
China’s Advertising Guidelines and Taboos: A Quick Checklist for 13 Special Industries and 2 Special Types of Advertising

China’s Advertising Guidelines and Taboos: A Quick Checklist for 13 Special Industries and 2 Special Types of Advertising


发布时间:2024-07-15   作者:

David Ogilvy, the Father of Advertising, once highlighted: “Never write an advertisement which you wouldn’t want your family to read. You wouldn’t tell lies to your own wife. Don’t tell them to mine.”

This serves as a fundamental principle for advertisers. As a country governed by the rule of law, China has established special guidelines for different industries to protect consumer rights, prevent false advertising, and curb unfair competitive practices. For those intending to launch advertisements in China, the article will avoid unnecessary troubles.

We compiled advertising guidelines for 13 special industries in China: pharmaceuticals, dietary supplement, food for special medical purposes (FSMP), medical equipment, food, education and training, real estate, finance, tobacco, alcohol, cosmetics, farming & animal husbandry & aquaculture, and pesticides. Additionally, regulations for two special types of advertising, involving patents and internet advertising, are consolidated.

01 Medical-Related Sector: the “Three Products and One Device

In China, we have a term “Three Product and One Device” for medical-related sector, covering 4 major industries: pharmaceuticals, dietary supplement, FSMP and medical equipment. These industries are related to life and health, hence Chinese Advertising Law particularly requires that advertisements for “Three Product and One Device” must be truthful and legal, must not contain false content, and should provide the right guidance to the target audience. Detailed regulations are as follows:

Parmaceutical Advertisementsh

  • The content should be based on the instructions approved by the State Council drug regulatory department.

  • The content involving the name, indications, or pharmacological effects should not exceed the scope of the instructions.

  • The content must prominently display contraindications and adverse drug reactions.

  • Prescription drug advertisements should prominently display “This advertisement is intended only for medical and pharmaceutical professionals.”

  • OTC drug advertisements should prominently display the logo of OTC and “Please purchase and use according to the instruction or under the guidance of a pharmacist.”

Dietary Supplement Advertisements

● The content should be based on the registration certificate, and the product instruction manual approved by the market supervision department.

● The content must not involve disease prevention or treatment functions.

● The content involving health functions, efficacy components, or significant components and their content, suitable population, or dosage should not exceed the scope of the registration certificate and the product instruction manual approved by the market supervision department.

● The content must prominently display “Dietary supplements are not drugs and cannot replace drug treatment for diseases,” declare that this product cannot replace medication, and prominently display the dietary supplement logo, suitable and unsuitable populations.

FSMP Advertisements

  • The content should be based on the registration certificate and product label, instruction manual approved by the State General Administration of Market Supervision.

  • The content involving product name, formula, nutritional characteristics, suitable population, etc., should not exceed the scope of the registration certificate, product label or instruction manual.

  • The content must prominently display the suitable population, “Not suitable for non-target population”, and “Please use under the guidance of a doctor or clinical dietitian.”

Medical Equipment

  • The content should be based on the registration certificate and product instruction manual approved by the drug regulatory department.

  • The content involving the medical equipment name, application scope, mechanism of action, or structure and composition, etc., should not exceed the scope of the registration certificate or the product instruction manual.

  • For medical equipment advertisements recommended for personal use, it should prominently display “Please read the product instruction manual carefully or purchase and use under the guidance of medical personnel.”

  • If the medical equipment product registration certificate contains contraindications or precautions, the advertisement should prominently display “Contraindications or precautions are detailed in the instruction manual.”

02 Food Advertisements

As a Chinese old saying goes, “People attach paramount importance to food.” Food industry relates to people’s livelihood, hence Chinese government has strong supervision on food advertising as below:

  • Food advertisements must comply with food safety regulations and must not contain false propaganda or violate food hygiene standards.

  • The content must conform to the standards of provisions on food hygiene, such as the main ingredients of the food, production date, shelf life, etc., must be consistent with the standards.

  • The content must not involve medical terminologies or or easily confused with medicines.

03 Education and Training Advertisement

Chinese society generally values the education of the next generation. Moreover, adult education and vocational education in China are developing vigorously. Under such circumstances, Chinese Advertising Law stipulates that education and training advertisements:

  • Must comply with the provisions of the Education Law, and must not contain false propaganda or mislead consumers.

  • Must truly publicize information such as courses, teachers, certificates, employment rates, etc., and must not exaggerate academic or career prospects.

  • Must not use terms such as “national level,” “highest level,” “best,” “top level,” etc., and must provide corresponding proof when used.

  • Must not fabricate teacher qualifications or user evaluations

  • Must not exaggerate training effects or the strength of the organization.

  • Must not use data such as “enrollment rate” or “pass rate” in advertisements unless they are truth and the source of provement should be displayed.

  • Must not make guaranteed commitments to enrollment or passing exams.

  • Must not explicitly or implicitly involve examination institutions or their staff.

04 Real Estate Advertisements

As one of the pillar industries in China, real estate advertisements must comply with the following regulations:

  • Comply with national land management regulations and must not contain false propaganda or misleading content to consumers.

  • Prohibit exaggeration of project scale, fake sales data, and other false propaganda.

  • Housing information should be true, and the area should indicate whether it is the construction area or the interior construction one.

  • Must not contain promises of appreciation or investment returns.

  • Must not violate national regulations on price management.

  • Must not mislead propaganda on facilities under planning or construction.

05 Financial Advertisement

Financial actions have significant impacts on both enterprises and individuals. Therefore, the Chinese government has vigorously regulated financial advertisements to protect the legal property rights and interests of the public. Here are the details:

  • The content of financial advertisements should be consistent with the business scope stated in the financial business license or filing documents.

  • Financial advertisements must not use or indirectly use the national flag, national anthem, national emblem, military flag, military anthem, military emblem of the People’s Republic of China, the name or image of state organs and state functionaries.

  • Financial advertisements must not use national major activities for commercial hype.

  • Financial advertisements should be truthful, legal, and honest, and must not contain false or misleading content to deceive and mislead the audience.

  • Financial advertisements must not induce the audience to accept inappropriate financial products and services, and should guide investors to act rationally.

  • When releasing financial advertisements with investment return expectations, it is necessary to prominently indicate or warn the possible risks and responsibilities in a significant manner. Must not make guaranteed commitments to future effects, benefits, or related situations, and must not explicitly or implicitly promise capital preservation, risk-free, or guaranteed returns, except as otherwise regulated by the state.

  • Must not exaggerate false or misleading statements about past performance, and must not use low-probability events to exaggerate product yield or profit range and mislead customers.

