditional advertising. Collaborating with KOLs allows brands to tap into established audiences, lending credibility and amplifying reach. However, choosing the right KOLs—those whose followers align with your target demographic and brand values—is essential for success.

    2. Developing a Xiaohongshu Content Marketing Strategy

    2.1 Setting Clear Objectives

    Before diving into content creation, it’s important to establish clear marketing objectives. Are you looking to increase brand awareness, drive traffic to your e-commerce site, or boost sales through Xiaohongshu’s platform? Each goal requires a different approach in terms of content type, frequency, and promotional tactics.

    2.2 Content Planning and Creation

    2.2.1 Types of Content That Work

    Successful content on Xiaohongshu typically falls into several categories:

    • Product Reviews and Tutorials: Authentic product reviews, unboxings, and how-to tutorials resonate well with Xiaohongshu users. These posts not only showcase the product but also provide practical value, helping potential customers make informed decisions.

    • User-Generated Content (UGC): Encouraging customers to share their own experiences with your products creates a sense of community and trust. UGC often drives higher engagement because it feels more organic and less like a traditional advertisement.

    • Lifestyle and Experience Posts: Posts that align your brand with a particular lifestyle or set of values can be particularly effective. For example, a beauty brand might share content related to wellness, self-care routines, or eco-friendly living, positioning itself as part of a broader, desirable lifestyle.

    2.2.2 Visual and Written Content

    Xiaohongshu is a highly visual platform, so high-quality images and videos are crucial. Your visual content should be aesthetically pleasing and consistent with your brand identity. Similarly, the written content should be engaging, concise, and in line with the tone that resonates with your target audience. Keep in mind that authenticity is key—overly polished or commercial content can sometimes be less effective than more genuine, user-generated-like posts.

    2.3 Leveraging KOLs and Influencers

    2.3.1 Selecting the Right Influencers

    Choosing the right KOLs involves more than just looking at follower counts. Brands need to assess an influencer’s engagement rates, the authenticity of their interactions, and whether their audience aligns with the brand’s target demographic. For example, a luxury skincare brand would benefit from partnering with a beauty influencer known for premium product reviews rather than a general lifestyle blogger.

    2.3.2 Structuring Collaborations

    When structuring collaborations with KOLs, it’s essential to strike a balance between brand messaging and creative freedom. Influencers know their audience best, so allowing them some creative control can result in more genuine and effective content. Additionally, long-term partnerships tend to be more effective than one-off posts, as they build a deeper association between the influencer and your brand.

    2.4 Utilizing Xiaohongshu’s Paid Promotion Tools

    2.4.1 Sponsored Posts

    Sponsored posts are a straightforward way to increase the visibility of your content on Xiaohongshu. These posts appear organically in users’ feeds but are labeled as sponsored, maintaining transparency. To maximize effectiveness, ensure that these posts are well-targeted and align with your organic content strategy.

    2.4.2 In-App Advertising

    Xiaohongshu offers various in-app advertising options, including banner ads, search ads, and product placement within user-generated content. These ads can be highly effective when integrated into a broader content marketing strategy. However, it’s important to monitor performance closely and optimize campaigns regularly to ensure a positive return on investment.

    2.5 Analyzing and Optimizing Performance

    Regular analysis is critical to understanding what works and what doesn’t on Xiaohongshu. Utilize the platform’s built-in analytics tools to track engagement metrics, follower growth, and conversion rates. Additionally, gathering qualitative feedback from user comments and direct messages can provide insights into how your brand is perceived and where improvements can be made.

    3. Case Studies: Success Stories on Xiaohongshu

    3.1 L’Oréal Paris: Building Trust Through Authentic Content

    L’Oréal Paris has effectively utilized Xiaohongshu by focusing on authenticity and user engagement. By collaborating with local KOLs and encouraging UGC, L’Oréal has built a strong presence on the platform. Their content strategy involves a mix of product tutorials, skincare tips, and user testimonials, all of which resonate well with Xiaohongshu’s audience. The brand’s success on the platform is attributed to its commitment to authenticity, relevance, and consistency.

    3.2 Starbucks: Localized Campaigns for Maximum Impact

    Starbucks has leveraged Xiaohongshu’s platform to run localized campaigns that resonate with Chinese consumers. One notable campaign involved promoting a limited-edition range of products inspired by traditional Chinese culture. By collaborating with local influencers and using Xiaohongshu’s in-app advertising tools, Starbucks was able to generate significant buzz and drive sales both online and in-store.

    3.3 Nike: Engaging Through Experience

    Nike’s approach on Xiaohongshu focuses on creating immersive experiences for users. By sharing content related to sports, fitness challenges, and lifestyle, Nike has positioned itself as more than just a sports brand. The company regularly collaborates with fitness influencers who share their workout routines and personal stories, creating a community of engaged users who associate the brand with their active lifestyles.

    4. Best Practices for Maximizing ROI on Xiaohongshu

    4.1 Focus on Community Building

    Xiaohongshu is not just a sales channel; it’s a community. Brands that invest in building a loyal community around their products are more likely to see long-term success. This involves not only creating engaging content but also actively participating in conversations, responding to comments, and showing appreciation for user-generated content.

    4.2 Maintain Consistency and Authenticity

    Consistency in posting and maintaining an authentic brand voice are crucial for building trust on Xiaohongshu. Users on the platform are highly discerning and can quickly spot inauthentic or overly commercial content. Brands that stay true to their values and consistently deliver content that resonates with their audience are more likely to build a loyal following.

    4.3 Utilize Data-Driven Insights

    Leverage data to inform your content strategy on Xiaohongshu. Analyzing user behavior, engagement patterns, and demographic data can provide valuable insights into what types of content perform best and what drives conversions. Regularly reviewing and adjusting your strategy based on these insights will help you stay ahead of the competition.

    4.4 Experiment with Different Content Formats

    While product reviews and tutorials are popular on Xiaohongshu, don’t be afraid to experiment with different content formats. Short videos, live streams, and interactive posts can offer fresh ways to engage your audience and showcase your products. Keeping your content diverse and dynamic will help maintain user interest and encourage ongoing engagement.

    4.5 Collaborate with Xiaohongshu’s In-House Team

    Xiaohongshu offers in-house support for brands looking to optimize their presence on the platform. Collaborating with Xiaohongshu’s team can provide you with tailored advice, access to exclusive features, and opportunities for enhanced visibility through platform-specific initiatives. This partnership can be particularly beneficial for foreign companies navigating the nuances of the Chinese market.


    Xiaohongshu represents a unique opportunity for foreign companies to connect with Chinese consumers in a meaningful and impactful way. By understanding the platform’s ecosystem, developing a tailored content strategy, and leveraging the power of KOLs, brands can achieve significant growth and success in the Chinese market. However, success on Xiaohongshu requires more than just a

    presence—it demands a deep understanding of the platform’s cultural nuances, user expectations, and the ever-evolving digital landscape in China.

    4.6 Localize Your Content to Align with Chinese Culture

    Localization is key when it comes to content marketing on Xiaohongshu. Chinese consumers value products and brands that resonate with their culture and traditions. This means that simply translating your content from another market won’t suffice. You need to adapt your messaging, visuals, and overall strategy to align with local tastes and preferences.

    For example, incorporating elements of Chinese festivals, traditional symbols, or culturally relevant themes into your campaigns can significantly boost engagement. Understanding regional differences within China can also help tailor content to specific audiences, ensuring that your messaging feels personal and relevant.

    4.7 Stay Agile and Adapt to Trends

    The digital landscape in China is dynamic, with trends emerging and evolving rapidly. Brands that are agile and able to quickly adapt their content strategies to capitalize on these trends are more likely to succeed. On Xiaohongshu, this could mean jumping on trending hashtags, participating in popular challenges, or creating content that ties into current events or viral topics.

    Monitoring the platform and staying attuned to what’s trending among your target audience will allow you to craft timely and relevant content that resonates with users. Being proactive rather than reactive can help your brand stand out in a crowded market.

    4.8 Invest in Long-Term Relationship Building

    While short-term campaigns can generate quick wins, long-term relationship building is crucial for sustained success on Xiaohongshu. This involves not only continuous engagement with your audience but also nurturing relationships with key influencers, loyal customers, and even Xiaohongshu itself.

    Consider establishing an ongoing presence on the platform through regular content updates, community engagement, and consistent collaboration with KOLs. Over time, this will help solidify your brand’s reputation and foster a dedicated community of followers who advocate for your products.

    4.9 Leverage Xiaohongshu’s E-Commerce Integration

    One of Xiaohongshu’s unique advantages is its seamless integration of social content and e-commerce. Brands can directly link their products within posts, making it easy for users to make purchases without leaving the app. To maximize this feature, ensure that your product listings are optimized with clear images, detailed descriptions, and competitive pricing.

    Additionally, consider utilizing Xiaohongshu’s e-commerce promotions and discounts to drive sales. Limited-time offers, exclusive deals, and product launches can create a sense of urgency and encourage users to make purchases.

    4.10 Monitor and Respond to User Feedback

    User feedback on Xiaohongshu is invaluable for refining your content strategy and improving your products. Actively monitor comments, reviews, and messages from users, and be responsive to their concerns and suggestions. Positive interactions can boost brand loyalty, while addressing negative feedback promptly and professionally can mitigate potential issues.

    Consider incorporating user feedback into your content strategy by highlighting customer testimonials, addressing common questions in posts, or even featuring UGC in your official content. This not only enhances engagement but also shows that your brand values and listens to its customers.

    Conclusion: Embrace Xiaohongshu as a Strategic Tool for Success in China

    For foreign companies entering the Chinese market, Xiaohongshu offers a powerful platform to connect with consumers in an authentic and impactful way. By understanding the unique dynamics of the platform, localizing your content, and building strong relationships with influencers and users, you can harness the full potential of Xiaohongshu to drive brand awareness, customer engagement, and sales growth.

    As you embark on your Xiaohongshu content marketing journey, remember that success on the platform requires a blend of creativity, cultural understanding, and data-driven strategy. By staying agile, investing in long-term relationships, and continuously refining your approach based on user feedback, your brand can thrive in China’s competitive digital landscape.

    With the right strategy and execution, Xiaohongshu can become a cornerstone of your brand’s success in China, helping you achieve your business goals and secure a strong foothold in one of the world’s most lucrative markets.


    Learning from Ctrip, Qunar, and Qyer: How to Leverage China’s Unique Marketing Characteristics for O2O Business Success


    The online travel industry in China is one of the most dynamic and competitive sectors, with companies like Ctrip, Qunar, and Qyer (Qiongyou) leading the charge. Their ability to innovate and adapt to China’s unique market characteristics has allowed them to secure significant market share and build lasting brand loyalty. International O2O (Online-to-Offline) businesses looking to enter the Chinese market can learn valuable lessons from these Chinese giants in terms of how to harness local marketing platforms, consumer behaviors, and digital ecosystems to achieve commercial success.

    This article will explore the key strategies that have driven the success of Ctrip, Qunar, and Qyer in China, offering insights that international companies can apply to their own localization efforts. By understanding the marketing tactics and operational nuances that define the Chinese market, O2O companies can better position themselves for growth and profitability.

    Understanding the Chinese Online Travel Market

    Before diving into specific marketing strategies, it’s essential to understand the unique characteristics of the Chinese online travel landscape. Several key factors distinguish the Chinese market from its global counterparts:

    1. Mobile-First Behavior: China’s internet users are overwhelmingly mobile-centric. The majority of travel searches, bookings, and engagements occur on smartphones. This makes mobile-optimized strategies a necessity for any international company entering the Chinese market.

    2. Super Apps Dominate: Platforms like WeChat and Alipay are ubiquitous in China, and their integration into daily life goes beyond just messaging or payments. These apps offer travel bookings, reviews, and customer service, which means that having a presence on super apps is critical.

    3. High Consumer Expectations: Chinese travelers, especially younger generations, expect a high level of personalization, real-time customer support, and convenience. The competitive nature of the market has conditioned them to expect seamless service across all touchpoints.

    4. Digital Payments: Cashless payments dominate the travel sector, with QR codes, mobile wallets, and digital payment platforms being the standard. This ease of transaction plays a crucial role in the decision-making process.

    With these foundational characteristics in mind, let’s explore the strategies of the major players in China’s online travel industry.

    Ctrip: Dominating the Chinese Travel Market Through Localization and Partnerships

    Ctrip (now part of Trip.com Group) is China’s largest online travel agency (OTA) and one of the biggest success stories in the industry. Since its inception, Ctrip has consistently tailored its services and marketing to align with local consumer preferences and behaviors.

    1. Localization of Offerings

    Ctrip’s success is rooted in its deep understanding of local travelers’ needs. From domestic flight bookings to hotel reservations, Ctrip offers a comprehensive range of travel products that cater to a wide spectrum of consumers, from budget travelers to luxury seekers.

    For international businesses, this level of localization means going beyond offering mere translations of global services. Companies must tailor their product mix to reflect local preferences. For example, Ctrip offers a variety of travel insurance options and alternative travel methods like high-speed trains, both of which are hugely popular among Chinese travelers.

    2. Strategic Partnerships

    Ctrip has forged alliances with both global and domestic players, allowing it to offer a more comprehensive array of services. Their partnerships with hotels, airlines, and local travel agencies ensure they can meet the needs of travelers looking for both domestic and international travel solutions.

    For international O2O companies, this approach highlights the importance of building partnerships with local suppliers and platforms to provide seamless services. Working with established companies in China can help you navigate regulatory challenges and establish a more credible presence in the market.

    3. Leveraging Data for Personalization

    Ctrip uses big data analytics to offer personalized travel recommendations based on user behavior, preferences, and past purchases. By providing personalized travel packages and services, they increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

    For international companies, investing in data analytics and understanding the nuances of consumer behavior in China can make a significant difference. Personalization is not just a nice-to-have; it is an expectation in China, where consumers are used to platforms understanding their needs before they articulate them.

    4. Utilizing WeChat and Mini Programs

    Ctrip has leveraged WeChat’s ecosystem to offer a comprehensive mobile experience. Through WeChat Mini Programs, users can book hotels, flights, and tours without leaving the app. This seamless integration allows Ctrip to stay connected with users throughout their travel journey.