06 Tabacco Advertisements

As a special commodity with addictive properties, tabacco does harm to the health of both smokers and the surrounding people. Prohibiting tobacco advertising together with other 100+ countries worldwide, China has made the following restrictive regulations on tobacco advertisements:

  • Prohibit releasing tobacco advertisements via broadcasting, film, television, newspapers, periodicals and other mass media, or in waiting rooms, theaters, conference halls, sports competition venues, public transportation, outdoor areas and other public places.

  • Prohibit sending any form of tobacco advertisements to minors.

  • Prohibit using advertisements for other goods or services to promote the name, trademark, packaging, and other similar content of tobacco products.

  • In the announcements of relocation, renaming, recruitment, etc., published by tobacco product manufacturers or sellers, the name, trademark, packaging, decoration, and similar content of tobacco products must not be included.

07 Alcohol Advertisements

The term “alcohol” refers to alcoholic beverages, including fermented wines, rectified spirits, blended wines, edible alcohol and other drinks containing alcohol ingredients. In order to protect the physical and mental health of the public and ensure social safety, Chinese Advertising Law has made restrictive regulations on alcohol advertisements:

● Spirits who are below 39 degrees or have obtained the title of national, ministerial, provincial excellence, as well as other alcohol that meets the hygiene standards can be advertised.

  • Prohibit the use of images, music, animations, etc., related to minors.

  • Must not release in mass media aimed at minors.

  • Must not use medical terms or easily confused terms.

  • Must not display drinking actions.

  • Must not depict activities such as driving a car, a ship, or an airplane.

  • Must not explicitly or implicitly suggest that drinking has the effect of eliminating tension and anxiety, increasing physical strength, etc.

  • Must not use terms such as “national level,” “highest level,” “best,” etc.

  • Must not contain content that induces, encourages drinking, or promotes uncontrolled drinking.

08 Cosmetics Advertisements

Chinese Advertising Law stipulates that the quality of cosmetics must meet hygiene standards, and the description of cosmetics names, effects, and other information in advertisements must be accurate and clear, and must not use medical terms or easily confused with medicines. Detailed regulations are as follows:

  • The advertisement should accurately and precisely express the name, efficacy claims, ingredients, efficacy components, quality, usage, origin, price, manufacturer, shelf life, promises, etc., of cosmetics.

  • Advertisements must not involve disease treatment functions and must not use medical terms or easily confused terms with drugs or medical equipment, and should avoid using the following medical-related content:

  • Medical cosmetics, prescription, medicinal, Chinese medicine, medical, treatment, injection, stretch marks, various skin disease names, various disease names, and other medical terms.

  • Antibacterial, bacteriostatic, decontamination, sterilization, bactericidal, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, blood-activating, detoxification, anti-allergy, anti-sensitivity, de-sensitivity, spot removal, spot-free, scar removal, and other terms that explicitly or implicitly indicate medical effects.

09 Avertisements of Farming, Animal Husbandry and Aquaculture

The expression of crop seeds, forest seeds, grass seeds, breeding animals, aquaculture seedlings, planting and breeding advertisements on variety names, production performance, growth or yield, quality, resistance, special usage and value, economic value, suitable planting or breeding range & conditions, etc., should be true, clear, and understandable, and must not contain the following content:

  • Make scientifically unverifiable assertions.

  • Make assertions or guarantees of efficacy.

  • Analyze, predict, or make guaranteed commitments to economic benefits.

  • Use the name or image of research institutions, academic institutions, technology promotion institutions, industry associations, or professionals, users for recommendations or proof.

10 Pesticide Advertisements

Pesticides are indispensable to ensure crop production. However, some pesticides are dangerous to different extents. Therefore, Chinese government has introduced the following restrictions on pesticide advertisements:

  • Must not use language that asserts safety such as non-toxic and harmless.

  • Must not contain unscientific assertions or guarantees of efficacy.

  • Must not contain text, language, or images that violate the routine use of pesticides.

  • Must not use the name or image of research institutions, academic institutions, technology promotion institutions, industry associations, or professionals, users for recommendations or proof.

  • Must not belittle similar products, or compare the efficacy and safety of other pesticides.

  • Must not contain comprehensive evaluation content such as evaluation, ranking, recommendation, designation, selection, winning awards, etc.

  • Must not use ambiguous or exaggerated language that might cause misunderstandings about the product’s safety, applicability, etc.

11 Advertisements Involving Patents

Products involving patents are generally more likely to win consumer praise and trust. In order to maintain a fair competitive market environment, and to protect the legal rights and interests of consumers, Chinese Advertising Law has made the following regulations on advertisements involving patents:

  • The patent number and type must be clearly marked.

  • The patent information in the advertisement needs to be consistent with the information on the official website of the China National Intellectual Property Administration.

  • Products or methods that have not obtained patent rights must not claim to have patent rights in advertisements.

  • Prohibit the use of patents that have not been granted rights and patents that have been terminated, revoked, or invalidated for advertisements.

12 Internet Advertisements

With the rapid development of Internet Industry in China, various forms of Internet advertisements bloom and enrich the advertising ecosystem. In order to maintain the safety and cleanliness of the network environment and to protect the legal rights of consumers, Chinese government has made the following regulations and restrictions on Internet advertisements:

  • Internet advertisements should be recognizable, allowing consumers to identify them as advertisements.

  • For search ads in the manner of bidding and ranking, the advertiser should prominently mark “Advertisement” so that they can be clearly distinguished from natural search results.

  • Except for the circumstances where laws and administrative regulations prohibit the release or disguised release of advertisements, when promoting goods or services through knowledge introduction, experience sharing, consumer evaluation, and other forms, and attaching shopping links and other purchasing methods, the advertiser should prominently mark “Advertisement.”

  • For pop-up Internet advertisements and start-up screen advertisements displayed and released when starting Internet applications, the advertiser and the publisher should prominently mark the close sign to ensure a one-click closure.

  • Must not deceive or mislead users to click or browse advertisements in the following ways:

  • False prompts such as system or software updates, error reports, cleaning, notifications, etc.

  • False signs such as play, start, pause, stop, return, etc.

  • False reward promises;

  • Other ways to deceive or mislead users to click or browse advertisements.

  • When publishing or sending advertisements on the Internet, do not affect the normal use of the network by users, and do not insert bidding & ranking advertisements in the search results of websites, web pages, apps, WeChat Official accounts and other platforms related to government services.

The aforementioned regulations and restrictions are meticulously crafted to safeguard consumer rights and foster a robust, ethical landscape for the advertising industry within China. Having acquainted yourself with these guidelines, you are now better equipped to navigate the complexities of launching advertisements in the Chinese market. However, given the intricacies and stringent requirements of legal compliance, it is prudent to consult with professional legal experts before finalizing and executing your advertising strategies.