    For international companies, integrating services with super apps like WeChat or Alipay is crucial to staying relevant in the Chinese market. These platforms provide not only payment solutions but also customer service and marketing opportunities.

    Qunar: A Focus on Price Sensitivity and User Engagement

    Qunar is another leading OTA in China, known for its focus on price comparison and offering budget-friendly travel options. While Ctrip targets a broader range of travelers, Qunar has built a reputation for helping users find the best deals.

    1. Price Transparency as a Marketing Tool

    Qunar’s marketing strategy revolves around providing clear and transparent pricing information. This has built trust with consumers who are looking for the best possible deals on flights and hotels. The focus on price comparison has allowed Qunar to carve out a niche among cost-conscious travelers.

    International companies can learn from this by adopting transparent pricing strategies and avoiding hidden fees. Chinese consumers, especially in the travel industry, are price-sensitive and appreciate platforms that offer clarity and value.

    2. User-Generated Content and Reviews

    Qunar encourages users to share their travel experiences and leave reviews, which in turn helps other users make informed decisions. This reliance on user-generated content has created a community of engaged travelers who trust Qunar’s platform.

    For international companies, leveraging user-generated content and fostering a community around your brand can significantly improve customer engagement. Encouraging reviews and interactions on your platform or via social media can also boost credibility and trust among Chinese consumers.

    3. Mobile-First Booking Experience

    Like most Chinese OTAs, Qunar’s user experience is optimized for mobile devices. Their app offers real-time pricing updates, easy navigation, and swift booking processes, catering to China’s mobile-first audience.

    International companies entering the Chinese market need to prioritize mobile optimization from the outset. A well-designed mobile app that simplifies the user journey, from browsing to booking, is essential in capturing the attention of Chinese travelers.

    Qyer: Building a Community of Independent Travelers

    Qyer (Qiongyou) is a niche player in China’s travel market, targeting younger, independent travelers who are interested in unique travel experiences and destinations. Their platform combines travel inspiration with booking services, creating an ecosystem where travelers can share their experiences and recommendations.

    1. Content-Driven Marketing

    Qyer’s marketing strategy centers around user-generated content, blogs, and travel diaries. Travelers on Qyer often share detailed itineraries, photos, and tips, creating a rich content repository that attracts like-minded travelers.

    International companies can take inspiration from Qyer’s content marketing strategy by encouraging their users to create and share content. Whether it’s through blogs, videos, or social media, content-driven marketing helps build a sense of community and loyalty among users.

    2. Targeting Younger Audiences

    Qyer has focused on engaging with China’s younger travelers, who are more adventurous and eager to explore off-the-beaten-path destinations. The company’s social media presence is strong, with a focus on platforms like Douyin (TikTok) and Xiaohongshu (Little Red Book), which are popular among younger demographics.

    For international companies, targeting younger audiences through the right social media channels is crucial. Douyin and Xiaohongshu are two platforms that offer opportunities to engage with consumers through creative, short-form video content and influencer partnerships.

    3. Cross-Border Travel Focus

    While Ctrip and Qunar focus primarily on domestic travel, Qyer emphasizes cross-border travel, offering guides and recommendations for international destinations. This focus has helped them tap into the growing segment of Chinese travelers interested in overseas experiences.

    International companies in the travel sector can cater to this audience by offering unique cross-border travel solutions that align with the preferences of Chinese outbound tourists. Understanding the needs of Chinese travelers abroad can help international companies craft compelling offers.

    1. Embrace the Mobile Ecosystem (Continued)

    As China is a mobile-first market, international companies must prioritize mobile optimization. This includes developing apps that are compatible with Chinese platforms, such as WeChat, Alipay, and Baidu Maps, and ensuring that your mobile experience is smooth, intuitive, and efficient. The success of Ctrip, Qunar, and Qyer demonstrates that being present and fully functional on mobile is not just a competitive advantage—it’s a necessity. Offering features like QR code payments, mobile customer service, and in-app promotions can significantly enhance user engagement and conversion rates.

    2. Localize Your Marketing Strategy

    Localization goes beyond language translation; it involves adapting your products, services, and marketing messages to align with local cultural norms, consumer behaviors, and market expectations. For instance, Ctrip’s focus on local partnerships and Qyer’s emphasis on user-generated content reflect an understanding of what resonates with Chinese consumers. International companies should tailor their value propositions, pricing strategies, and marketing campaigns to reflect the unique characteristics of the Chinese market. This may involve creating exclusive offers for Chinese holidays, collaborating with local influencers, or customizing products to suit local tastes.

    3. Leverage China’s Super Apps

    The dominance of super apps like WeChat and Alipay in China cannot be overstated. These platforms serve as comprehensive ecosystems where users can engage in everything from messaging to shopping to booking travel. Ctrip’s successful integration with WeChat, for example, allows users to book flights and hotels without leaving the app, offering a seamless experience. International companies should explore opportunities to integrate their services within these super apps, either through mini programs or API integrations, to reach Chinese consumers where they are most active.

    4. Invest in Data-Driven Personalization

    Chinese consumers have come to expect a high level of personalization in their interactions with brands. Ctrip’s use of big data to offer tailored travel recommendations is a prime example of how personalization can drive customer loyalty and repeat business. For international companies, investing in data analytics to understand customer preferences and behaviors is crucial. This can inform personalized marketing campaigns, targeted promotions, and even product development, ensuring that your offerings are relevant and appealing to your Chinese audience.

    5. Focus on Price Transparency and Value

    Price sensitivity is a significant factor in the Chinese market, particularly in the travel sector. Qunar’s success in offering transparent pricing and focusing on budget-conscious travelers highlights the importance of clear and honest communication about costs. International companies should adopt a similar approach by avoiding hidden fees and offering clear value propositions. Competitive pricing strategies, bundled offers, and loyalty programs can also help attract and retain cost-conscious consumers.

    6. Build a Strong Content Strategy

    Content plays a crucial role in engaging Chinese consumers, particularly younger demographics who seek inspiration and information online. Qyer’s focus on travel diaries, itineraries, and user-generated content has helped it build a loyal community of independent travelers. International companies can benefit from developing a robust content strategy that includes blogs, videos, social media posts, and user-generated content. This content should not only inform and inspire but also drive conversions by linking directly to booking pages or promotional offers.

    7. Engage with Younger Audiences Through Social Media

    China’s younger consumers are highly active on social media platforms like Douyin (TikTok), Xiaohongshu (Little Red Book), and Weibo. These platforms offer unique opportunities to reach and engage with this demographic through creative content, influencer collaborations, and interactive campaigns. Qyer’s success in targeting younger travelers through social media demonstrates the importance of understanding where your audience spends their time online and tailoring your content accordingly. International companies should explore partnerships with local influencers, create viral content, and engage in social media challenges to build brand awareness and loyalty among younger Chinese consumers.

    8. Offer Seamless Cross-Border Travel Solutions

    As more Chinese travelers explore international destinations, there is a growing demand for seamless cross-border travel solutions. Qyer’s focus on international travel guides and recommendations has positioned it as a go-to resource for Chinese travelers seeking unique experiences abroad. International companies, particularly those in the travel sector, should consider offering services that cater specifically to Chinese outbound tourists. This could include localized travel guides, Chinese-language customer support, and partnerships with local businesses in popular destinations. Understanding the needs and preferences of Chinese travelers abroad can help you craft compelling offers and capture a share of this lucrative market.

    9. Develop Strategic Partnerships

    Strategic partnerships are key to navigating the complexities of the Chinese market. Ctrip’s alliances with hotels, airlines, and local travel agencies have allowed it to offer a comprehensive range of services that meet the needs of Chinese travelers. For international companies, forming partnerships with local businesses, technology platforms, and service providers can enhance your value proposition and help you overcome challenges related to logistics, regulations, and market entry. These partnerships can also provide access to local expertise and resources, making it easier to adapt your offerings to the Chinese market.

    10. Ensure Regulatory Compliance

    Finally, it’s essential to understand and comply with China’s regulatory environment. The Chinese government places strict regulations on data privacy, content censorship, and business practices, and failure to comply can result in significant penalties or even the loss of market access. International companies should work with legal experts and local partners to ensure that their operations, marketing strategies, and data practices adhere to Chinese laws and regulations. This will not only protect your business but also build trust with Chinese consumers who are increasingly concerned about data security and corporate responsibility.


    The success of Ctrip, Qunar, and Qyer in the Chinese online travel market offers valuable lessons for international O2O companies looking to enter or expand their presence in China. By embracing mobile-first strategies, localizing your offerings, leveraging super apps, and investing in personalization, content, and strategic partnerships, you can effectively navigate the unique challenges of the Chinese market and achieve sustainable growth.

    As you develop your market entry strategy, remember that China’s digital landscape is constantly evolving, and staying ahead of trends and consumer expectations is crucial. By learning from the strategies of China’s leading online travel companies, you can position your business for success in one of the world’s most dynamic and competitive markets.

    In summary, success in China’s O2O space requires a deep understanding of local consumer behaviors, a willingness to adapt and innovate, and a commitment to providing value and convenience. With the right approach, your business can tap into the immense potential of the Chinese market and build a lasting presence in this fast-growing economy.


    Understanding the Unique Characteristics of Chinese Consumer Internet Behavior: Optimizing Localized Advertising Strategies for International Companies


    The Chinese market represents a massive opportunity for international companies, but it also poses significant challenges. With over 1.4 billion people, China is home to the world’s largest online population, boasting more than 1 billion internet users as of 2024. However, the internet behavior of Chinese consumers differs markedly from their counterparts in other regions, necessitating tailored advertising strategies that cater specifically to the local market. This article will explore the unique characteristics of Chinese consumer internet behavior and provide strategic insights for international companies on how to optimize their localized advertising strategies accordingly.

    The Unique Characteristics of Chinese Consumer Internet Behavior

    1. Mobile-First Society

    China is a mobile-first society, with mobile devices playing a central role in daily life. Unlike many Western markets where desktop usage still holds significant weight, Chinese consumers predominantly use mobile devices for their internet activities, including shopping, social networking, and content consumption. In fact, over 99% of Chinese internet users access the web via mobile devices.

    Implications for Advertisers:

    • Mobile Optimization: Advertisers must prioritize mobile optimization in their campaigns. This includes mobile-friendly websites, apps, and advertisements that are optimized for various screen sizes and devices.
    • Responsive Design: Ensure that all digital content is designed to be responsive, providing a seamless experience across mobile, tablet, and desktop devices.
    • App-Centric Approach: Given the prominence of mobile apps in China, brands should consider developing apps or integrating with popular Chinese apps to reach their target audience effectively.

    2. Integration of Social Media and E-Commerce

    Social media and e-commerce are deeply intertwined in China, creating a unique ecosystem where consumers frequently discover, research, and purchase products directly through social platforms. Apps like WeChat, Douyin (TikTok’s Chinese counterpart), and Xiaohongshu (Little Red Book) are not only social networks but also powerful e-commerce platforms.

    Implications for Advertisers:

    • Social Commerce: Brands should leverage social commerce by creating shoppable content on platforms like WeChat and Douyin. This can include live-streaming events, influencer partnerships, and interactive ads that link directly to product pages.
    • Content-Driven Commerce: Develop content that drives engagement and sales, such as product reviews, tutorials, and user-generated content. Integrating these into social media campaigns can boost visibility and conversions.
    • Influencer Collaborations: Partnering with local influencers (KOLs) who have a strong presence on social media platforms can amplify brand messages and drive sales directly through social channels.

    3. Preference for Localized Content

    Chinese consumers show a strong preference for localized content that resonates with their cultural norms, values, and language. Unlike Western consumers who might engage with global brands in English, Chinese consumers expect content to be tailored to their local context.

    Implications for Advertisers:

    • Cultural Relevance: Ensure that advertising content is culturally relevant and aligns with local customs, traditions, and values. This can involve adapting global campaigns to reflect Chinese holidays, festivals, and societal trends.
    • Language Localization: All content, including ads, websites, and social media posts, should be in Mandarin (or other relevant Chinese dialects) and should reflect local idioms and expressions to connect with the audience.
    • Local Stories: Leverage local stories, references, and case studies in your campaigns to build trust and credibility among Chinese consumers.

    4. Trust in User-Generated Content (UGC)

    User-generated content (UGC) holds significant sway over Chinese consumers’ purchasing decisions. Reviews, ratings, and testimonials shared on platforms like Dianping (China’s Yelp) or in WeChat groups are often more influential than brand-generated content.

    Implications for Advertisers:

    • Encourage UGC: Actively encourage customers to share their experiences with your brand on social media and review sites. This can be incentivized through contests, rewards, or recognition programs.
    • Leverage Reviews: Highlight positive customer reviews in your advertising campaigns and on product pages to build trust and credibility.
    • Community Engagement: Foster online communities where customers can share their experiences and connect with others. This not only generates UGC but also strengthens brand loyalty.

    5. High Engagement with Video Content

    Video content, especially short-form video, dominates the Chinese digital landscape. Platforms like Douyin, Kuaishou, and Bilibili have seen explosive growth, with consumers spending a significant amount of time watching and interacting with video content.

    Implications for Advertisers:

    • Short-Form Video Ads: Develop short-form video ads that are engaging, entertaining, and optimized for platforms like Douyin and Kuaishou. These should capture the audience’s attention within the first few seconds to be effective.
    • Live Streaming: Consider incorporating live streaming into your marketing strategy. Live commerce, where products are sold during live streams, has become a popular way for brands to engage with consumers and drive sales.
    • Interactive Video Content: Experiment with interactive video content that allows viewers to engage directly with the brand, such as clickable links, polls, and shoppable features.

    6. Reliance on Super Apps

    In China, super apps like WeChat and Alipay serve as one-stop platforms for a wide range of activities, including messaging, shopping, payment processing, and even accessing government services. This integration of services within a single platform is unparalleled in Western markets.