Image source: QianTu Network, with commercial authorization




Prohibited Products for Promotion under Chinese Laws and Regulations:A Guide to Navigating the Regulatory Landscape

Prohibited Products for Promotion under Chinese Laws and Regulations:A Guide to Navigating the Regulatory Landscape


发布时间:2024-07-15   作者:

Each country has its own social environment and standards for different industries vary accordingly. In China, there are clear restrictions on the industries involved in advertising and promotion. Especially for the following 55 industries listed, Chinese laws and regulations have explicit prohibitions against promoting these industries through advertising.

01 Drug-Related Items

This category encompasses all types of illicit drugs, chemicals that can be synthesized into drugs, raw materials for drug production, and literature on drug manufacturing.

02 Gambling Prohibitions

We’re putting all bets off on gambling. It’s forbidden to use money or property as stakes in gambling, as well as providing venues, funds, tools, or facilitating gambling activities through products and services.Gambling Tools: Think slot machines and dice games—no luck here.

  • Gambling Information and Software: This includes illegal gambling information, communities, software, and betting apps.

  • Gambling Products: Unlawful gambling products such as Mark Six lotteries and other lottery types not approved for sale in Mainland China.

  • Gambling Techniques: Ads that teach gambling tactics like card sharking and cheating methods are off the table.

  • Cheating Devices: Devices like see-through glasses, card changers, and other cheating tools are strictly prohibited.

  • Gambling Products: Products suspected of being gambling-related, such as “one-yuan purchase” schemes.

  • Gambling on Raw Stones: The act of gambling by selling rough stones is banned.

  • Others: Hotels or scenic spots that offer casino gambling services are not allowed.

03 Religious Matters

  • Spreading the word about religious activities and content is a no-go zone.

  • Selling religious items under the guise of religion is also prohibited.

04 Pyramid Schemes

Theallure of quick riches through recruitment or by charging fees for membership is an illegal path we advise against.

05 Superstition and Fortune-Telling

Products or services for fortune-telling, divination, Feng Shui, and other superstitious practices, along with claims of improving luck or human capabilities, are banned.

06 Fraudulent Websites

  • Imitating financial institutions like banks, funds, securities, and trusts is a scam that won’t stand.

  • Posting job ads for fake reputation farming on online stores is also prohibited.

  • Illegal sales of items like Sinopec fuel cards, Q coins, and other virtual cards, along with providing illegal phone top-up services, are forbidden.

07 Special Diseases

  • No advertising is allowed for diseases that the state has paused medical advertising for: genital warts, syphilis, gonorrhea, chancroid, psoriasis, AIDS, cancer, epilepsy, hepatitis B, vitiligo, lupus.

  • Professional jargon related to these diseases, such as HBV, “big three yang,” “small three yang turning negative,” and “two pairs and a half,” is also banned in advertisements.

08 Special Medications and Medical Devices

  • A strict ban on narcotics, psychotropic substances, toxic medical drugs, radioactive drugs, drug-like precursor chemicals, prescription drugs, specific total nutrition formula foods for special medical purposes, infant formulas for special medical use, and drugs and medical devices for drug addiction treatment.

  • Military-specific drugs and preparations made by military medical institutions.

  • Medicinal preparations made by medical institutions.

  • Any drugs, medical devices, health foods, and special medical formula foods that are legally stopped or banned from production, sale, or use.

09 Medical Intermediary Services

Offering domestic registration services or overseas medical intermediary services for a fee is prohibited.

10 Cultural Relics and Literary Works

● Counterfeit commemorative coins and replicas of famous artworks are not to be advertised.

● Exempted are antique stores and auction companies with the appropriate legal qualifications.

11 Illegal Stamp Trading

Legal stamps (including common and commemorative stamps) can be exchanged and traded.The following activities are banned as per Article 25 of the “Philatelic Market Management Measures”: Trading in counterfeit or altered postage vouchers.

  • Trading in stamps prohibited from circulation by the state.

  • Trading in stamps issued by the Taiwan region after October 1, 1949.

  • Trading in stamps without indicated issuing entity information.

  • Trading in stamps with counterfeit or imitation stamp patterns not in accordance with national regulations.

  • Trading in stamps with obviously false information.

  • Trading in stamps imported without authorization.

  • Producing or selling stamps under someone else’s name without permission.

  • Any other business activities that violate relevant national regulations.

12 Circulating RMB

Without the approval of the People’s Bank of China, no unit or individual may bind or operate bound circulating RMB, including RMB of special years and misprinted RMB.

13 Bills

  • Including various types of invoices, financial bills, etc.

  • Including issuing and selling real and fake invoices on behalf of others.

  • Except for the case of transfer for the purpose of collection without validity and circulation.

14 Fake certificate and seal services

Providing illegal services such as processing false certificates and privately engraved official seals.

15 Illegal network public relations

Illegal network water army, network promoters, flooding companies, post deletion companies, soft article marketing, e-commerce order brushing, etc.

16 Illegal network technology and equipment

  • Using illegal network technology to break through network restrictions, infringe on the privacy and property of others, or disrupt the normal operation order of Internet platforms, including: “over the wall” service, “over the wall” software, game plug-ins, dual-opening software, jailbreak software, etc.

  • Equipment for inserting phone cards in batches.

  • Equipment and software with functions such as changing the caller number, virtual dialing, and illegal access of Internet phones to the public telecommunications network.

  • Automatic switching systems for batch accounts and network addresses, platforms for batch receiving SMS verification and voice verification.

  • Other equipment and software used to commit crimes such as telecommunications network fraud.

17 Illegal debt collection

Illegal provision of services or consulting content related to debt repayment, debt arrears, and debt collection.

18 Vehicle formalities agency

  • Violation of traffic rules and points, agency service or content for car purchase quotas.

  • Providing transaction services or information such as leasing, selling, and transferring of vehicle license plates and lottery quotas.

  • Providing illegal vehicle-related services or information such as scrapping without a car, transferring ownership without a car, annual inspection without a car, and collecting points for driver’s licenses.

19 Personal business agency

  • Agency for personal certificates, agency for social security payment, agency for housing provident fund payment, agency/consultation for points-based settlement, etc.

  • Scalper proxy photography and proxy photography business.

20 Certificate affiliation/leasing

“Certificate affiliation”, “certificate affiliation” and any qualification certificate, administrative license, identity document leasing, lending, and transfer services, etc.

21 Foreign Recruitment

Provide jobs for foreign personnel, recruit foreign personnel, recruit foreign volunteers, etc.

22 Firearms, Ammunition and Other Weapons

  • Includes various types of firearms, ammunition and related equipment, such as firearms, firearm imitations (such as imitation guns), bullets (cannons), silencers, gunpowder, instructions, packaging boxes, etc.

  • Other weapons: crossbows, slingshots, steel balls, lead balls, real machines, real bullets, etc.

23 Security, police and military equipment

  • Security equipment refers to security and defense equipment including but not limited to electric shocks, strong lights, tear gas, etc.

  • Police and military equipment refers to police and military equipment including but not limited to police uniforms, police badges, handcuffs, police lights, sirens, stun guns, etc.

24 Cult Organizations

Illegal organizations that endanger society, such as Falun Gong, the Church of Almighty God, Voodoo, etc.

25 Government Documents

Various certificates and documents issued by the government, such as identity cards, files, various licenses, etc.

26 Illegal Publications and Film and Television Works

Illegal books, film and television works include, but are not limited to:

  • Obscene and Pornographic Materials : This includes any publications or films that are vulgar or sexually explicit, such as adult magazines, videos, and adult videos (AV).

  • Materials Harmful to Social Stability : Publications or films that undermine social stability, damage national unity, or disrupt ethnic solidarity.

  • Publications with Discriminatory Content : Any materials containing racial or religious discrimination or other content that violates laws and regulations.

27 Protection of Wild Flora and Fauna

  • Wildlife : Under national regulations, no trade or publication is allowed for wild animals, world/national protected species, endangered animals, their organs, any body parts, fur, specimens, or any products made from them, such as ivory and tortoiseshell products.

  • Wild Plants : Any plants listed in the world/national protected species list and prohibited from sale by law, or plant products.

28 Illegal Sexual Products

Such as illegal aphrodisiacs and similar products.

29 Dangerous Goods

  • Flammable and Explosive Materials : Including raw materials for their production.

  • Toxic and Corrosive Chemicals : Along with their raw materials.

  • Fireworks and Firecrackers : And devices for setting off fireworks and firecrackers.

  • Publications and Videos on Explosives : Materials that instruct on making explosives.

30 Regulated Knives

Knives that violate national controlled knife standards, such as daggers, three-edged knives (including those used for mechanical processing), switchblades with self-locking mechanisms, and other similar single-edged, double-edged, or three-edged sharp knives.

31 Illegally Obtained Goods

Goods obtained through smuggling, theft, or robbery.

32 Tobacco Products

Cigarettes, cigarette packs, cigarette labels, electronic cigarettes, and smoking cessation products.

33 Prohibited Food Items

  • Betel nut and its products.

  • Infant formula dairy products for babies aged 0-12 months (ie, stage 1 and stage 2).

34 Illegal Cash Advances

  • Services such as agent extraction of housing provident funds, social security, and credit card cash advances.

  • Cash advances using POS machines, card swiping rebates.

  • Credit card cash advances and credit card repayments on behalf of others.

35 Banned Advertising and Promotion

  • Crude oil and crude oil derivatives.

  • POS machine sales.

  • Private equity funds; private financial products.

  • IoT (Internet of Things) cards.

36 Non-compliant Loan Services

Such as campus loans, student loans, down payment loans, cosmetic loans, etc.

37 Non-compliant Securities Services

  • Stock recommendations, stock financing, stock leverage.

  • Trading of Hong Kong and US stocks.

38 Illegal Fundraising Activities

Illegally absorbing public deposits or disguised forms of public deposits, and illegal fundraising activities with the purpose of illegal possession using fraudulent methods.

39 Non-compliant Bank Card and Account Services

Copying/cracking or recycling of bank cards, handling of bank cards through non-bank official websites, handling of bank statements, buying and selling of bank accounts (bank cards), etc.

40 Products Infringing on Intellectual Property Rights

  • Trademark and Patent Infringements : Counterfeit and copycat products.

  • Copyright Infringements : Unauthorized films, television shows, software programs, websites, etc.

  • Private Servers and Cheats : Private servers refer to the unauthorized establishment of network servers after illegally obtaining server installation programs. Cheats refer to programs that use computer technology to alter parts of one or several online games to create cheating software.

  • Other Violations:Unlawful sales of gaming equipment from other manufacturers, impersonation of official game websites, and establishment of phishing websites.

41 Tax Evasion Products

Goods that have not gone through proper import procedures, such as “grey market” products, “European water”, “Hong Kong water”, and similar items.

42 Illegal Signal Interception Products

Devices like TV sticks and signal receivers that illegally intercept television signals.

43 Products Infringing on Property Rights

  • Products for electricity theft or illegal electricity saving, such as power-saving devices.

  • Wi-Fi moochers, dialers, and similar devices.

  • Products with unclear charges, malicious billing, hidden billing programs, or any situation that harms consumer rights, or containing malicious programs for account theft or password theft.

44 Privacy Invasion Equipment:

  • Eaves dropping devices, hidden cameras, pinhole cameras, information interception (fax, SMS, phone interception), and other equipment that may violate privacy.

  • Products that infringe on personal information, including but not limited to directly providing personal phone numbers, email addresses, and software or products used for collecting or stealing personal information (such as phishing websites).

  • Products with tracking capabilities, such as GPS trackers.

45 Non-compliant Motor Vehicles and Services

  • Cloned vehicles, smuggled vehicles, confiscated vehicles, illegal vehicles, unregistered vehicles, mortgaged vehicles, etc.

  • “Assembled motor vehicles”, “built motor vehicles”, or related service information.

46 Products Disrupting Traffic Safety

Products like radar detectors, electronic dogs, car concealment sprays, roll-up license plate frames, radar jammers, license plate covering devices, traffic signal changers, and similar items.

47 Prohibited Education and Training

  • Online advertisements for off-campus training for primary and secondary schools, kindergartens.

  • Franchise services for off-campus training for primary and secondary schools, kindergartens.

48 Exam and Thesis Fraud

Impersonating test takers, ghostwriting theses, etc.

49 Non-compliant Software Tools

  • Software advertised as making free calls (Note: Not instant communication tools, products that can directly make free calls without phone charges using certain means).

  • Military software.

  • Overseas marriage service software.

50 Political News

Political: Domestic and foreign military and political news, reactionary remarks, etc.

51 Illegal Game Agents

Merchants and regional privileged agents for special permissions in games (such as selling room cards).

52 Military Aircraft

Aircraft that directly participate in combat, support combat operations, and military training, such as fighter jets, bombers, special operations aircraft, etc.

53 Non-compliant Real Estate Business

  • Types of real estate transactions: Real estate and land not normally sold or not qualified for listing, such as small property rights, account-settlement houses, land transactions, property exchange for old, mortgaged houses, etc.