    Implications for Advertisers:

    • WeChat Ecosystem: Brands should fully leverage the WeChat ecosystem, including Official Accounts, Mini Programs, and WeChat Pay, to create a seamless and integrated experience for users.
    • Super App Presence: Consider developing Mini Programs or integrating with existing ones to offer services, products, or information within super apps, thereby increasing your brand’s visibility and accessibility.
    • Targeted Ads: Utilize the targeting capabilities of super apps to reach specific segments of your audience based on their behaviors and preferences.

    7. Sophisticated Use of Data and AI

    Chinese companies are at the forefront of utilizing big data and artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance their marketing efforts. These technologies enable hyper-targeted advertising, personalized content, and real-time adjustments to campaigns.

    Implications for Advertisers:

    • Data-Driven Marketing: Invest in data analytics tools that can provide insights into consumer behavior, preferences, and trends. Use this data to inform your advertising strategies and optimize campaigns in real-time.
    • Personalization: Leverage AI to deliver personalized ads that resonate with individual consumers. This can include personalized product recommendations, dynamic pricing, and tailored messaging.
    • A/B Testing: Continuously test and optimize your ads using A/B testing methods. This allows you to refine your strategies based on real-time data and achieve better results.

    Case Studies: Success Stories in Localized Advertising

    1. Nike’s “Run for the Future” Campaign

    Nike has successfully localized its marketing strategies in China by tapping into the cultural significance of health and wellness. Their “Run for the Future” campaign, which encouraged young people to take up running as a way to improve their lives, resonated deeply with Chinese consumers. By partnering with local influencers and leveraging platforms like WeChat and Douyin, Nike was able to create a campaign that not only promoted their products but also aligned with the aspirations of their target audience.

    2. Coca-Cola’s WeChat Mini Program

    Coca-Cola launched a WeChat Mini Program that allowed users to send virtual Coca-Cola cans with personalized messages to their friends. This campaign capitalized on the social nature of WeChat and the importance of gift-giving in Chinese culture. The result was a highly engaging and viral campaign that strengthened Coca-Cola’s brand presence in China.

    3. L’Oréal’s Live Streaming Success

    L’Oréal leveraged the popularity of live streaming in China to launch a series of live commerce events where influencers showcased and sold L’Oréal products in real-time. This approach not only drove immediate sales but also built brand loyalty by providing consumers with an interactive and personalized shopping experience.

    Strategic Recommendations for International Companies

    1. Adopt a Mobile-First Strategy

    Given the dominance of mobile internet usage in China, it is imperative that international companies adopt a mobile-first strategy. This includes optimizing websites, apps, and ads for mobile devices and ensuring that content is accessible and engaging on smaller screens.

    2. Leverage Local Platforms

    International companies should focus on the platforms that are most popular in China, such as WeChat, Douyin, and Xiaohongshu. These platforms offer unique opportunities for social commerce, influencer marketing, and content-driven advertising.

    3. Invest in Localized Content

    Creating content that resonates with Chinese consumers is crucial for success. This means not only translating existing content into Mandarin but also adapting it to reflect local cultural references, values, and trends. Working with local content creators and influencers can help ensure that your content is relevant and engaging.

    4. Prioritize Trust and Transparency

    Building trust with Chinese consumers is essential. This can be achieved by encouraging and showcasing user-generated content, being transparent in your communications, and delivering on your brand promises. Positive reviews, testimonials, and community engagement can significantly enhance your brand’s credibility.

    5. Utilize Data and AI for Personalization

    Data-driven marketing and AI-powered personalization can help international companies deliver more relevant and effective ads. By analyzing consumer data, brands can create personalized experiences that cater to the preferences and behaviors of their target audience.

    6. Embrace Innovation

    The Chinese digital landscape is constantly evolving, with new technologies and trends emerging regularly. International companies should stay agile and be willing to experiment with new formats, platforms, and technologies to stay ahead of the competition.


    The unique characteristics of Chinese consumer internet behavior require international companies to rethink their advertising strategies when enteringthe Chinese market. Simply replicating strategies that have worked in other regions is unlikely to yield the desired results. Instead, success in China demands a deep understanding of local consumer behavior, a commitment to localization, and the flexibility to adapt to a rapidly changing digital landscape.

    7. Focus on Super App Integration

    Given the ubiquity and influence of super apps like WeChat and Alipay, integrating your brand into these platforms is not just beneficial but essential. These super apps allow for a seamless user experience, combining social interaction, shopping, and payment into one interface. Brands that successfully embed themselves into these ecosystems can engage consumers more effectively and drive higher conversion rates.

    8. Engage with the Power of Influencers

    In China, influencers, also known as Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs), play a pivotal role in shaping consumer opinions and driving purchasing decisions. Unlike in Western markets, where influencer marketing may still be considered supplementary, in China, it is a primary channel. The authenticity and trust that KOLs bring to a brand can significantly enhance consumer engagement and brand credibility.

    9. Utilize Short-Form Video and Live Streaming

    Short-form video and live streaming have become dominant forms of content consumption in China. Platforms like Douyin and Kuaishou are leaders in this space, and brands that leverage these formats can capture the attention of a broad audience. The immediacy and interactive nature of live streaming, in particular, can create a sense of urgency and exclusivity, driving sales during the event itself.

    10. Implement a Holistic Data Strategy

    Data is a critical asset in understanding and responding to consumer behavior. In China, where consumers expect a high degree of personalization, a robust data strategy is indispensable. Brands must collect and analyze data from various touchpoints, including social media interactions, app usage, and purchase history, to create personalized marketing campaigns that resonate with individual consumers.

    Realizing the Full Potential of the Chinese Market

    To fully realize the potential of the Chinese market, international companies must approach their advertising strategies with a focus on localization, consumer-centricity, and innovation. By understanding the unique characteristics of Chinese internet behavior, companies can tailor their strategies to meet the specific needs and preferences of Chinese consumers.

    This approach not only enhances the effectiveness of advertising campaigns but also builds long-term brand loyalty and trust. Companies that succeed in China do so by blending their global brand strengths with a deep respect for local culture and consumer behavior. This requires continuous learning, adaptation, and a willingness to experiment with new formats and platforms.

    Case Study Recap: Success Through Localization

    1. Nike’s “Run for the Future” Campaign: By aligning their brand message with the local cultural emphasis on health and wellness, Nike was able to create a campaign that resonated deeply with Chinese youth, driving both engagement and sales.
    2. Coca-Cola’s WeChat Mini Program: Coca-Cola’s innovative use of WeChat’s Mini Program feature to allow personalized virtual gifts demonstrated how brands can use local platforms to create highly engaging and culturally relevant experiences.
    3. L’Oréal’s Live Streaming Strategy: L’Oréal’s embrace of live streaming as a sales channel showed the power of interactive, real-time engagement in driving conversions and building brand affinity.

    Strategic Roadmap for International Companies

    1. Deepen Your Understanding of Local Consumers

    Invest in market research to gain insights into the preferences, behaviors, and expectations of Chinese consumers. This knowledge is crucial for developing campaigns that resonate with the target audience.

    2. Build Local Partnerships

    Collaborate with local agencies, influencers, and platforms to ensure your campaigns are culturally relevant and optimized for the Chinese market. Local partners can provide invaluable insights and help navigate the complexities of the Chinese digital landscape.

    3. Customize Your Content and Messaging

    Adapt your global brand message to align with local cultural values and trends. This may involve creating entirely new content for the Chinese market or localizing existing content in a way that feels authentic to Chinese consumers.

    4. Leverage Advanced Technologies

    Invest in data analytics, AI, and other advanced technologies to create personalized marketing experiences. These technologies can help you understand consumer behavior in real-time and adjust your strategies accordingly.

    5. Monitor and Adapt

    The Chinese market is dynamic and constantly evolving. Keep a close watch on emerging trends, consumer behavior shifts, and platform innovations. Be ready to adapt your strategies quickly to stay ahead of the competition.

    6. Prioritize Long-Term Engagement

    Rather than focusing solely on short-term sales, build strategies that foster long-term engagement and brand loyalty. This involves creating meaningful connections with consumers through continuous interaction, personalized experiences, and community building.


    The Chinese digital landscape presents both immense opportunities and challenges for international companies. By understanding the unique characteristics of Chinese consumer internet behavior and adapting advertising strategies accordingly, companies can unlock significant growth in this vibrant market. Success in China requires a commitment to localization, innovation, and a deep respect for the local culture and consumer preferences. With the right approach, international companies can not only achieve success in the Chinese market but also set the stage for sustainable growth and long-term brand loyalty.

    In summary, while the global market offers a wealth of experience, when entering China, it’s crucial to start with a fresh perspective. The strategies that work in Western markets need to be re-evaluated and re-tailored to meet the distinct needs of Chinese consumers. With thoughtful adaptation and a keen understanding of the local digital ecosystem, international brands can thrive in China’s unique and rapidly evolving marketplace.


    Overview of China’s Programmatic Advertising Ecosystem

    As globalization continues to deepen, international brands are increasingly turning their attention to the vast Chinese market. With the largest number of internet users in the world and a digital advertising market size that ranks at the forefront globally, programmatic advertising, as an essential means of digital marketing, is gaining increasing attention. This article will delve into the development history of China’s programmatic advertising ecosystem, analyze its main players and functions, compare it with the foreign ecosystem, and finally provide strategic recommendations for foreign advertisers entering the Chinese market.

    Development History of China’s Programmatic Advertising

    Since being hailed as the “Year of Programmatic” in 2012, China’s programmatic advertising has experienced a period of enthusiastic capital pursuit, an outbreak period, and an adjustment period that has attracted industry-wide attention. With advertisers focusing on issues such as traffic fraud and advertising transparency, the industry has gone through a period of calm reflection during the adjustment period to the current refined transformation. The Chinese programmatic advertising market has undergone rapid development and transformation.

    Embryonic Stage (2008-2011)

    During this period, programmatic advertising began to sprout in China, with many companies starting to try this emerging marketing method. In 2011, Alimama launched the advertising trading platform Tanx, marking the preliminary exploration of China’s programmatic advertising.

    Rapid Development Period (2012-2013)

    The year 2012 is regarded as the inaugural year for programmatic advertising in China, with a plethora of companies launching DSP products. Google’s advertising trading platform also officially went live in China that year. In the following year, giants such as Tencent, Sina, and Baidu joined the programmatic advertising market, propelling the industry’s rapid development.

    Eruption Period (2014-2016)

    Driven by capital, the programmatic buying market entered an explosive period. Statistics show that during this time, more than a hundred programmatic buying platforms emerged. However, the market also faced issues like fake traffic, brand safety, and opacity, which gradually attracted industry introspection.

    Shuffling Adjustment Period (2017 to Present)

    As the market matures and advertisers demand higher transparency, the programmatic advertising market has entered a period of shuffling and adjustment. Companies with outstanding technology, resources, and reputation have begun to stand out, while other platforms face the pressure of being eliminated. Advertisers have started to focus more on the quality of advertising delivery rather than the quantity, with a preference for precise delivery that brings verifiable value.

    Main Changes and Trends in China’s Programmatic Advertising Ecosystem

    As market demands evolve, advertisers increasingly prefer precise delivery and performance measurement, driving the development of programmatic buying technologies, such as Real-Time Bidding (RTB) and Direct Programmatic Buying. In addition, China’s unique market environment and policy orientation are also shaping the unique development path of the programmatic advertising ecosystem, with the following trends emerging:

    • Increased demand for vertical platform advertising delivery: Advertisers are paying more and more attention to the quality of advertising delivery, with a preference for precise delivery that brings verifiable value.

    • The rise of Connected TV (CTV): With the increase of CTV users, programmatic TV advertising has become a new growth driver in the industry.

    • Improvement of KOL programmatic advertising delivery: Programmatic technology helps advertisers more accurately select KOLs for promotion, achieving systematic and programmatic KOL management.

    • Cross-platform and cross-device advertising delivery: With the advent of the all-screen era, brands have higher requirements for the scenario of digital marketing, and cross-device programmatic advertising delivery will receive more attention.

    • Enhancement of transparency and industry standards: Advertisers are increasingly concerned about industry transparency, and industry norms and standards are being strengthened, with third-party monitoring agencies and high-standard industry norms playing an important role.

    • Focus on brand safety and advertising effectiveness: Advertisers’ focus has shifted from  extensive “quantity” to refined “quality,” with brand safety and advertising effectiveness becoming key topics.

    • Integration of advertising transaction data: To improve the conversion rate of advertising and consumer experience, the integration of data generated in advertising transactions, more efficiently positioning the right target audience and the right delivery opportunity, has become the focus of the next wave of digital transformation.

    Main Players in China’s Programmatic Advertising and Brief Introduction

    China’s programmatic advertising ecosystem is a diversified and highly integrated system, including Demand-Side Platforms (DSPs), Supply-Side Platforms (SSPs), Advertising Exchanges, Data Management Platforms (DMPs), Programmatic Creative Platforms, Monitoring and Analytics Tools, Programmatic TV, and Programmatic Digital Out-of-Home (pDOOH), among other roles. These platforms and tools, through efficient technical means, have achieved automated purchasing, precise delivery, and data recovery of advertising resources, providing advertisers with one-stop services from strategy formulation to performance evaluation, promoting the digital transformation of the entire advertising industry.

    • DSP (Demand-Side Platform): A platform that helps advertisers or ad agencies to automatically lock in target traffic, purchase advertising space, control budgets, and optimize strategies. YOYI Tech’s Plus platform, covering high-quality advertising resources from mainstream Chinese media, can help advertisers achieve their advertising goals efficiently and economically.

    • Ad Exchange & SSP: Advertising trading platforms and supply-side platforms are responsible for the buying and selling of advertising inventory. For example, HUAWEI Ads, as a newly included platform, covers more than 730 million monthly active users.

    • Trading Desk: A procurement trading platform and technology, providing one-stop automated advertising platform services. YOYI Tech’s OneDesk is a representative TD that integrates various high-quality media and advertising resources.

    • Data Supplier & Data Management: Data provision and management platforms support advertisers in more accurately targeting their audience.

    • Programmatic TV: Programmatic television advertising provides opportunities for the programmatic purchase of television and outdoor advertising.

    • Measurement & Analytics: Monitoring and analytical tools help advertisers evaluate the effectiveness of their advertising.