  • Real estate peripheral business: Beyond the normal living and use functions of real estate, emphasizing financing, investment, medical services, including real estate investment or investment lectures, financing or disguised financing content, medical services, housing for the elderly, real estate investment immigration, etc.

54 Illegal Fishing Products

Electric fishing devices, sail nets, ground cages, beach seines, net cages, dense mesh screens, towed pump suction rakes, and other fishing gear.

55 Other Illegal and Non-compliant Products and Services

  • Surrogacy, drug testing, fetal gender determination services.

  • Human organs, remains, animal carcasses, etc.

  • Advertisements for car decoders, master keys, and other technologies that can be used for criminal activities.

  • Private detectives.

  • Medicated cosmetics.

  • Medical waste.

  • Products for reducing or limiting the speed of bicycles.

  • Online part-time fraud (such as typists, data entry clerks), personal manual processing fraud (such as wormwood processing, manual beading), etc.

  • Others.




Programmatic Advertising in China 101

China’s programmatic advertising market has seen unprecedented prosperity since 2012, a year that is also dubbed as the “Year One” of programmatic advertising in China. With the flourishing development of the internet traffic market, China’s programmatic advertising ecosystem has become increasingly mature, gradually meeting advertisers’ needs for fine-group screening of quality customers, comprehensive control and constant adjustment of the advertising process, following customer trends to lock media platforms, and recalling high-potential customers for repeated exposure. This article will provide a complete practical guide based on China’s programmatic advertising market.

01 Planning Phase

Step 1: Define Objectives

Before clarifying the objectives, brands often complete the analysis of the consumer portrait for the promoted product, competitive advertising analysis, and summary of product selling points. With the support of the above information, the brand needs to define the goals of programmatic advertising, whether it is to enhance brand exposure, improve customer awareness, or enhance purchase conversion.

Domestic traffic vendors and media types are diverse and numerous, with a vast array of conversion models and indicators. Advertisers and their agencies need to set targets that are specifically tailored to their advertising needs and platform indicators. Taking the AIPL model indicators of Alibaba, a top-tier e-commerce platform in China, as an example:

Aware: Within the last 15 days, passively interacted with the brand, including behaviors such as exposure & clicks, browsing (limited to one day), watching, etc.

Interest: Within the last 15 days, actively engaged with the brand, including behaviors like membership, followership, interactions, browsing, favorites/add to cart, claiming trial products/samples, etc.

Purchase: All consumers who have purchased brand products in the last two and a half years (2*365 days + 180 days), including those who made pre-sale deposits, scanned codes for Taobao eggs after purchase, used offline cloud POS payment consumers, made purchases via iStore mini-program, scanned codes for Taobao eggs after purchase, included consumers who purchased on Taoxian, including those who bought Tmall u-first samples) minus “Loyalty” consumers.

Loyalty: Consumers who have had positive comments/positive follow-up reviews or have purchased the brand’s products at least twice within the past 365 days.

Step 2: Refine Audience Strategies

Audience strategies are often rooted in product features, brand tone, and combined with past advertising experiences. It is even possible to seek recommendations from local media, third-party advertising agencies, and traffic platforms. The premise of programmatic advertising effectiveness is the brand’s reasonable segmentation of user groups, so that in the process of traffic purchase and expansion, it can better hit the brand’s target audience. Specific classification methods can refer to the “4W1H” model.

Who: Refers to user attributes, judging what type of user it is based on attributes (gender, age, region, income, interests, etc.), such as student groups who love affordable makeup, white-collar workers who like to watch fashion bloggers’ videos, users with a high-level VIP status, etc.

When: Refers to the time corresponding to user behavior, from which the user’s visit duration, frequency, interval, etc., can be calculated. For example, first-time visits to the official website, not logged in for 30 days, purchased within 15 days, etc.

Where: Refers to the user’s source, such as entering through an ad click, through a friend’s share, or through a search engine, etc. Users from different sources represent different groups. For example, those who enter through search keywords belong to an active group of users, which is more in line with the advertiser’s needs; while those who enter by clicking on ads may be interested because of the attraction of the ad content, etc.

What: Refers to the user’s behavior, such as what type of ads they have clicked on, what content they have visited, what products they have purchased, etc.

How: Refers to the user’s quality, which can be measured by visit depth, number of behaviors, order amount, etc. For example, a user who has browsed 50 different product pages, a user who has made a total of 20 orders within a year, a user with an order amount of more than 100,000 yuan in 30 days, etc.

Step 3: Develop Media Strategy

In the face of numerous media resources, it is particularly important to formulate an appropriate media strategy before advertising, which depends on the objectives. The principle of formulating a media strategy is “positive, high coverage, and strong exposure,” and to design the media around advertising forms, page environments, media quality, advertising area, screen position, to meet the KPI requirements.

Advertising Forms: The form of advertising to some extent determines the user experience and interaction form. Common forms in programmatic advertising include banner image ads, video ads, native ads, etc.

Page Environment: Refers to the state of the page where the advertisement is placed, including page content, the number of page advertisements, etc. Especially when placing brand advertisements, advertisers usually require that the page content must be positive, in line with the brand image, and must not contain pornographic and vulgar, politically sensitive information, etc.. Moreover, the number of page advertisements should not be too many. An environment full of advertisements on the entire page will cause trouble for users and seriously affect the user experience, causing users to have a negative impression of the page and the advertisements within the page.

Media Quality: When formulating a media strategy, attention should be paid to the quality and quantity of the media. Quality refers to whether the media’s traffic scale and user groups are of high quality and in line with the advertiser’s needs. In addition, it is necessary to consider the category of these media (such as entertainment), channels (such as TV series), historical data of advertising positions (such as click-through rate), etc. Quantity refers to the media traffic being large enough to ensure sufficient user coverage and meet the advertiser’s budget.

Advertising Area: The ratio of advertising size and the proportion of advertising area on the page are also very important. If the advertising size is too small or the proportion of the entire page is too low, it is difficult to be discovered by users; non-standard size ratios will increase the cost of material production.

Screen Position: The screen position where the advertising position is located determines the probability of the advertisement being seen. The first screen is generally better than the non-first screen, and the effect of the last screen advertisement may be the worst. However, for some pages with high-quality content, the exposure probability of the second screen or even the third screen will also be high.

Step 4: Develop Creative Solutions

The first step in creating creativity is to grasp the form of creativity and the way users interact. The form of creativity refers to what file form the material is presented in, such as images, text, graphics and text, Flash, video, forms, or others. At present, video creativity and post creativity (such as information streams) have the best effects, which are related to the characteristics of the advertising space. The price of such advertising spaces is also a bit higher than that of ordinary advertising spaces.

User interaction refers to the specific operations of users on the material, such as clicking to switch dynamic creativity, filling in registration information on the creativity, expanding the material after clicking on the advertisement, and even submitting information by voice.