    • pDOOH: Programmatic outdoor advertising, which leverages technology to automate the placement of outdoor advertising. For example, Asiaray (Ya Shi Wei) and DiDi are newly included platforms.

    Differences and Similarities between China’s and Foreign Programmatic Advertising Ecosystems

    Compared to foreign ecosystems, China’s programmatic advertising ecosystem also faces challenges in data privacy protection and user choice rights. With the implementation of “privacy protection” mechanisms, the space freely available for the audience identification mechanisms that programmatic advertising relies on to operate is increasingly narrowing. There are some significant differences between China’s programmatic advertising ecosystem and that of foreign countries, as follows:

    • Market Size and Maturity: Although China’s programmatic advertising market is large, it is still in a stage of continuous development and adjustment compared to the more mature markets of Europe and the United States.

    • Technology and Platform Development: China’s programmatic advertising technology ecosystem map shows that the market is adapting to changes in privacy protection mechanisms and audience identification mechanisms, such as OAID replacing IMEI, and IDFA facing more refined authorization for use.

    • Influence of Super Platforms: In China’s programmatic advertising ecosystem, large technology companies like HUAWEI Ads occupy an important position through their closed-loop ecosystem products, which is different from the situation abroad where giants like Facebook and Google dominate and work with many small and medium-sized platforms.

    • Advertising Forms and Innovation: China’s programmatic advertising is exploring new forms such as Programmatic TV and pDOOH, while the development of these fields in foreign markets may be more mature.

    Considerations for Foreign Advertisers Entering the Chinese Advertising Market

    • Understand the Market Environment: China’s advertising market has a unique cultural and regulatory environment. Foreign advertisers need to deeply understand these characteristics. An in-depth understanding of Chinese market characteristics and consumer behavior is key to success. For example, Chinese consumers’ dependence on mobile devices is much higher than in other countries, which has an important impact on advertising delivery strategies.

    • Data Compliance: With the strengthening of data privacy protection, advertisers must ensure that their data collection and use comply with Chinese laws and regulations. Strictly comply with Chinese laws and regulations, especially in terms of data protection and privacy. For example, understand and comply with the relevant requirements of the “Cybersecurity Law” and the “Personal Information Protection Law.”

    • Choice of Partners: Choosing experienced and resourceful local partners can help foreign advertisers adapt to the market environment more quickly and achieve effective market penetration.

    • Technical Adaptability: Utilize local Chinese technology platforms and services, such as DSPs and Ad Exchanges, to achieve more precise advertising delivery.

    • Cultural Sensitivity and Localization Strategy: Advertising content needs to consider the sensitivity of Chinese culture to avoid cultural conflicts or misunderstandings. Develop advertising content and marketing strategies that conform to Chinese cultural and social values. For example, respecting Chinese traditional festivals and customs can improve the acceptance and effectiveness of advertising.

    The development of China’s programmatic advertising has been diverse and dynamically changing, from initial exploration to current refined operations, with the market continuously maturing and improving. The Chinese programmatic advertising market offers great opportunities for foreign advertisers but also comes with challenges. By deeply understanding the market environment, complying with laws and regulations, formulating localization strategies, and choosing the right partners and technology platforms, foreign advertisers can succeed in this vibrant market.



    China’s Advertising Guidelines and Taboos: A Quick Checklist for 13 Special Industries and 2 Special Types of Advertising

    China’s Advertising Guidelines and Taboos: A Quick Checklist for 13 Special Industries and 2 Special Types of Advertising


    发布时间:2024-07-15   作者:

    David Ogilvy, the Father of Advertising, once highlighted: “Never write an advertisement which you wouldn’t want your family to read. You wouldn’t tell lies to your own wife. Don’t tell them to mine.”

    This serves as a fundamental principle for advertisers. As a country governed by the rule of law, China has established special guidelines for different industries to protect consumer rights, prevent false advertising, and curb unfair competitive practices. For those intending to launch advertisements in China, the article will avoid unnecessary troubles.

    We compiled advertising guidelines for 13 special industries in China: pharmaceuticals, dietary supplement, food for special medical purposes (FSMP), medical equipment, food, education and training, real estate, finance, tobacco, alcohol, cosmetics, farming & animal husbandry & aquaculture, and pesticides. Additionally, regulations for two special types of advertising, involving patents and internet advertising, are consolidated.

    01 Medical-Related Sector: the “Three Products and One Device

    In China, we have a term “Three Product and One Device” for medical-related sector, covering 4 major industries: pharmaceuticals, dietary supplement, FSMP and medical equipment. These industries are related to life and health, hence Chinese Advertising Law particularly requires that advertisements for “Three Product and One Device” must be truthful and legal, must not contain false content, and should provide the right guidance to the target audience. Detailed regulations are as follows:

    Parmaceutical Advertisementsh

    • The content should be based on the instructions approved by the State Council drug regulatory department.

    • The content involving the name, indications, or pharmacological effects should not exceed the scope of the instructions.

    • The content must prominently display contraindications and adverse drug reactions.

    • Prescription drug advertisements should prominently display “This advertisement is intended only for medical and pharmaceutical professionals.”

    • OTC drug advertisements should prominently display the logo of OTC and “Please purchase and use according to the instruction or under the guidance of a pharmacist.”

    Dietary Supplement Advertisements

    ● The content should be based on the registration certificate, and the product instruction manual approved by the market supervision department.

    ● The content must not involve disease prevention or treatment functions.

    ● The content involving health functions, efficacy components, or significant components and their content, suitable population, or dosage should not exceed the scope of the registration certificate and the product instruction manual approved by the market supervision department.

    ● The content must prominently display “Dietary supplements are not drugs and cannot replace drug treatment for diseases,” declare that this product cannot replace medication, and prominently display the dietary supplement logo, suitable and unsuitable populations.

    FSMP Advertisements

    • The content should be based on the registration certificate and product label, instruction manual approved by the State General Administration of Market Supervision.

    • The content involving product name, formula, nutritional characteristics, suitable population, etc., should not exceed the scope of the registration certificate, product label or instruction manual.

    • The content must prominently display the suitable population, “Not suitable for non-target population”, and “Please use under the guidance of a doctor or clinical dietitian.”

    Medical Equipment

    • The content should be based on the registration certificate and product instruction manual approved by the drug regulatory department.

    • The content involving the medical equipment name, application scope, mechanism of action, or structure and composition, etc., should not exceed the scope of the registration certificate or the product instruction manual.

    • For medical equipment advertisements recommended for personal use, it should prominently display “Please read the product instruction manual carefully or purchase and use under the guidance of medical personnel.”

    • If the medical equipment product registration certificate contains contraindications or precautions, the advertisement should prominently display “Contraindications or precautions are detailed in the instruction manual.”

    02 Food Advertisements

    As a Chinese old saying goes, “People attach paramount importance to food.” Food industry relates to people’s livelihood, hence Chinese government has strong supervision on food advertising as below:

    • Food advertisements must comply with food safety regulations and must not contain false propaganda or violate food hygiene standards.

    • The content must conform to the standards of provisions on food hygiene, such as the main ingredients of the food, production date, shelf life, etc., must be consistent with the standards.

    • The content must not involve medical terminologies or or easily confused with medicines.

    03 Education and Training Advertisement

    Chinese society generally values the education of the next generation. Moreover, adult education and vocational education in China are developing vigorously. Under such circumstances, Chinese Advertising Law stipulates that education and training advertisements:

    • Must comply with the provisions of the Education Law, and must not contain false propaganda or mislead consumers.

    • Must truly publicize information such as courses, teachers, certificates, employment rates, etc., and must not exaggerate academic or career prospects.

    • Must not use terms such as “national level,” “highest level,” “best,” “top level,” etc., and must provide corresponding proof when used.

    • Must not fabricate teacher qualifications or user evaluations

    • Must not exaggerate training effects or the strength of the organization.

    • Must not use data such as “enrollment rate” or “pass rate” in advertisements unless they are truth and the source of provement should be displayed.

    • Must not make guaranteed commitments to enrollment or passing exams.

    • Must not explicitly or implicitly involve examination institutions or their staff.

    04 Real Estate Advertisements

    As one of the pillar industries in China, real estate advertisements must comply with the following regulations:

    • Comply with national land management regulations and must not contain false propaganda or misleading content to consumers.

    • Prohibit exaggeration of project scale, fake sales data, and other false propaganda.

    • Housing information should be true, and the area should indicate whether it is the construction area or the interior construction one.

    • Must not contain promises of appreciation or investment returns.

    • Must not violate national regulations on price management.

    • Must not mislead propaganda on facilities under planning or construction.

    05 Financial Advertisement

    Financial actions have significant impacts on both enterprises and individuals. Therefore, the Chinese government has vigorously regulated financial advertisements to protect the legal property rights and interests of the public. Here are the details:

    • The content of financial advertisements should be consistent with the business scope stated in the financial business license or filing documents.

    • Financial advertisements must not use or indirectly use the national flag, national anthem, national emblem, military flag, military anthem, military emblem of the People’s Republic of China, the name or image of state organs and state functionaries.

    • Financial advertisements must not use national major activities for commercial hype.

    • Financial advertisements should be truthful, legal, and honest, and must not contain false or misleading content to deceive and mislead the audience.

    • Financial advertisements must not induce the audience to accept inappropriate financial products and services, and should guide investors to act rationally.

    • When releasing financial advertisements with investment return expectations, it is necessary to prominently indicate or warn the possible risks and responsibilities in a significant manner. Must not make guaranteed commitments to future effects, benefits, or related situations, and must not explicitly or implicitly promise capital preservation, risk-free, or guaranteed returns, except as otherwise regulated by the state.

    • Must not exaggerate false or misleading statements about past performance, and must not use low-probability events to exaggerate product yield or profit range and mislead customers.

    06 Tabacco Advertisements

    As a special commodity with addictive properties, tabacco does harm to the health of both smokers and the surrounding people. Prohibiting tobacco advertising together with other 100+ countries worldwide, China has made the following restrictive regulations on tobacco advertisements:

    • Prohibit releasing tobacco advertisements via broadcasting, film, television, newspapers, periodicals and other mass media, or in waiting rooms, theaters, conference halls, sports competition venues, public transportation, outdoor areas and other public places.

    • Prohibit sending any form of tobacco advertisements to minors.

    • Prohibit using advertisements for other goods or services to promote the name, trademark, packaging, and other similar content of tobacco products.

    • In the announcements of relocation, renaming, recruitment, etc., published by tobacco product manufacturers or sellers, the name, trademark, packaging, decoration, and similar content of tobacco products must not be included.

    07 Alcohol Advertisements

    The term “alcohol” refers to alcoholic beverages, including fermented wines, rectified spirits, blended wines, edible alcohol and other drinks containing alcohol ingredients. In order to protect the physical and mental health of the public and ensure social safety, Chinese Advertising Law has made restrictive regulations on alcohol advertisements:

    ● Spirits who are below 39 degrees or have obtained the title of national, ministerial, provincial excellence, as well as other alcohol that meets the hygiene standards can be advertised.

    • Prohibit the use of images, music, animations, etc., related to minors.

    • Must not release in mass media aimed at minors.

    • Must not use medical terms or easily confused terms.

    • Must not display drinking actions.

    • Must not depict activities such as driving a car, a ship, or an airplane.

    • Must not explicitly or implicitly suggest that drinking has the effect of eliminating tension and anxiety, increasing physical strength, etc.

    • Must not use terms such as “national level,” “highest level,” “best,” etc.

    • Must not contain content that induces, encourages drinking, or promotes uncontrolled drinking.

    08 Cosmetics Advertisements

    Chinese Advertising Law stipulates that the quality of cosmetics must meet hygiene standards, and the description of cosmetics names, effects, and other information in advertisements must be accurate and clear, and must not use medical terms or easily confused with medicines. Detailed regulations are as follows:

    • The advertisement should accurately and precisely express the name, efficacy claims, ingredients, efficacy components, quality, usage, origin, price, manufacturer, shelf life, promises, etc., of cosmetics.

    • Advertisements must not involve disease treatment functions and must not use medical terms or easily confused terms with drugs or medical equipment, and should avoid using the following medical-related content:

    • Medical cosmetics, prescription, medicinal, Chinese medicine, medical, treatment, injection, stretch marks, various skin disease names, various disease names, and other medical terms.

    • Antibacterial, bacteriostatic, decontamination, sterilization, bactericidal, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, blood-activating, detoxification, anti-allergy, anti-sensitivity, de-sensitivity, spot removal, spot-free, scar removal, and other terms that explicitly or implicitly indicate medical effects.

    09 Avertisements of Farming, Animal Husbandry and Aquaculture

    The expression of crop seeds, forest seeds, grass seeds, breeding animals, aquaculture seedlings, planting and breeding advertisements on variety names, production performance, growth or yield, quality, resistance, special usage and value, economic value, suitable planting or breeding range & conditions, etc., should be true, clear, and understandable, and must not contain the following content:

    • Make scientifically unverifiable assertions.

    • Make assertions or guarantees of efficacy.

    • Analyze, predict, or make guaranteed commitments to economic benefits.

    • Use the name or image of research institutions, academic institutions, technology promotion institutions, industry associations, or professionals, users for recommendations or proof.

    10 Pesticide Advertisements

    Pesticides are indispensable to ensure crop production. However, some pesticides are dangerous to different extents. Therefore, Chinese government has introduced the following restrictions on pesticide advertisements:

    • Must not use language that asserts safety such as non-toxic and harmless.

    • Must not contain unscientific assertions or guarantees of efficacy.

    • Must not contain text, language, or images that violate the routine use of pesticides.

    • Must not use the name or image of research institutions, academic institutions, technology promotion institutions, industry associations, or professionals, users for recommendations or proof.

    • Must not belittle similar products, or compare the efficacy and safety of other pesticides.

    • Must not contain comprehensive evaluation content such as evaluation, ranking, recommendation, designation, selection, winning awards, etc.

    • Must not use ambiguous or exaggerated language that might cause misunderstandings about the product’s safety, applicability, etc.

    11 Advertisements Involving Patents

    Products involving patents are generally more likely to win consumer praise and trust. In order to maintain a fair competitive market environment, and to protect the legal rights and interests of consumers, Chinese Advertising Law has made the following regulations on advertisements involving patents:

    • The patent number and type must be clearly marked.

    • The patent information in the advertisement needs to be consistent with the information on the official website of the China National Intellectual Property Administration.

    • Products or methods that have not obtained patent rights must not claim to have patent rights in advertisements.

    • Prohibit the use of patents that have not been granted rights and patents that have been terminated, revoked, or invalidated for advertisements.

    12 Internet Advertisements

    With the rapid development of Internet Industry in China, various forms of Internet advertisements bloom and enrich the advertising ecosystem. In order to maintain the safety and cleanliness of the network environment and to protect the legal rights of consumers, Chinese government has made the following regulations and restrictions on Internet advertisements:

    • Internet advertisements should be recognizable, allowing consumers to identify them as advertisements.

    • For search ads in the manner of bidding and ranking, the advertiser should prominently mark “Advertisement” so that they can be clearly distinguished from natural search results.

    • Except for the circumstances where laws and administrative regulations prohibit the release or disguised release of advertisements, when promoting goods or services through knowledge introduction, experience sharing, consumer evaluation, and other forms, and attaching shopping links and other purchasing methods, the advertiser should prominently mark “Advertisement.”

    • For pop-up Internet advertisements and start-up screen advertisements displayed and released when starting Internet applications, the advertiser and the publisher should prominently mark the close sign to ensure a one-click closure.

    • Must not deceive or mislead users to click or browse advertisements in the following ways:

    • False prompts such as system or software updates, error reports, cleaning, notifications, etc.

    • False signs such as play, start, pause, stop, return, etc.

    • False reward promises;

    • Other ways to deceive or mislead users to click or browse advertisements.

    • When publishing or sending advertisements on the Internet, do not affect the normal use of the network by users, and do not insert bidding & ranking advertisements in the search results of websites, web pages, apps, WeChat Official accounts and other platforms related to government services.

    The aforementioned regulations and restrictions are meticulously crafted to safeguard consumer rights and foster a robust, ethical landscape for the advertising industry within China. Having acquainted yourself with these guidelines, you are now better equipped to navigate the complexities of launching advertisements in the Chinese market. However, given the intricacies and stringent requirements of legal compliance, it is prudent to consult with professional legal experts before finalizing and executing your advertising strategies.

    Image source: QianTu Network, with commercial authorization




    Prohibited Products for Promotion under Chinese Laws and Regulations:A Guide to Navigating the Regulatory Landscape

    Prohibited Products for Promotion under Chinese Laws and Regulations:A Guide to Navigating the Regulatory Landscape


    发布时间:2024-07-15   作者:

    Each country has its own social environment and standards for different industries vary accordingly. In China, there are clear restrictions on the industries involved in advertising and promotion. Especially for the following 55 industries listed, Chinese laws and regulations have explicit prohibitions against promoting these industries through advertising.

    01 Drug-Related Items

    This category encompasses all types of illicit drugs, chemicals that can be synthesized into drugs, raw materials for drug production, and literature on drug manufacturing.

    02 Gambling Prohibitions

    We’re putting all bets off on gambling. It’s forbidden to use money or property as stakes in gambling, as well as providing venues, funds, tools, or facilitating gambling activities through products and services.Gambling Tools: Think slot machines and dice games—no luck here.

    • Gambling Information and Software: This includes illegal gambling information, communities, software, and betting apps.

    • Gambling Products: Unlawful gambling products such as Mark Six lotteries and other lottery types not approved for sale in Mainland China.

    • Gambling Techniques: Ads that teach gambling tactics like card sharking and cheating methods are off the table.

    • Cheating Devices: Devices like see-through glasses, card changers, and other cheating tools are strictly prohibited.

    • Gambling Products: Products suspected of being gambling-related, such as “one-yuan purchase” schemes.

    • Gambling on Raw Stones: The act of gambling by selling rough stones is banned.

    • Others: Hotels or scenic spots that offer casino gambling services are not allowed.

    03 Religious Matters

    • Spreading the word about religious activities and content is a no-go zone.

    • Selling religious items under the guise of religion is also prohibited.

    04 Pyramid Schemes

    Theallure of quick riches through recruitment or by charging fees for membership is an illegal path we advise against.

    05 Superstition and Fortune-Telling

    Products or services for fortune-telling, divination, Feng Shui, and other superstitious practices, along with claims of improving luck or human capabilities, are banned.

    06 Fraudulent Websites

    • Imitating financial institutions like banks, funds, securities, and trusts is a scam that won’t stand.

    • Posting job ads for fake reputation farming on online stores is also prohibited.

    • Illegal sales of items like Sinopec fuel cards, Q coins, and other virtual cards, along with providing illegal phone top-up services, are forbidden.

    07 Special Diseases

    • No advertising is allowed for diseases that the state has paused medical advertising for: genital warts, syphilis, gonorrhea, chancroid, psoriasis, AIDS, cancer, epilepsy, hepatitis B, vitiligo, lupus.

    • Professional jargon related to these diseases, such as HBV, “big three yang,” “small three yang turning negative,” and “two pairs and a half,” is also banned in advertisements.

    08 Special Medications and Medical Devices

    • A strict ban on narcotics, psychotropic substances, toxic medical drugs, radioactive drugs, drug-like precursor chemicals, prescription drugs, specific total nutrition formula foods for special medical purposes, infant formulas for special medical use, and drugs and medical devices for drug addiction treatment.

    • Military-specific drugs and preparations made by military medical institutions.

    • Medicinal preparations made by medical institutions.

    • Any drugs, medical devices, health foods, and special medical formula foods that are legally stopped or banned from production, sale, or use.

    09 Medical Intermediary Services

    Offering domestic registration services or overseas medical intermediary services for a fee is prohibited.

    10 Cultural Relics and Literary Works

    ● Counterfeit commemorative coins and replicas of famous artworks are not to be advertised.

    ● Exempted are antique stores and auction companies with the appropriate legal qualifications.

    11 Illegal Stamp Trading

    Legal stamps (including common and commemorative stamps) can be exchanged and traded.The following activities are banned as per Article 25 of the “Philatelic Market Management Measures”: Trading in counterfeit or altered postage vouchers.

    • Trading in stamps prohibited from circulation by the state.

    • Trading in stamps issued by the Taiwan region after October 1, 1949.

    • Trading in stamps without indicated issuing entity information.

    • Trading in stamps with counterfeit or imitation stamp patterns not in accordance with national regulations.

    • Trading in stamps with obviously false information.

    • Trading in stamps imported without authorization.

    • Producing or selling stamps under someone else’s name without permission.

    • Any other business activities that violate relevant national regulations.

    12 Circulating RMB

    Without the approval of the People’s Bank of China, no unit or individual may bind or operate bound circulating RMB, including RMB of special years and misprinted RMB.

    13 Bills

    • Including various types of invoices, financial bills, etc.

    • Including issuing and selling real and fake invoices on behalf of others.

    • Except for the case of transfer for the purpose of collection without validity and circulation.

    14 Fake certificate and seal services

    Providing illegal services such as processing false certificates and privately engraved official seals.

    15 Illegal network public relations

    Illegal network water army, network promoters, flooding companies, post deletion companies, soft article marketing, e-commerce order brushing, etc.

    16 Illegal network technology and equipment

    • Using illegal network technology to break through network restrictions, infringe on the privacy and property of others, or disrupt the normal operation order of Internet platforms, including: “over the wall” service, “over the wall” software, game plug-ins, dual-opening software, jailbreak software, etc.

    • Equipment for inserting phone cards in batches.

    • Equipment and software with functions such as changing the caller number, virtual dialing, and illegal access of Internet phones to the public telecommunications network.

    • Automatic switching systems for batch accounts and network addresses, platforms for batch receiving SMS verification and voice verification.

    • Other equipment and software used to commit crimes such as telecommunications network fraud.

    17 Illegal debt collection

    Illegal provision of services or consulting content related to debt repayment, debt arrears, and debt collection.

    18 Vehicle formalities agency

    • Violation of traffic rules and points, agency service or content for car purchase quotas.

    • Providing transaction services or information such as leasing, selling, and transferring of vehicle license plates and lottery quotas.

    • Providing illegal vehicle-related services or information such as scrapping without a car, transferring ownership without a car, annual inspection without a car, and collecting points for driver’s licenses.

    19 Personal business agency

    • Agency for personal certificates, agency for social security payment, agency for housing provident fund payment, agency/consultation for points-based settlement, etc.

    • Scalper proxy photography and proxy photography business.

    20 Certificate affiliation/leasing

    “Certificate affiliation”, “certificate affiliation” and any qualification certificate, administrative license, identity document leasing, lending, and transfer services, etc.

    21 Foreign Recruitment

    Provide jobs for foreign personnel, recruit foreign personnel, recruit foreign volunteers, etc.

    22 Firearms, Ammunition and Other Weapons

    • Includes various types of firearms, ammunition and related equipment, such as firearms, firearm imitations (such as imitation guns), bullets (cannons), silencers, gunpowder, instructions, packaging boxes, etc.

    • Other weapons: crossbows, slingshots, steel balls, lead balls, real machines, real bullets, etc.

    23 Security, police and military equipment

    • Security equipment refers to security and defense equipment including but not limited to electric shocks, strong lights, tear gas, etc.

    • Police and military equipment refers to police and military equipment including but not limited to police uniforms, police badges, handcuffs, police lights, sirens, stun guns, etc.

    24 Cult Organizations

    Illegal organizations that endanger society, such as Falun Gong, the Church of Almighty God, Voodoo, etc.

    25 Government Documents

    Various certificates and documents issued by the government, such as identity cards, files, various licenses, etc.

    26 Illegal Publications and Film and Television Works

    Illegal books, film and television works include, but are not limited to:

    • Obscene and Pornographic Materials : This includes any publications or films that are vulgar or sexually explicit, such as adult magazines, videos, and adult videos (AV).

    • Materials Harmful to Social Stability : Publications or films that undermine social stability, damage national unity, or disrupt ethnic solidarity.

    • Publications with Discriminatory Content : Any materials containing racial or religious discrimination or other content that violates laws and regulations.

    27 Protection of Wild Flora and Fauna

    • Wildlife : Under national regulations, no trade or publication is allowed for wild animals, world/national protected species, endangered animals, their organs, any body parts, fur, specimens, or any products made from them, such as ivory and tortoiseshell products.

    • Wild Plants : Any plants listed in the world/national protected species list and prohibited from sale by law, or plant products.

    28 Illegal Sexual Products

    Such as illegal aphrodisiacs and similar products.

    29 Dangerous Goods

    • Flammable and Explosive Materials : Including raw materials for their production.

    • Toxic and Corrosive Chemicals : Along with their raw materials.

    • Fireworks and Firecrackers : And devices for setting off fireworks and firecrackers.

    • Publications and Videos on Explosives : Materials that instruct on making explosives.

    30 Regulated Knives

    Knives that violate national controlled knife standards, such as daggers, three-edged knives (including those used for mechanical processing), switchblades with self-locking mechanisms, and other similar single-edged, double-edged, or three-edged sharp knives.

    31 Illegally Obtained Goods

    Goods obtained through smuggling, theft, or robbery.

    32 Tobacco Products

    Cigarettes, cigarette packs, cigarette labels, electronic cigarettes, and smoking cessation products.

    33 Prohibited Food Items

    • Betel nut and its products.

    • Infant formula dairy products for babies aged 0-12 months (ie, stage 1 and stage 2).

    34 Illegal Cash Advances

    • Services such as agent extraction of housing provident funds, social security, and credit card cash advances.

    • Cash advances using POS machines, card swiping rebates.

    • Credit card cash advances and credit card repayments on behalf of others.

    35 Banned Advertising and Promotion

    • Crude oil and crude oil derivatives.

    • POS machine sales.

    • Private equity funds; private financial products.

    • IoT (Internet of Things) cards.

    36 Non-compliant Loan Services

    Such as campus loans, student loans, down payment loans, cosmetic loans, etc.

    37 Non-compliant Securities Services

    • Stock recommendations, stock financing, stock leverage.

    • Trading of Hong Kong and US stocks.

    38 Illegal Fundraising Activities

    Illegally absorbing public deposits or disguised forms of public deposits, and illegal fundraising activities with the purpose of illegal possession using fraudulent methods.

    39 Non-compliant Bank Card and Account Services

    Copying/cracking or recycling of bank cards, handling of bank cards through non-bank official websites, handling of bank statements, buying and selling of bank accounts (bank cards), etc.

    40 Products Infringing on Intellectual Property Rights

    • Trademark and Patent Infringements : Counterfeit and copycat products.

    • Copyright Infringements : Unauthorized films, television shows, software programs, websites, etc.

    • Private Servers and Cheats : Private servers refer to the unauthorized establishment of network servers after illegally obtaining server installation programs. Cheats refer to programs that use computer technology to alter parts of one or several online games to create cheating software.

    • Other Violations:Unlawful sales of gaming equipment from other manufacturers, impersonation of official game websites, and establishment of phishing websites.

    41 Tax Evasion Products

    Goods that have not gone through proper import procedures, such as “grey market” products, “European water”, “Hong Kong water”, and similar items.

    42 Illegal Signal Interception Products

    Devices like TV sticks and signal receivers that illegally intercept television signals.

    43 Products Infringing on Property Rights

    • Products for electricity theft or illegal electricity saving, such as power-saving devices.

    • Wi-Fi moochers, dialers, and similar devices.

    • Products with unclear charges, malicious billing, hidden billing programs, or any situation that harms consumer rights, or containing malicious programs for account theft or password theft.

    44 Privacy Invasion Equipment:

    • Eaves dropping devices, hidden cameras, pinhole cameras, information interception (fax, SMS, phone interception), and other equipment that may violate privacy.

    • Products that infringe on personal information, including but not limited to directly providing personal phone numbers, email addresses, and software or products used for collecting or stealing personal information (such as phishing websites).

    • Products with tracking capabilities, such as GPS trackers.