In the process of advertising, both the created creativity and the landing page need to undergo A/B testing or multi-version testing, using data to determine which version to adopt in the end. The premise of the test is to keep the test environment and the test volume of multiple versions as consistent as possible.

02 Execution Phase

Step 1: Advertising Preparation

The preparatory work before advertising mainly includes uploading qualifications for review, creating creativity for review, and deploying advertising monitoring, etc.

Qualifications are the necessary proof documents for advertisers to carry out advertising activities (such as business licenses, ICP filing screenshots, organization codes, etc.).

In terms of creativity, traffic parties will also have certain requirements for the effectiveness and legality of the content, so the media needs to review the creativity. Common review scopes include size, sound, etc.

In addition, advertisers generally use third-party monitoring during the advertising process, so there is also the deployment work of monitoring codes, etc. Optimization strategies need to add code in the advertiser’s game promotion page or SDK (or S2S docking), so that the DSP platform can adjust strategies according to different user behavior trajectories.

A good job in the early preparation work does not mean that the ads can be directly placed without manual intervention. Advertising activities should also be gradually increased in multiple stages to ensure the final effect. Programmatic advertising in China can be generally divided into four stages: technical docking test, strategy test, strategy optimization, and stable extension, each with a corresponding time period, and should be flexibly adjusted according to the actual situation of the project.

Technical Docking Test Phase: This phase usually lasts for 1 to 3 days, mainly to check whether the work in the preparation phase runs well, such as whether the statistical monitoring code is deployed correctly, whether S2S docking can correctly return data, etc.

Strategy Test Phase: This phase usually takes 3-7 days to verify whether the media strategy formulated in the advertising strategy is reasonable and whether the media effect has reached the expected level. Based on the test data, corresponding grade divisions are made for different AdX/SSP, different media, different advertising spaces, etc., so as to better allocate the budget in the later stage.

Strategy Optimization Phase: This phase usually lasts for about 1 week to 1 month. On the basis of optimization and adjustment in the early test phase, further optimization of the media is carried out, and the crowd strategy and creative strategy formulated in the advertising strategy are continuously optimized. During the strategy optimization phase, the fluctuation of advertising effects is generally large, which is a normal phenomenon. During this phase, various strategy combinations are usually tried, and the effects of different combinations may vary greatly. The goal of this phase is to quickly screen out the optimal combination of “media + audience group + creativity”, so that the advertising effect reaches a stable change and regular fluctuation trend, such as the effect of the weekend is better than working days, the effect of the evening peak period is better than the daytime, etc.

Stable Extension Phase: This phase is usually more than 1 month according to the brand’s needs. After the stable effect is achieved in the strategy optimization phase, the volume of traffic can be increased according to the budget. Especially in the RTB bidding model, the volume and price of traffic will fluctuate due to the different degrees of market competition, hence the operator needs to be able to find problems in time and take actions.

Step 2: Official Launch

After the qualification and material review are passed, the executor needs to add various advertising campaigns according to the planning plan of the advertising proposal and set up corresponding campaign.

Basic Settings

Bid Setting: Set the upper limit of the price that can be borne, generally in the form of CPM, to control the cost within an acceptable range. Some DSP can support bidding according to CPC or CPA (the algorithm replaces manual dynamic control of CPM bidding).

Budget Control: Set the budget according to the media budget plan provided by the advertiser/advertising agent to avoid excessive consumption. The budget is divided into daily budget, weekly budget, monthly budget, and total budget. Some DSP can also control the level of exposure and the number of clicks, corresponding to daily exposure, total exposure, or daily clicks, total clicks, etc. In addition, there are also settings for budget allocation, such as setting differentiated budgets for different regions, different creatives, etc.

Date and Time: Set the date or time period according to the advertising schedule, or there is no limit. Date and time can be set according to the online habits of the target audience. The date or the daily advertising time period will have an impact on the effect, such as weekends, evening peak periods.

Advertising Speed: The Advertising speed is divided into uniform speed and rapid speed. Some advertisers hope that the advertising budget can be as distributed as possible in each time period or every day, and the activity can be set to “uniform speed”.

Frequency Control: Set the total number of times a specific advertisement is seen by the same user within a set time, or the total number of times a certain advertising material is seen within a set time.

Media Settings

Transaction Model: Select the transaction model, including RTB open bidding, PDB direct purchase, etc.

Ad Exchange: Choose the channel for advertising, such as Baidu Bes, Alibaba Tanx, Tencent AdX, etc.

Media Category/Channel: Select the category of media or a specific channel under a single medium, such as financial, entertainment, sports, and other media categories, or TV drama, movie, technology, sports, and other channels under Youku media.

Media URL: Set specific media root domain names (e.g., qq.com), second-level domains (e.g., news.qq.com), or specific URL addresses.

Placement Size: Choose the placement size and arrange corresponding size materials. Generally, popular ad spaces or commonly used high-quality ad spaces are selected.

Ad Position: Choose the specific ad position, such as WeChat Search Super Brand Zone.

Ad Position Type: Choose the type of ad placement, such as banner, information game, OTV, etc.

Ad Viewability: According to the advertiser’s requirements for viewability, the operators can only target media resources with a viewability higher than a certain value, or conversely, they can exclude media resources with a viewability lower than a certain value and not place ads on this part of the media resources.

Page Ad Slot Quantity: Since the number of ad slots on the page will affect the user experience, it may indirectly cause the user to have a negative impression of the page’s ads. Therefore, when placing ads, you can control the number of ad slots on the page, such as only targeting pages with up to 3 ad slots.

Screen Order: Choose the screen order where the ad space is located, such as the first screen, the second screen, etc. Generally, it is necessary to exclude the bottom of the page such as the tail screen and other positions where users generally cannot see this ad space.

Page Content: Choose to place ads based on designated page keywords, video content direction, such as only placing pages containing baby-related keywords, or only placing workplace drama video ads, and brand can also directly specify TV drama names for directional advertising.

Target Audience Settings

Advertisers can collect people who have seen, clicked on, and visited the official website during the advertising process, and retarget them or use them as the seed segment for look-alike extensions. The target audience may include people with needs, potential needs, and even those who have made purchases, as well as those who are using the product/service or the lost audience.

Creative Settings

Creative and landing page settings: Set up the creative and corresponding landing pages for different advertising campaigns. It should be noted that some AdX will require the landing page to support HTTPS.

Display rules: Set the rules for the order in which the creative is displayed to the same person multiple times. The general rules for the order in which users see the creative are loop rotation, sequential display, etc. For example, if you need to display creative A, B, C to the same user, with a frequency limit of 6 times a week, the order in which a user sees the creative can be AABBCC, ABCABC, etc.