    45 Non-compliant Motor Vehicles and Services

    • Cloned vehicles, smuggled vehicles, confiscated vehicles, illegal vehicles, unregistered vehicles, mortgaged vehicles, etc.

    • “Assembled motor vehicles”, “built motor vehicles”, or related service information.

    46 Products Disrupting Traffic Safety

    Products like radar detectors, electronic dogs, car concealment sprays, roll-up license plate frames, radar jammers, license plate covering devices, traffic signal changers, and similar items.

    47 Prohibited Education and Training

    • Online advertisements for off-campus training for primary and secondary schools, kindergartens.

    • Franchise services for off-campus training for primary and secondary schools, kindergartens.

    48 Exam and Thesis Fraud

    Impersonating test takers, ghostwriting theses, etc.

    49 Non-compliant Software Tools

    • Software advertised as making free calls (Note: Not instant communication tools, products that can directly make free calls without phone charges using certain means).

    • Military software.

    • Overseas marriage service software.

    50 Political News

    Political: Domestic and foreign military and political news, reactionary remarks, etc.

    51 Illegal Game Agents

    Merchants and regional privileged agents for special permissions in games (such as selling room cards).

    52 Military Aircraft

    Aircraft that directly participate in combat, support combat operations, and military training, such as fighter jets, bombers, special operations aircraft, etc.

    53 Non-compliant Real Estate Business

    • Types of real estate transactions: Real estate and land not normally sold or not qualified for listing, such as small property rights, account-settlement houses, land transactions, property exchange for old, mortgaged houses, etc.

    • Real estate peripheral business: Beyond the normal living and use functions of real estate, emphasizing financing, investment, medical services, including real estate investment or investment lectures, financing or disguised financing content, medical services, housing for the elderly, real estate investment immigration, etc.

    54 Illegal Fishing Products

    Electric fishing devices, sail nets, ground cages, beach seines, net cages, dense mesh screens, towed pump suction rakes, and other fishing gear.

    55 Other Illegal and Non-compliant Products and Services

    • Surrogacy, drug testing, fetal gender determination services.

    • Human organs, remains, animal carcasses, etc.

    • Advertisements for car decoders, master keys, and other technologies that can be used for criminal activities.

    • Private detectives.

    • Medicated cosmetics.

    • Medical waste.

    • Products for reducing or limiting the speed of bicycles.

    • Online part-time fraud (such as typists, data entry clerks), personal manual processing fraud (such as wormwood processing, manual beading), etc.

    • Others.




    Programmatic Advertising in China 101

    China’s programmatic advertising market has seen unprecedented prosperity since 2012, a year that is also dubbed as the “Year One” of programmatic advertising in China. With the flourishing development of the internet traffic market, China’s programmatic advertising ecosystem has become increasingly mature, gradually meeting advertisers’ needs for fine-group screening of quality customers, comprehensive control and constant adjustment of the advertising process, following customer trends to lock media platforms, and recalling high-potential customers for repeated exposure. This article will provide a complete practical guide based on China’s programmatic advertising market.

    01 Planning Phase

    Step 1: Define Objectives

    Before clarifying the objectives, brands often complete the analysis of the consumer portrait for the promoted product, competitive advertising analysis, and summary of product selling points. With the support of the above information, the brand needs to define the goals of programmatic advertising, whether it is to enhance brand exposure, improve customer awareness, or enhance purchase conversion.

    Domestic traffic vendors and media types are diverse and numerous, with a vast array of conversion models and indicators. Advertisers and their agencies need to set targets that are specifically tailored to their advertising needs and platform indicators. Taking the AIPL model indicators of Alibaba, a top-tier e-commerce platform in China, as an example:

    Aware: Within the last 15 days, passively interacted with the brand, including behaviors such as exposure & clicks, browsing (limited to one day), watching, etc.

    Interest: Within the last 15 days, actively engaged with the brand, including behaviors like membership, followership, interactions, browsing, favorites/add to cart, claiming trial products/samples, etc.

    Purchase: All consumers who have purchased brand products in the last two and a half years (2*365 days + 180 days), including those who made pre-sale deposits, scanned codes for Taobao eggs after purchase, used offline cloud POS payment consumers, made purchases via iStore mini-program, scanned codes for Taobao eggs after purchase, included consumers who purchased on Taoxian, including those who bought Tmall u-first samples) minus “Loyalty” consumers.

    Loyalty: Consumers who have had positive comments/positive follow-up reviews or have purchased the brand’s products at least twice within the past 365 days.

    Step 2: Refine Audience Strategies

    Audience strategies are often rooted in product features, brand tone, and combined with past advertising experiences. It is even possible to seek recommendations from local media, third-party advertising agencies, and traffic platforms. The premise of programmatic advertising effectiveness is the brand’s reasonable segmentation of user groups, so that in the process of traffic purchase and expansion, it can better hit the brand’s target audience. Specific classification methods can refer to the “4W1H” model.

    Who: Refers to user attributes, judging what type of user it is based on attributes (gender, age, region, income, interests, etc.), such as student groups who love affordable makeup, white-collar workers who like to watch fashion bloggers’ videos, users with a high-level VIP status, etc.

    When: Refers to the time corresponding to user behavior, from which the user’s visit duration, frequency, interval, etc., can be calculated. For example, first-time visits to the official website, not logged in for 30 days, purchased within 15 days, etc.

    Where: Refers to the user’s source, such as entering through an ad click, through a friend’s share, or through a search engine, etc. Users from different sources represent different groups. For example, those who enter through search keywords belong to an active group of users, which is more in line with the advertiser’s needs; while those who enter by clicking on ads may be interested because of the attraction of the ad content, etc.

    What: Refers to the user’s behavior, such as what type of ads they have clicked on, what content they have visited, what products they have purchased, etc.

    How: Refers to the user’s quality, which can be measured by visit depth, number of behaviors, order amount, etc. For example, a user who has browsed 50 different product pages, a user who has made a total of 20 orders within a year, a user with an order amount of more than 100,000 yuan in 30 days, etc.

    Step 3: Develop Media Strategy

    In the face of numerous media resources, it is particularly important to formulate an appropriate media strategy before advertising, which depends on the objectives. The principle of formulating a media strategy is “positive, high coverage, and strong exposure,” and to design the media around advertising forms, page environments, media quality, advertising area, screen position, to meet the KPI requirements.

    Advertising Forms: The form of advertising to some extent determines the user experience and interaction form. Common forms in programmatic advertising include banner image ads, video ads, native ads, etc.

    Page Environment: Refers to the state of the page where the advertisement is placed, including page content, the number of page advertisements, etc. Especially when placing brand advertisements, advertisers usually require that the page content must be positive, in line with the brand image, and must not contain pornographic and vulgar, politically sensitive information, etc.. Moreover, the number of page advertisements should not be too many. An environment full of advertisements on the entire page will cause trouble for users and seriously affect the user experience, causing users to have a negative impression of the page and the advertisements within the page.

    Media Quality: When formulating a media strategy, attention should be paid to the quality and quantity of the media. Quality refers to whether the media’s traffic scale and user groups are of high quality and in line with the advertiser’s needs. In addition, it is necessary to consider the category of these media (such as entertainment), channels (such as TV series), historical data of advertising positions (such as click-through rate), etc. Quantity refers to the media traffic being large enough to ensure sufficient user coverage and meet the advertiser’s budget.

    Advertising Area: The ratio of advertising size and the proportion of advertising area on the page are also very important. If the advertising size is too small or the proportion of the entire page is too low, it is difficult to be discovered by users; non-standard size ratios will increase the cost of material production.

    Screen Position: The screen position where the advertising position is located determines the probability of the advertisement being seen. The first screen is generally better than the non-first screen, and the effect of the last screen advertisement may be the worst. However, for some pages with high-quality content, the exposure probability of the second screen or even the third screen will also be high.

    Step 4: Develop Creative Solutions

    The first step in creating creativity is to grasp the form of creativity and the way users interact. The form of creativity refers to what file form the material is presented in, such as images, text, graphics and text, Flash, video, forms, or others. At present, video creativity and post creativity (such as information streams) have the best effects, which are related to the characteristics of the advertising space. The price of such advertising spaces is also a bit higher than that of ordinary advertising spaces.

    User interaction refers to the specific operations of users on the material, such as clicking to switch dynamic creativity, filling in registration information on the creativity, expanding the material after clicking on the advertisement, and even submitting information by voice.

    In the process of advertising, both the created creativity and the landing page need to undergo A/B testing or multi-version testing, using data to determine which version to adopt in the end. The premise of the test is to keep the test environment and the test volume of multiple versions as consistent as possible.

    02 Execution Phase

    Step 1: Advertising Preparation

    The preparatory work before advertising mainly includes uploading qualifications for review, creating creativity for review, and deploying advertising monitoring, etc.

    Qualifications are the necessary proof documents for advertisers to carry out advertising activities (such as business licenses, ICP filing screenshots, organization codes, etc.).

    In terms of creativity, traffic parties will also have certain requirements for the effectiveness and legality of the content, so the media needs to review the creativity. Common review scopes include size, sound, etc.

    In addition, advertisers generally use third-party monitoring during the advertising process, so there is also the deployment work of monitoring codes, etc. Optimization strategies need to add code in the advertiser’s game promotion page or SDK (or S2S docking), so that the DSP platform can adjust strategies according to different user behavior trajectories.

    A good job in the early preparation work does not mean that the ads can be directly placed without manual intervention. Advertising activities should also be gradually increased in multiple stages to ensure the final effect. Programmatic advertising in China can be generally divided into four stages: technical docking test, strategy test, strategy optimization, and stable extension, each with a corresponding time period, and should be flexibly adjusted according to the actual situation of the project.

    Technical Docking Test Phase: This phase usually lasts for 1 to 3 days, mainly to check whether the work in the preparation phase runs well, such as whether the statistical monitoring code is deployed correctly, whether S2S docking can correctly return data, etc.

    Strategy Test Phase: This phase usually takes 3-7 days to verify whether the media strategy formulated in the advertising strategy is reasonable and whether the media effect has reached the expected level. Based on the test data, corresponding grade divisions are made for different AdX/SSP, different media, different advertising spaces, etc., so as to better allocate the budget in the later stage.

    Strategy Optimization Phase: This phase usually lasts for about 1 week to 1 month. On the basis of optimization and adjustment in the early test phase, further optimization of the media is carried out, and the crowd strategy and creative strategy formulated in the advertising strategy are continuously optimized. During the strategy optimization phase, the fluctuation of advertising effects is generally large, which is a normal phenomenon. During this phase, various strategy combinations are usually tried, and the effects of different combinations may vary greatly. The goal of this phase is to quickly screen out the optimal combination of “media + audience group + creativity”, so that the advertising effect reaches a stable change and regular fluctuation trend, such as the effect of the weekend is better than working days, the effect of the evening peak period is better than the daytime, etc.

    Stable Extension Phase: This phase is usually more than 1 month according to the brand’s needs. After the stable effect is achieved in the strategy optimization phase, the volume of traffic can be increased according to the budget. Especially in the RTB bidding model, the volume and price of traffic will fluctuate due to the different degrees of market competition, hence the operator needs to be able to find problems in time and take actions.

    Step 2: Official Launch

    After the qualification and material review are passed, the executor needs to add various advertising campaigns according to the planning plan of the advertising proposal and set up corresponding campaign.

    Basic Settings

    Bid Setting: Set the upper limit of the price that can be borne, generally in the form of CPM, to control the cost within an acceptable range. Some DSP can support bidding according to CPC or CPA (the algorithm replaces manual dynamic control of CPM bidding).

    Budget Control: Set the budget according to the media budget plan provided by the advertiser/advertising agent to avoid excessive consumption. The budget is divided into daily budget, weekly budget, monthly budget, and total budget. Some DSP can also control the level of exposure and the number of clicks, corresponding to daily exposure, total exposure, or daily clicks, total clicks, etc. In addition, there are also settings for budget allocation, such as setting differentiated budgets for different regions, different creatives, etc.

    Date and Time: Set the date or time period according to the advertising schedule, or there is no limit. Date and time can be set according to the online habits of the target audience. The date or the daily advertising time period will have an impact on the effect, such as weekends, evening peak periods.

    Advertising Speed: The Advertising speed is divided into uniform speed and rapid speed. Some advertisers hope that the advertising budget can be as distributed as possible in each time period or every day, and the activity can be set to “uniform speed”.

    Frequency Control: Set the total number of times a specific advertisement is seen by the same user within a set time, or the total number of times a certain advertising material is seen within a set time.

    Media Settings

    Transaction Model: Select the transaction model, including RTB open bidding, PDB direct purchase, etc.

    Ad Exchange: Choose the channel for advertising, such as Baidu Bes, Alibaba Tanx, Tencent AdX, etc.

    Media Category/Channel: Select the category of media or a specific channel under a single medium, such as financial, entertainment, sports, and other media categories, or TV drama, movie, technology, sports, and other channels under Youku media.

    Media URL: Set specific media root domain names (e.g., qq.com), second-level domains (e.g., news.qq.com), or specific URL addresses.

    Placement Size: Choose the placement size and arrange corresponding size materials. Generally, popular ad spaces or commonly used high-quality ad spaces are selected.

    Ad Position: Choose the specific ad position, such as WeChat Search Super Brand Zone.

    Ad Position Type: Choose the type of ad placement, such as banner, information game, OTV, etc.

    Ad Viewability: According to the advertiser’s requirements for viewability, the operators can only target media resources with a viewability higher than a certain value, or conversely, they can exclude media resources with a viewability lower than a certain value and not place ads on this part of the media resources.

    Page Ad Slot Quantity: Since the number of ad slots on the page will affect the user experience, it may indirectly cause the user to have a negative impression of the page’s ads. Therefore, when placing ads, you can control the number of ad slots on the page, such as only targeting pages with up to 3 ad slots.

    Screen Order: Choose the screen order where the ad space is located, such as the first screen, the second screen, etc. Generally, it is necessary to exclude the bottom of the page such as the tail screen and other positions where users generally cannot see this ad space.