Other Settings

Third-party monitoring: Set the exposure monitoring code and click monitoring code of the third-party monitoring platform.

Brand protection: Select the brand safety supplier that the DSP platform has connected and fill in the corresponding information.

Anti-fraud: Set up to filter fraudulent traffic. Some DSP platforms have anti-fraud mechanisms themselves, but some advertisers will also find third-party anti-fraud suppliers for traffic filtering in order to ensure the effectiveness and reduce waste.

03 Review Phase

Based on the actual feedback data during the advertising period, the brand can summarize the experience and guide subsequent campaigns through comparison, attribution, segmentation, and intersection.

Media optimization: Make the optimal media combination according to the media crowd matching degree, media overlap degree, and media saturation degree. Media matching degree refers to the ratio of the advertiser’s target audience that can be covered in the media; Media overlap degree refers to the ratio of the target audience that overlaps between multiple media; Media saturation degree refers to the ratio of the target audience that has been covered in the media to the total target audience of the media.

Creative Optimization: The match between the ad’s creative and its intended message plays a significant role in determining the effectiveness of an ad campaign. Ad matching refers to how well the creative aligns with the ad’s appeal.

Frequency Adjustment: Identify the optimal frequency by analyzing data from groups exposed to different levels of ad impressions, and establish reasonable frequency capping.

Audience Adjustment: Depending on the scale of the target audience and their conversion outcomes, you can correspondingly increase or decrease the targeting of audience segments.

Viewable Exposure Optimization: Optimize based on data from ad viewability, analyzing visibility metrics across various ad placements, regions, times, and browsers (for instance, visibility might be lower in certain areas or browsers due to differences in audience characteristics or internet connectivity issues). Filter out those with low viewability and fine-tune the advertksk g with various campaign settings to form the best combination.




China’s Media Platforms’ Regulatory Guidelines for Advertising Content

China’s Media Platforms’ Regulatory Guidelines for Advertising Content


发布时间:2024-07-15   作者:

For advertisers, after navigating through the initial strategy formulation, plan refinement, and qualification review, only to be thwarted by media platforms repeatedly returning advertising materials and even facing penalties and restrictions from the platforms due to non-compliant materials, it’s a loss that no one wants. The following guidelines from China’s top traffic platforms can help brands avoid pitfalls in advance, thus smoothly advancing their deployment plans.对于广告主来说,经过最初的策略制定、方案细化、资质审核后,却被媒体平台屡屡退回广告材料所阻,甚至因材料不合规而面临平台的处罚和限制,这是一种无可挽回的损失。一个想要。以下来自中国顶级流量平台的指引,可以帮助品牌提前规避陷阱,从而顺利推进布局计划。

01 Advertising Must Not Have the Following Circumstances

  • Use or indirectly use the national flag, national anthem, national emblem, military flag, military anthem, or military emblem of the People’s Republic of China.

  • Use or indirectly use the name or image of state organs or their staff.

  • Must not exploit the images of party and state leaders (including various cartoon virtual images), including current, former, or deceased party and state leaders for commercial promotion.

  • Impair the dignity or interests of the state, or disclose state secrets.

  • Disrupt social stability or harm the public interest of society.

  • Endanger personal or property safety, or disclose personal privacy.

  • Disrupt public order or violate social ethics.

  • Contain obscene, pornographic, gambling, superstitious, terrorist, or violent content.

  • Contain content discriminating against ethnicity, race, religion, or gender.

  • Impede environmental, natural resource, or cultural heritage protection.

  • Other circumstances prohibited by laws or administrative regulations.

02 Advertising Must Not Contain False or Misleading Content, Must Not Deceive or Mislead Consumers

  • Advertising should be recognizable, allowing consumers to identify it as such.

  • Must not disguise advertising in the form of news reports. Advertisements published through mass media should prominently display “Advertisement” to distinguish from other non-advertising information, preventing consumer misunderstanding.

  • Must not deceive or mislead consumers with non-existent goods or services.

  • Must not present information about the product’s performance, function, origin, purpose, quality, specifications, ingredients, price, manufacturer, shelf life, sales status, honors received, or promises related to goods or services that do not match the actual situation.

  • Must not use fabricated, forged, or unverifiable scientific research results, statistical data, survey results, excerpts, quotes, or other information as proof.

  • Must not fabricate the effects of using products or receiving services.

  • Apart from the above, must not deceive or mislead consumers with false or misleading content.

03 Prohibition of Using Absolute Phrases Such as “National Level,” “Highest Grade,” “Best,” etc.

Advertising is prohibited from using absolute phrases such as “national level,” “highest grade,” “best,” “top level,” “number one brand,” “elite,” “supreme,” “most popular,” etc. Expressions in the form of “one of the most…” are considered to represent the highest degree of an adjective and are also prohibited in advertising. However, objective statements that meet the following specific conditions can be used:

Objective factual statements, but legal evidence should be provided.

“XX Competition First Place” falls into this category. For example, if an advertiser participates in an authoritative competition or an analysis report issued by an authoritative institution shows their winning rank, such as a design company winning first place in an international competition. If the “national level” title is obtained through legal or administrative authorization (non-authoritative awards without legal or regulatory authorization do not qualify), the standardized name should be allowed for use. Advertisers should provide award certificates, selection results, and other relevant proof documents.

Temporal or spatial order statements, but legal evidence should be provided.

Expressions such as “first model, debut, first release, earliest, exclusive, only” belong to this category. For example, if game company A launches mobile game B for the first time, it can be described as “A’s first mobile game” or “A’s first mobile game.” If advertiser A obtains exclusive authorization for a game, they may use “A’s exclusive release” or “A platform’s first launch” in advertising. Advertisers should provide authorization letters, copyright registration certificates, and other relevant proof documents.

Explicit self-comparison of degree grading.

This refers to the objective existence of different grading quality products in one’s own products, and the use of words to distinguish these grades.

For example: The largest housing model of Company X, the smallest size of Product X, the top configuration model of the X series of cars, the mobile game with the most users of Company X, etc.

Grading recognized by relevant standards in a certain industry field, or grading widely accepted by the public.

For example: In the national standard of Anji white tea, the product is divided into four quality grades: “boutique, special grade, first grade, second grade”. For specific “boutique grade” Anji white tea advertisements called “the highest grade” or “the highest level” usually do not belong to the absolute words prohibited from use. Advertisers need to provide relevant grading basis and grade inspection certificates, and must not promote multiple grades as the highest level at the same time.

Explicitly indicate the business philosophy and pursuit goals of the merchant, and objectively there is no possibility of misleading.

“Customer first, strive for perfect quality” and so on belong to this category. Such expressions must not lead consumers to think that the advertiser’s products and services are “first” or “perfect”, that is, they must not lead consumers to link the advertiser’s business philosophy or pursuit goals with the quality of products and services.

04 Standards for Data and Material Citation

Any content cited in advertising is considered part of the advertising content itself. Therefore, the expression of cited content must also comply with the relevant regulations of the Advertising Law, and the review standards for the expression of cited content are consistent with the general advertising content review standards. When using data, statistical materials, survey results, excerpts, quotes, and other cited content in advertising, it must be true, accurate, and indicate the source. If the cited content has an applicable scope and a validity period, it should be clearly stated. The following are prohibited for cited materials:

  • Cited materials must not involve the highest level of expression, national level expression, and other content that violates the relevant provisions of the Advertising Law.

  • Cited materials must not involve obviously false propaganda content.

  • Cited materials should be consistent with the original content and must not be fabricated, switched, or exaggerated. They must not engage in taking things out of context, concealing facts, distorting the original meaning, or causing misunderstandings among the audience.

  • It is forbidden to use consumer evaluations, beneficiary images, and other related comments from individual natural persons or users as cited materials.

05 Standards for Patent Expression in Advertising

  • When using patented products or patent methods in advertising, the patent number and type should be indicated.

  • Those who have not obtained patent rights must not falsely claim to have obtained patent rights in advertising.

  • It is forbidden to use patent applications that have not been granted and patents that have been terminated, revoked, or invalidated for advertising.

06 Regarding the Use of Names, Images, Copyright, and Trademarks

  • Utilizing the name or image of another party (including individuals, enterprises, and other organizations) in advertising requires prior written consent; for those without or limited civil conduct capacity, consent must be obtained from their guardians. Proof of authorization must be provided for such use.

  • Unauthorized use of others’ works and trademarks is prohibited; consent and proof of authorization are mandatory when needed.

  • According to the “Trademark Law of the People’s Republic of China,” producers and operators are prohibited from using the term “well-known trademark” on products, packaging, containers, or in advertising, exhibitions, and other commercial activities; the term must not appear in advertisements.

07 Compliance with Advertising Endorsement Rules

An advertising endorser is a natural person, legal entity, or other organization that recommends or certifies goods or services in their own name or image, apart from the advertiser. The following rules must be observed when using an endorser in advertising:

  • Endorsements must be based on facts, comply with relevant laws and regulations, and must not endorse goods or services that the endorser has not used or received.

  • Minors under ten years of age may not be used as advertising endorsers. When using minors, verify their age (under ten is prohibited) and obtain authorization from the minor and their legal guardians.

  • The names or images of medical institutions or doctors must not be used in food advertising. Expert or consumer names or images must not be used to certify specific effects in food advertising.

  • Investment-expected goods or services, education, and training advertisements must not use the names or images of research institutions, academic bodies, educational institutions, industry associations, professionals, or beneficiaries for recommendations or certifications.

  • Medical, pharmaceutical, medical device, and health food advertisements must not utilize endorsers for recommendations or certifications.

  • Advertisements for pesticides, veterinary drugs, feed, feed additives, crop seeds, forest seeds, grass seeds, breeding livestock, and aquaculture must not use the names or images of research institutions, academic bodies, technology promotion organizations, industry associations, or professionals, or users for recommendations or certifications.

  • Natural persons, legal entities, or other organizations that have received administrative penalties for endorsements in false advertisements within the past three years must not be used as endorsers.

08 Protection Regulations for Minors

Advertisements for goods or services targeting minors under fourteen years of age must not contain the following: 

  • Encouraging them to demand that their parents purchase the advertised goods or services. 

  • Content that may prompt imitation of unsafe behaviors.

  • Mass media targeting minors must not publish advertisements for medical treatment, drugs, health foods, medical devices, cosmetics, alcohol, beauty products, or online games detrimental to the physical and mental health of minors.

09 Prohibition of Disparaging Other Producers’ Goods or Services

  • Advertisements must not fabricate or invent facts to defame or belittle others’ products or services.

  • Advertisements must not indirectly belittle others’ products or services by claiming superiority in quality, price, etc.

10 Standardization and Regulation of Advertising Language

  • Pinyin must not be used in isolation in advertisements; when used, it should be correct, standardized, and appear alongside standardized Chinese characters.

  • The use of numbers, punctuation, measurement units, etc., in advertisements must comply with national standards and regulations.

  • Foreign languages must not be used in isolation in advertisements; when necessary, they should complement Mandarin and standardized Chinese characters.

  • The use of idioms in advertisements must adhere to national regulations and must not mislead or negatively impact society.

  • Handwritten fonts, artistic fonts, variant characters, and ancient scripts used in advertisements for creative purposes must be recognizable and must not mislead.

The following are prohibited in advertising language and script:

  • The use of incorrect characters.

  • The use of traditional characters in violation of national laws and regulations.

  • The use of obsolete variant and simplified characters.

  • The use of obsolete print character forms.

  • Other non-standard uses of language and script.

11 Respect for Heroes and Martyrs

  • Commercial advertisements must not use or indirectly use the names or portraits of heroes and martyrs.

  • Commercial advertisements must not feature the Monument to the People’s Heroes in Tiananmen Square, Beijing, or any related names, inscriptions, texts, reliefs, graphics, or logos.

  • Images or videos depicting activities that harm the environment or atmosphere of memorial facilities for heroes and martyrs are prohibited.

  • No promotion or glorification of aggressive wars or acts of aggression is allowed.

12 Miscellaneous

  • The maximum value of the top prize in lottery-style promotional sales must not exceed 50,000 yuan.

  • The depiction of the RMB is prohibited in advertisements.

  • Content implying “national inspection-exempt products” or similar regarding quality exemption is prohibited.

  • Advertisements are banned from featuring tobacco, smoking images, including real and cartoon characters, and the promotion of cigarettes and e-cigarettes is forbidden.

  • Advertisements must not be disguised as news reports.

  • Advertisements must not contain content such as “special supply” or “exclusive supply” to state organs, with specific requirements as follows:

  • Content containing “special supply” or “exclusive supply” to state organs or similar.

  • Using names of specific locations or landmark buildings closely associated with state organs, and using state banquets, state guests, etc., to promote “special supply” or “exclusive supply.”

  • Falsely using “special supply,” “exclusive supply,” or similar names to sell goods or services, engaging in misleading false propaganda.

  • Other content containing “special supply,” “exclusive supply” to state organs, and similar, which may cause adverse social impact.

  • Except for the above, if a product is specially made by the manufacturer for a specific region or event (such as special packaging, models), it can be used, such as “exclusively supplied to Hangzhou area.”