    Page Content: Choose to place ads based on designated page keywords, video content direction, such as only placing pages containing baby-related keywords, or only placing workplace drama video ads, and brand can also directly specify TV drama names for directional advertising.

    Target Audience Settings

    Advertisers can collect people who have seen, clicked on, and visited the official website during the advertising process, and retarget them or use them as the seed segment for look-alike extensions. The target audience may include people with needs, potential needs, and even those who have made purchases, as well as those who are using the product/service or the lost audience.

    Creative Settings

    Creative and landing page settings: Set up the creative and corresponding landing pages for different advertising campaigns. It should be noted that some AdX will require the landing page to support HTTPS.

    Display rules: Set the rules for the order in which the creative is displayed to the same person multiple times. The general rules for the order in which users see the creative are loop rotation, sequential display, etc. For example, if you need to display creative A, B, C to the same user, with a frequency limit of 6 times a week, the order in which a user sees the creative can be AABBCC, ABCABC, etc.

    Other Settings

    Third-party monitoring: Set the exposure monitoring code and click monitoring code of the third-party monitoring platform.

    Brand protection: Select the brand safety supplier that the DSP platform has connected and fill in the corresponding information.

    Anti-fraud: Set up to filter fraudulent traffic. Some DSP platforms have anti-fraud mechanisms themselves, but some advertisers will also find third-party anti-fraud suppliers for traffic filtering in order to ensure the effectiveness and reduce waste.

    03 Review Phase

    Based on the actual feedback data during the advertising period, the brand can summarize the experience and guide subsequent campaigns through comparison, attribution, segmentation, and intersection.

    Media optimization: Make the optimal media combination according to the media crowd matching degree, media overlap degree, and media saturation degree. Media matching degree refers to the ratio of the advertiser’s target audience that can be covered in the media; Media overlap degree refers to the ratio of the target audience that overlaps between multiple media; Media saturation degree refers to the ratio of the target audience that has been covered in the media to the total target audience of the media.

    Creative Optimization: The match between the ad’s creative and its intended message plays a significant role in determining the effectiveness of an ad campaign. Ad matching refers to how well the creative aligns with the ad’s appeal.

    Frequency Adjustment: Identify the optimal frequency by analyzing data from groups exposed to different levels of ad impressions, and establish reasonable frequency capping.

    Audience Adjustment: Depending on the scale of the target audience and their conversion outcomes, you can correspondingly increase or decrease the targeting of audience segments.

    Viewable Exposure Optimization: Optimize based on data from ad viewability, analyzing visibility metrics across various ad placements, regions, times, and browsers (for instance, visibility might be lower in certain areas or browsers due to differences in audience characteristics or internet connectivity issues). Filter out those with low viewability and fine-tune the advertksk g with various campaign settings to form the best combination.




    China’s Media Platforms’ Regulatory Guidelines for Advertising Content

    China’s Media Platforms’ Regulatory Guidelines for Advertising Content


    发布时间:2024-07-15   作者:

    For advertisers, after navigating through the initial strategy formulation, plan refinement, and qualification review, only to be thwarted by media platforms repeatedly returning advertising materials and even facing penalties and restrictions from the platforms due to non-compliant materials, it’s a loss that no one wants. The following guidelines from China’s top traffic platforms can help brands avoid pitfalls in advance, thus smoothly advancing their deployment plans.对于广告主来说,经过最初的策略制定、方案细化、资质审核后,却被媒体平台屡屡退回广告材料所阻,甚至因材料不合规而面临平台的处罚和限制,这是一种无可挽回的损失。一个想要。以下来自中国顶级流量平台的指引,可以帮助品牌提前规避陷阱,从而顺利推进布局计划。

    01 Advertising Must Not Have the Following Circumstances

    • Use or indirectly use the national flag, national anthem, national emblem, military flag, military anthem, or military emblem of the People’s Republic of China.

    • Use or indirectly use the name or image of state organs or their staff.

    • Must not exploit the images of party and state leaders (including various cartoon virtual images), including current, former, or deceased party and state leaders for commercial promotion.

    • Impair the dignity or interests of the state, or disclose state secrets.

    • Disrupt social stability or harm the public interest of society.

    • Endanger personal or property safety, or disclose personal privacy.

    • Disrupt public order or violate social ethics.

    • Contain obscene, pornographic, gambling, superstitious, terrorist, or violent content.

    • Contain content discriminating against ethnicity, race, religion, or gender.

    • Impede environmental, natural resource, or cultural heritage protection.

    • Other circumstances prohibited by laws or administrative regulations.

    02 Advertising Must Not Contain False or Misleading Content, Must Not Deceive or Mislead Consumers

    • Advertising should be recognizable, allowing consumers to identify it as such.

    • Must not disguise advertising in the form of news reports. Advertisements published through mass media should prominently display “Advertisement” to distinguish from other non-advertising information, preventing consumer misunderstanding.

    • Must not deceive or mislead consumers with non-existent goods or services.

    • Must not present information about the product’s performance, function, origin, purpose, quality, specifications, ingredients, price, manufacturer, shelf life, sales status, honors received, or promises related to goods or services that do not match the actual situation.

    • Must not use fabricated, forged, or unverifiable scientific research results, statistical data, survey results, excerpts, quotes, or other information as proof.

    • Must not fabricate the effects of using products or receiving services.

    • Apart from the above, must not deceive or mislead consumers with false or misleading content.

    03 Prohibition of Using Absolute Phrases Such as “National Level,” “Highest Grade,” “Best,” etc.

    Advertising is prohibited from using absolute phrases such as “national level,” “highest grade,” “best,” “top level,” “number one brand,” “elite,” “supreme,” “most popular,” etc. Expressions in the form of “one of the most…” are considered to represent the highest degree of an adjective and are also prohibited in advertising. However, objective statements that meet the following specific conditions can be used:

    Objective factual statements, but legal evidence should be provided.

    “XX Competition First Place” falls into this category. For example, if an advertiser participates in an authoritative competition or an analysis report issued by an authoritative institution shows their winning rank, such as a design company winning first place in an international competition. If the “national level” title is obtained through legal or administrative authorization (non-authoritative awards without legal or regulatory authorization do not qualify), the standardized name should be allowed for use. Advertisers should provide award certificates, selection results, and other relevant proof documents.

    Temporal or spatial order statements, but legal evidence should be provided.

    Expressions such as “first model, debut, first release, earliest, exclusive, only” belong to this category. For example, if game company A launches mobile game B for the first time, it can be described as “A’s first mobile game” or “A’s first mobile game.” If advertiser A obtains exclusive authorization for a game, they may use “A’s exclusive release” or “A platform’s first launch” in advertising. Advertisers should provide authorization letters, copyright registration certificates, and other relevant proof documents.

    Explicit self-comparison of degree grading.

    This refers to the objective existence of different grading quality products in one’s own products, and the use of words to distinguish these grades.

    For example: The largest housing model of Company X, the smallest size of Product X, the top configuration model of the X series of cars, the mobile game with the most users of Company X, etc.

    Grading recognized by relevant standards in a certain industry field, or grading widely accepted by the public.

    For example: In the national standard of Anji white tea, the product is divided into four quality grades: “boutique, special grade, first grade, second grade”. For specific “boutique grade” Anji white tea advertisements called “the highest grade” or “the highest level” usually do not belong to the absolute words prohibited from use. Advertisers need to provide relevant grading basis and grade inspection certificates, and must not promote multiple grades as the highest level at the same time.

    Explicitly indicate the business philosophy and pursuit goals of the merchant, and objectively there is no possibility of misleading.

    “Customer first, strive for perfect quality” and so on belong to this category. Such expressions must not lead consumers to think that the advertiser’s products and services are “first” or “perfect”, that is, they must not lead consumers to link the advertiser’s business philosophy or pursuit goals with the quality of products and services.

    04 Standards for Data and Material Citation

    Any content cited in advertising is considered part of the advertising content itself. Therefore, the expression of cited content must also comply with the relevant regulations of the Advertising Law, and the review standards for the expression of cited content are consistent with the general advertising content review standards. When using data, statistical materials, survey results, excerpts, quotes, and other cited content in advertising, it must be true, accurate, and indicate the source. If the cited content has an applicable scope and a validity period, it should be clearly stated. The following are prohibited for cited materials:

    • Cited materials must not involve the highest level of expression, national level expression, and other content that violates the relevant provisions of the Advertising Law.

    • Cited materials must not involve obviously false propaganda content.

    • Cited materials should be consistent with the original content and must not be fabricated, switched, or exaggerated. They must not engage in taking things out of context, concealing facts, distorting the original meaning, or causing misunderstandings among the audience.

    • It is forbidden to use consumer evaluations, beneficiary images, and other related comments from individual natural persons or users as cited materials.

    05 Standards for Patent Expression in Advertising

    • When using patented products or patent methods in advertising, the patent number and type should be indicated.

    • Those who have not obtained patent rights must not falsely claim to have obtained patent rights in advertising.

    • It is forbidden to use patent applications that have not been granted and patents that have been terminated, revoked, or invalidated for advertising.

    06 Regarding the Use of Names, Images, Copyright, and Trademarks

    • Utilizing the name or image of another party (including individuals, enterprises, and other organizations) in advertising requires prior written consent; for those without or limited civil conduct capacity, consent must be obtained from their guardians. Proof of authorization must be provided for such use.

    • Unauthorized use of others’ works and trademarks is prohibited; consent and proof of authorization are mandatory when needed.

    • According to the “Trademark Law of the People’s Republic of China,” producers and operators are prohibited from using the term “well-known trademark” on products, packaging, containers, or in advertising, exhibitions, and other commercial activities; the term must not appear in advertisements.

    07 Compliance with Advertising Endorsement Rules

    An advertising endorser is a natural person, legal entity, or other organization that recommends or certifies goods or services in their own name or image, apart from the advertiser. The following rules must be observed when using an endorser in advertising:

    • Endorsements must be based on facts, comply with relevant laws and regulations, and must not endorse goods or services that the endorser has not used or received.

    • Minors under ten years of age may not be used as advertising endorsers. When using minors, verify their age (under ten is prohibited) and obtain authorization from the minor and their legal guardians.

    • The names or images of medical institutions or doctors must not be used in food advertising. Expert or consumer names or images must not be used to certify specific effects in food advertising.

    • Investment-expected goods or services, education, and training advertisements must not use the names or images of research institutions, academic bodies, educational institutions, industry associations, professionals, or beneficiaries for recommendations or certifications.

    • Medical, pharmaceutical, medical device, and health food advertisements must not utilize endorsers for recommendations or certifications.

    • Advertisements for pesticides, veterinary drugs, feed, feed additives, crop seeds, forest seeds, grass seeds, breeding livestock, and aquaculture must not use the names or images of research institutions, academic bodies, technology promotion organizations, industry associations, or professionals, or users for recommendations or certifications.

    • Natural persons, legal entities, or other organizations that have received administrative penalties for endorsements in false advertisements within the past three years must not be used as endorsers.

    08 Protection Regulations for Minors

    Advertisements for goods or services targeting minors under fourteen years of age must not contain the following: 

    • Encouraging them to demand that their parents purchase the advertised goods or services. 

    • Content that may prompt imitation of unsafe behaviors.

    • Mass media targeting minors must not publish advertisements for medical treatment, drugs, health foods, medical devices, cosmetics, alcohol, beauty products, or online games detrimental to the physical and mental health of minors.

    09 Prohibition of Disparaging Other Producers’ Goods or Services

    • Advertisements must not fabricate or invent facts to defame or belittle others’ products or services.

    • Advertisements must not indirectly belittle others’ products or services by claiming superiority in quality, price, etc.

    10 Standardization and Regulation of Advertising Language

    • Pinyin must not be used in isolation in advertisements; when used, it should be correct, standardized, and appear alongside standardized Chinese characters.

    • The use of numbers, punctuation, measurement units, etc., in advertisements must comply with national standards and regulations.

    • Foreign languages must not be used in isolation in advertisements; when necessary, they should complement Mandarin and standardized Chinese characters.

    • The use of idioms in advertisements must adhere to national regulations and must not mislead or negatively impact society.

    • Handwritten fonts, artistic fonts, variant characters, and ancient scripts used in advertisements for creative purposes must be recognizable and must not mislead.

    The following are prohibited in advertising language and script:

    • The use of incorrect characters.

    • The use of traditional characters in violation of national laws and regulations.

    • The use of obsolete variant and simplified characters.

    • The use of obsolete print character forms.

    • Other non-standard uses of language and script.

    11 Respect for Heroes and Martyrs

    • Commercial advertisements must not use or indirectly use the names or portraits of heroes and martyrs.

    • Commercial advertisements must not feature the Monument to the People’s Heroes in Tiananmen Square, Beijing, or any related names, inscriptions, texts, reliefs, graphics, or logos.

    • Images or videos depicting activities that harm the environment or atmosphere of memorial facilities for heroes and martyrs are prohibited.

    • No promotion or glorification of aggressive wars or acts of aggression is allowed.

    12 Miscellaneous

    • The maximum value of the top prize in lottery-style promotional sales must not exceed 50,000 yuan.

    • The depiction of the RMB is prohibited in advertisements.

    • Content implying “national inspection-exempt products” or similar regarding quality exemption is prohibited.

    • Advertisements are banned from featuring tobacco, smoking images, including real and cartoon characters, and the promotion of cigarettes and e-cigarettes is forbidden.

    • Advertisements must not be disguised as news reports.

    • Advertisements must not contain content such as “special supply” or “exclusive supply” to state organs, with specific requirements as follows:

    • Content containing “special supply” or “exclusive supply” to state organs or similar.

    • Using names of specific locations or landmark buildings closely associated with state organs, and using state banquets, state guests, etc., to promote “special supply” or “exclusive supply.”

    • Falsely using “special supply,” “exclusive supply,” or similar names to sell goods or services, engaging in misleading false propaganda.

    • Other content containing “special supply,” “exclusive supply” to state organs, and similar, which may cause adverse social impact.

    • Except for the above, if a product is specially made by the manufacturer for a specific region or event (such as special packaging, models), it can be used, such as “exclusively supplied to Hangzhou area.”




    Interpretation of Advertising Monitoring Indicators in China

    Interpretation of Advertising Monitoring Indicators in China


    发布时间:2024-07-29   作者:

    Advertising effectiveness monitoring indicators are crucial for advertisers to determine the effectiveness of advertisements and how to optimize them. The commonly used advertising monitoring indicators by Chinese advertisers mainly include four major categories: traffic indicators, interaction indicators, conversion indicators, and cost indicators.

    Traffic Indicators

    Ad Impressions

    The total number of times an advertisement is displayed on a specific website within a designated time period. High exposure means the advertisement has a wide reach, but it is also important to avoid ineffective exposures. This indicator cannot measure whether users have actually seen the advertisement, as it can be affected by factors such as page scroll speed, which affects the visibility of the advertisement.

    Unique Impressions

    Unique impressions refer to the number of exposures after excluding multiple exposures by the same user, which is mainly achieved by excluding duplicate cookies.

    Calculating the ratio of ad impressions to unique impressions (Impression/Unique Impression) is one of the simple ways to identify ad fraud. A high ratio indicates that some users are repeatedly visiting in large numbers, suggesting that the website may have abnormal traffic and is suspected of having machine-generated traffic.

    Viewable Impressions

    Viewable impressions are based on the visibility of the advertisement. The IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau) stipulates: For PC-side image advertisements, 50% of the pixels are displayed for more than 1 second, and for PC-side video advertisements, 50% of the pixels are displayed for more than 2 seconds, which can be considered viewable impressions. Additionally, for larger ad formats, 30% of the pixels displayed for more than 1 second can be considered 1 viewable impression.

    The internet advertising pricing model related to this indicator is CPMv (cost per mille viewable impression), which is the cost for a thousand viewable impressions. The new CPM selling method used by Tencent mentioned earlier is CPMv. This selling method excludes data for advertisements that have not been actually watched, which can ensure the fairness, authenticity, and effectiveness of advertising transactions to a certain extent, help advertisers improve advertising effectiveness, save advertising budgets wasted on poor media resources or content, and improve ROI, thus being welcomed by advertisers.


    Clicks are the metrics used to measure user behavior after ad exposure. Clicks are the key actions that link front-end advertisements with back-end landing pages, reflecting the audience’s interest in the advertisement. Factors affecting clicks include two aspects: first, the accuracy of ad placement, and second, the quality of ad creativity.

    Click-Through Rate (CTR)

    The ratio of clicks to impressions (Click/Impression), the click-through rate allows for a horizontal comparison of the effectiveness of different advertisements and is the most direct and persuasive quantitative indicator reflecting the effectiveness of online advertising. Factors affecting the click-through rate include: the number of impressions, which only becomes relatively stable after reaching a certain quantity, objectively reflecting the effectiveness of the advertisement; the accuracy of ad placement, the higher the proportion of the target consumer group reached, the higher the click-through rate; the attractiveness of ad creativity, the stronger the visual impact and the more attractive the content, the higher the click-through rate.

    Page Views (PV)

    Page views are a commonly used indicator for website traffic statistics. A request from the user’s end to open a page is considered one page view. Page views are one of the commonly used traffic indicators for monitoring ad landing pages. To a certain extent, they can reflect the degree to which the interests and desires of the ad audience are stimulated and can reflect a certain advertising effect.


    Visits are commonly used in website traffic analysis to describe a series of user behaviors within a certain period of time or in the process of achieving a certain goal. The mainstream view is that visits refer to the number of times users visit a website.

    Visits can be used for the calculation of CPV (Cost Per Visit), which is the cost per visit. In practical applications, it is rarely used as a billing method in settlements between media and advertisers, but rather as an indicator for advertisers to measure the ROI of marketing activities.

    Unique Visitors (UV)

    Unique visitors are used to measure the number of website visitors. According to the “China Mobile Internet Advertising Standards,” a device visiting a website within a specified time period is counted as one visitor, and the same device will only be counted once within the specified time period.

    Compared with other traffic indicators, unique visitors are centered on a user as a measure, which can help advertisers more accurately identify the audience affected by advertising activities, and can also be used to identify simple traffic fraud. Unique visitors can be used for CPUV (Cost Per Unique Visitor), which is the cost per unique visitor. However, like CPV, it is often not used as a billing method in advertising transactions between advertisers and media, but rather as an ROI indicator set by advertisers according to the goals of the advertising campaign.

    Interaction Indicators

    Traffic indicators describe the arrival of users for advertisements and landing pages, while interaction indicators describe the depth of user participation. Compared with traffic indicators, the standardization of interaction indicators is relatively low.

    Bounce Rate

    Bounce rate refers to the ratio of users who, after clicking on an advertisement and entering the advertiser’s promoted page, do not generate further clicks and choose to leave directly. In internet marketing, the bounce rate can be used to measure the quality of external traffic and the attractiveness of website content to the audience. The higher the quality of external traffic and the more accurate the front-end advertising, the more target users can be attracted, and the lower the bounce rate of users after entering the website.

    2nd-Click Rate

    When a first-level website page is clicked and opened, any additional clicks generated by the user on the page are called “2nd-clicks,” and the number of 2nd-clicks is referred to as “2nd-click volume.” The ratio of “2nd-click volume” to page views is called the page’s “2nd-click rate.”

    Visit Depth (PV/V)

    Visit depth (PV/V) is an average number, referring to the number of times a specific web page is exposed to a visitor during a single visit, calculated as page views divided by visits. The higher the visit depth, the more pages a visitor browses in one visit, the more information they get, and the greater the value of these visits to advertisers.

    Visit Duration

    Visit duration (Time on Site) is also an average number, a measure of the length of visits, specifically the average time spent per visit, calculated as total visit time divided by visits. Theoretically, the longer the visit duration, the better the interactive effect of the advertisement.

    Conversion Indicators

    Conversion indicators are the most valuable category of indicators for businesses as they directly reflect the benefits that advertising activities bring to the enterprise, and thus are increasingly valued by advertisers.

    Photo by Oliur on Unsplash

    Conversion rate refers to the ratio of the number of times users complete specific actions (such as purchases, registrations, etc.) to the number of clicks, and is a key indicator for evaluating the effectiveness of advertisements. Specific actions for conversion include:

    Sales-related conversion indicators

    Offline: The number of store visits

    Online: The number of orders placed and purchases completed

    App-related conversion indicators


    Active users

    Registrations Users


    In-app purchases

    Cost Indicators

    Cost Per Thousand Impressions (CPM)

    Refers to the cost per thousand impressions when advertising is placed, reflecting the cost of advertising placement.

    Cost Per Click (CPC)

    Refers to the cost per click when advertising is placed, reflecting the cost of advertising placement.

    Cost Per Conversion (CPA)

    Refers to the cost per conversion action when advertising is placed, reflecting the cost of advertising placement.

    Advertising Monitoring Fields

    The following are fields involved in the advertising monitoring process in China, covering data from multiple aspects such as users, devices, advertising activities, geographic locations, and network environments. Through the analysis of these data, advertisers can comprehensively understand the display, click-through, and conversion effects of advertisements, optimize advertising placement strategies, and improve the ROI (Return on Investment) of advertisements.

    Field Name

    Data Format





    Unique identifier for the user

    Used to distinguish different users



    Type of user identifier, such as device ID, email

    Helps to understand the source of user_id



    Request time, records the timestamp of the user’s ad request

    Used to analyze user behavior and ad display timeliness



    User’s IP address

    Used for geographical analysis and user identity verification



    Cookie data from the user’s browser

    Used to track user’s online activities and ad effectiveness



    Traffic source

    Identifies the channel or platform the ad traffic comes from



    Unique identifier for the ad campaign

    Used to distinguish and analyze different ad campaigns



    Order ID

    Used to track transactions and conversions related to the ad



    Target URL of the ad display or click

    Used to analyze ad effectiveness and user behavior



    Operating system information of the user’s device

    Used for device and platform compatibility analysis



    IP address of the ad server

    Used to track the source of ad requests



    Advertising identifier for iOS devices

    Used for mobile ad tracking



    MD5 encrypted form of IDFA

    Used for privacy protection and data matching



    SHA1 encrypted form of IDFA

    Used for privacy protection and data matching



    International Mobile Equipment Identity for Android devices

    Used for device identification



    MD5 encrypted form of IMEI

    Used for privacy protection and data matching



    SHA1 encrypted form of IMEI

    Used for privacy protection and data matching



    Unique identifier for Android devices

    Used for device identification



    MD5 encrypted form of Android ID

    Used for privacy protection and data matching



    SHA1 encrypted form of Android ID

    Used for privacy protection and data matching



    MD5 encrypted form of device MAC address

    Used for device identification and privacy protection



    Advertising identifier for Android devices

    Used for ad tracking



    Timestamp of the ad event

    Used to accurately record the time of ad display and click



    Open Advertising Identifier

    Used to replace traditional device identifiers and enhance privacy protection



    Callback URL

    Used for server-to-server notifications and data transmission after ad click



    User agent string of the user’s browser

    Used to identify device and browser information



    Device brand information

    Used for market analysis and device performance evaluation



    Network type, such as WiFi, 4G

    Used to analyze the network environment of the ad display



    Content site

    Identifies the specific site or app location where the ad is displayed



    Ad type, such as display ad, video ad, etc.

    Used for categorization and effectiveness analysis



    Extension field

    Used for storing other custom data



    Open Unique Device Identifier

    Used for device identification and ad tracking



    Ad plan ID

    Used to distinguish and manage different ad plans



    Ad serving platform, such as mobile, PC, etc.

    Used to distinguish the platform where the ad is served



    Publisher ID

    Used to distinguish different ad publishers



    Type of ad placement, e.g., banner ads, interstitial ads

    Used for classification and performance analysis



    Ad placement ID to distinguish different ad display positions

    Used to distinguish different ad display positions



    Province ID for geographical analysis

    Used for geographical analysis



    City ID for geographical analysis

    Used for geographical analysis



    County ID for more detailed geographical analysis

    Used for more detailed geographical analysis



    Type of traffic, e.g., organic traffic, paid traffic

    Used for traffic quality analysis



    Ad Exchange Platform ID

    Used to distinguish and manage different ad exchange platforms.



    App Package Name

    Used for identifying and analyzing different mobile applications



    Main Domain

    Used for analyzing the domain source of ad display



    Number of Ad Requests

    Used for statistics and analysis of ad request volume



    Log Type, such as display log, click log, etc.

    Used for classification and analysis



    Sub-Customer ID

    Used for multi-level customer management and analysis



    Session ID

    Used for tracking a user’s single visit behavior



    Order Type, such as purchase, registration, etc.

    Used for conversion analysis.



    Creative ID

    Used to distinguish and manage different ad creatives



    App ID

    Used for identifying and analyzing different mobile applications



    App Name

    Used for identifying and analyzing different mobile applications



    Reference URL

    Used for analyzing traffic sources



    Creative Type, such as images, videos, etc.

    Used for classification and performance analysis



    General ID

    Used to identify the uniqueness of the record



    Ad ID

    Used to distinguish and manage different ads



    Customer ID

    Used to distinguish and manage different ad customers



    Device Name

    Used for device identification and analysis



    Browser Name

    Used for identifying the browser used by the user



    Business Date

    Used for statistics and analysis by date



    Business Hour

    Used for statistics and analysis by hour



    Data Source

    Used to distinguish and analyze different data collection channels

    In the area of advertising monitoring, some fields may be more commonly seen in the Chinese internet environment, mainly due to China’s unique advertising technology standards, device identifiers, and certain characteristics of some application markets:

    oaid: Open Advertising Identifier, a device identifier introduced by Chinese device manufacturers to replace traditional identifiers and enhance privacy protection.

    android_id: In China, many devices and advertising networks rely on this identifier.

    open_udid: Open Unique Device Identifier, which is quite common on some Chinese advertising platforms and applications.

    mac_md5: Although used globally, in the Chinese market, this field is often used for device identification.

    imei, imei_md5, imei_sha1: IMEI is globally universal, but in China, especially in early advertising monitoring, it is common to see the use of IMEI and its encrypted forms.

    idfa, idfa_md5, idfa_sha1: Although IDFA is a global standard for Apple devices, it is also frequently used in iOS advertising tracking in China.

    ad_timestamp: The timestamp of the advertising event, universally used globally, but the format and specific implementation may vary by region.

    app_package: The application package name, used to identify applications in China’s unique app markets.

    app_name: The application name, which often appears in Chinese advertising monitoring to identify specific applications.

    province_id, city_id, county_id: These geographical location identifiers are especially common in Chinese advertising monitoring, used for fine-grained regional analysis.

    bizdate, bizhour: Fields used for statistics by date and hour, frequently used in Chinese advertising reports and analysis.

    adzone_id, adzone_type: The type and ID of the advertising space, these fields are very common on Chinese advertising platforms for ad space management and analysis.

    How to Read Advertising Monitoring Reports

    Compare Data

    Compare data from different time periods, platforms, and ad formats to identify areas of excellent performance and areas that need improvement.

    Pay Attention to Trends

    Observe the trends in data changes to predict future development trends, providing a basis for adjusting advertising strategies.

    Deep Dive

    For data that performs poorly, delve deeper into the underlying reasons, such as whether the advertising content, target audience, and placement platform are appropriate.

    How to Use Advertising Monitoring Data to Optimize Advertising Strategies

    Adjust Advertising Content

    Based on user feedback and data analysis, optimize advertising copy, images, videos, and other elements to improve the attractiveness and conversion rate of advertisements.

    Precisely Target the Audience

    Understand the interests, needs, and behavioral habits of the target audience through data analysis to formulate more precise advertising placement strategies.

    Optimize Placement Platforms and Timing

    Choose more suitable advertisingplatforms and time slots based on data performance to increase the exposure and click-through rate of advertisements.

    Control Advertising Budget

    Allocate the advertising budget reasonably according to ROI and advertising effects to ensure the maximization of the input-output ratio.

    Advertising monitoring reports are not only a set of data reports but also a valuable marketing guide. By deeply analyzing advertising monitoring data, we can better understand the performance of advertising activities, identify optimization space, and enhance advertising effectiveness.


